Working Prophet

Chapter 120 The Little Maid’s First Lesson

Fitzwilliam was then invited into the village by the enthusiastic lizard people, and he saw more things.

Wherever the shipwright looked, production and construction was going on in full swing.

In addition to those figures wielding scythes to harvest crops in the crisscrossing fields, Fitzwilliam also saw pieces of wood being pulled back from the direction of the swamp and stacked under the hay sheds. good.

Groups of people who looked like carpenters were picking through the hay shed. After selecting the wood they wanted, they started processing it on the spot.

Crab Point is located in the east of the empire, and there are almost no brick kilns there, so Fitzwilliam couldn't identify those smoking bread-shaped buildings, and could only barely guess what the lizard people should be firing.

But he was a shipwright himself and was very familiar with carpentry work.

However, Fitzwilliam stood by the hayloft and looked at it for a while, and soon discovered the difference.

Carpenters in Crab Point often use right-angled wooden rulers and compasses to measure before processing.

Especially the square ruler is easy to use, but because of its limited length, if the thing you want to measure is relatively long, you have to measure it in sections or cut out a rope of the same length first.

But here, in addition to the above two kinds of measuring tools, people use a small round cake that can be held with one hand, and a thin iron piece with a scale can be pulled out from it.

Those thin iron pieces can be pulled out a long distance. After marking, they can snap back when you release your finger, which is very convenient.

The shipwright looked at it and exclaimed that it was magical, thinking that if this little thing was used to build a ship, especially a big ship, it must be very useful, but Fitzwilliam soon came back to his senses.

Now that he has been exiled to the Western Region, there is no ship left to build.

He shook his head to get rid of this somewhat nonsense idea, and then looked down.

After completing the measurements, the carpenters began cutting. The tools used were traditional axes and wedges. If thick boards were processed, a two-man vertical saw would be used.

This was no different from the carpenters at Crab Point, but during the subsequent renovation process, the carpenters here used something that Fitzwilliam had never seen before.

It was a rectangular tool with two short handles on the side, which could be held and pushed by hand. Soon the surface of the wooden board being pushed would become flat.

In other places, this part of the work is done with chisels and axes. The efficiency is obviously not so high, and it has high requirements for the carpenter's skill level.

In addition, Fitzwilliam also saw a lot of wooden frames that had been erected in the village. The styles and sizes were all standardized. Standing there neatly, they should be planning to build houses.

I just don’t know why I haven’t started using mud to plaster the walls.

It wasn't until the boatman saw several brick houses under construction on the other side of the village that he got the answer, and then he was invited to visit a brick house that had already been built.

It was the first brick house built in the village, with gray tiles and red walls, two bedrooms and one living room, and a kitchen attached.

The brick house itself does not occupy a large area, about sixty square meters, which is only half the size of the most common thatched hut on the Bratis continent.

However, all rooms are separated by brick walls, forming independent spaces. In addition, the ground is also covered with tiles, no longer the original dirt floor.

In this way, it will be very dry even if it is raining, and it can also prevent poisonous insects from drilling out of the ground. In addition, the waterproofness of the tiles covered on the roof is much better than thatch, and even if there is a heavy rain, there will be almost no raindrops Falling inside the house also greatly reduces the risk of fire.

In order to take care of his sick younger sister, Fitzwilliam stayed in Teacup Castle after he arrived in Greenfield. He has not been assigned to the farm yet, but other members of the family who were sent with him have already arrived at them one after another. new home.

When Jane's health was almost healed, the shipwright also visited the nearest ones.

For nobles who are accustomed to living in towns and castles, their residence in the green fields may be slightly better than a dark dungeon.

At least there was sunshine and some freedom.

However, apart from these two things, other places are not much different from dungeons.

There is also no bed or furniture, the dirty environment, the walls, doors and windows leaking everywhere, and the strong smell of livestock in the house, which cannot be cleaned no matter what.

Once it rains, wooden barrels have to be used to catch the water. Some people can't stand the rain leaking in the sleeping place. They approached the steward of the farm to ask for help, and the reply was to fix it by themselves.

This is not because the manager is deliberately bullying these newcomers, because after renting these houses to farmers, they are indeed maintained by the farmers themselves.

It's just that most of the nobles of the Weiting family don't know how to repair the roof. Some people wanted to challenge their limits, but they broke their legs, so the others also dismissed this idea and could only continue to make do with it.

In comparison, the brick houses being built in this village on the edge of the swamp can be called luxurious.

Even compared to Fitzwilliam's original residence, it is not much different.

In addition to the houses for people to live in, each house is equipped with a small courtyard with pigpens and livestock sheds, so that humans and animals are separated, and there is almost no smell in the house.

Fitzwilliam looked envious.

The first brick house in Green Field was naturally given up by the lizard people to Li Yu, the prophet, to live in.

However, Li Yu is away from Bratis most of the time, so the actual owner of this house is the maid Clara.

She has now joined Shuangxiujiao. The Christian name given to her by Li Yu is Mary. I don’t expect her to discover polonium and radium one day. I just hope that she will not waste her intelligence and talents, at least she can learn and do things. Be serious.

However, for now, Li Yu's hope has been dashed.

After seeing Fitzwilliam, the little maid's eyes immediately lit up. She opened the drawer behind her with a smile, took out a small square box from it, and said to the shipwright.

"The Prophet is not here right now. He will not come back until midnight tonight."

Fitzwilliam nodded, "It's okay, I can wait. It's very interesting here. There are a lot of novel things. I want to hang out outside more."

"We can discuss the matter later," Clara said with a serious look, "You said you want to join the Shuangxiu Sect, but do you know what the most important doctrine of the Shuangxiu Sect is?"

The shipwright was stunned when he heard this, and then he immediately said respectfully, "Please give me some advice."

"Enjoy life. Every Saturday believer should have a deep understanding of the importance of rest and entertainment. Let me teach you now."

Clara said as she opened the card box in her hand.

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