Working Prophet

Chapter 117 Intelligence, Foolishness and Kindness

When he saw Li Yu for the first time, Fitzwilliam was full of vigilance towards this human being dressed in a black suit with only a pair of eyes exposed.

The man in front of him was too young. His experience was incomparable with that of an old priest like Tessa who had been practicing medicine for many years. Moreover, when the shipwright asked Li Yu how many people he had cured, the latter's answer once again confirmed this. a little.

"About thirty or forty people."

The man replied like this.

Although Fitzwilliam was disappointed, he still asked, "Then are you sure you can cure my sister?"


The shipwright looked at Miss Rabbit aside.

But before he could speak, Li Yu said again, "Don't be picky at this time. Haven't you already asked the priest of Silver Moon Church to take a look before? Has she cured the child... Well, Or if you can find other people who can cure your younger sister besides me, I can also leave immediately."

"No, don't! Please save my sister!" Fitzwilliam gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Li Yu. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't question you and the gods behind you."

"What's wrong with this? If I hadn't cured your sister, you would probably think that I was a trickster sent by Ilea to deceive you and make you think that she had tried her best. Maybe you would still think of me because of this. Jealous of us."

The shipwright looked embarrassed when he was told something that was on his mind.

"It doesn't matter. The doctor-patient relationship is always the same no matter where you are." Li Yu's expression remained unchanged, "If you have nothing else to do, just get out of the way. I'm going to start saving people."

Fitzwilliam silently stepped aside after hearing this.

Not only because he really had no other choice but to place his last hope on the weirdo in black clothes in front of him, but also because the calm temperament exuded by Li Yu infected him, giving him a trace of hope in his already dead heart. look forward to.

But what really shocked the boatman was that after Jane swallowed a small white disc, after a while, her body temperature miraculously began to drop, and she also regained some consciousness.

Fitzwilliam held his frail sister and cried with joy.

However, Li Yu on the side reminded, "Don't be too happy. She will probably still have a fever in the afternoon. Give her another piece of this medicine then. It will be the same in the future... no more than four pills a day. In short, Control her temperature first."

Then Li Yu observed Jane for a long time.

The girl was lucky and did not have an allergic reaction. Although she still felt uncomfortable and moaned from time to time, her physical signs gradually stabilized.

However, if the condition wants to improve, it usually takes two days.

Li Yu reserved enough antibiotics and antipyretics for three days, and then told the boatman the dosage and time of taking each medicine.

Tell him to make Jane take medicine on time, even if she no longer has diarrhea.

The treatment of acute dysentery generally takes 7 to 10 days, and the treatment time should be extended in severe cases.

And if it is not cured completely, it is likely to become chronic dysentery, and it will be even more troublesome to cure it at that time, and it will take several courses of treatment.

After talking about the medication, Li Yu asked the maid who took care of Jane to be careful when cleaning up Jane's excrement and vomitus. Do not mix those things with domestic water, cover your mouth and nose, and do not touch it with your hands. bump.

In addition, when preparing meals, liquid food should be used as the main food, and tableware should be used only by designated persons.

Dysentery is contagious, although not too highly.

But if you don't pay attention, it will spread. Li Yu doesn't want to see everyone in the castle vomiting and having diarrhea when he comes next time.

After thinking for a while, Li Yu called his first believer, Hera, over.

She was given some antibiotics and ibuprofen and asked to keep it safe.

After all, Li Yu would only be in Bratis Continent one day out of three days, so he had to make some preparations for his absence, forget about others, especially to save the life of a certain rabbit.

This is to prevent the partners you have finally selected and cultivated half gone.

Li Yu had no intention of founding his own country, because monarchical power was temporary, while divine power was more durable, and governing a country usually involved too many trivial matters to deal with, which required a lot of energy.

Li Yu's purpose is to preach and collect beliefs. The latter was also the only thing he could take away from this continent.

Except for the fact that he had to do the proofing of the first piece of land by himself, he didn't want to be so hands-on in the future. At most, he just wanted to grasp the general direction.

Ilea is indispensable in Li Yu's future plans.

The path he chose did not require a strong king. On the contrary, the existence of a strong king was very dangerous to the divine power, but Li Yu did not want a weak king to harm the people of this land.

Although in a sense, suffering circumstances may actually accelerate the spread of faith.

But this method violated his original intention of establishing Shuangxiujiao, so Li Yu finally chose a kind monarch.

She may be wavering, weak, and easily swayed by other people's opinions, but at the same time, this also means that she can listen to advice and will constantly reflect on herself. After making a wrong decision, she will look back in time because of the kindness in her heart. .

For example, right now, Ilea has been following Li Yu, watching him treat Jane and helping him.

He looked like a primary school student who came last in the class in the midterm exam and came back to help his mother with housework.

After Li Yu handed over to the maid, he took off the rubber gloves on his hands and walked out of the room.

But before he could say anything to Ilea behind him, he heard another thud.

But the shipwright on the side knelt down again.

And this time he kneeled sincerely.

Fitzwilliam did not expect that all the herbalists in the green field would be helpless, and even the priests of the Silver Moon Church considered the terminal illness to be hopeless. The young prophet in black clothes in front of him asked a few words casually, and turned it over. After a few pages of the book and some strange little bottles, I was able to control it easily.

At the same time, he listened to Li Yu, and the subsequent treatment was not troublesome, and Jane had a high chance of recovery.

This is nothing short of a miracle!

And Li Yu was no different from a god in the eyes of the shipbuilder.

He said excitedly, "Please, please tell me your name! As long as my sister can live, from now on I will follow your footsteps and become your believer until death!!!"

"I'm not a god, I'm just a prophet. My god's name is Saturday. As for you wanting to become a believer on Saturday..." Li Yu paused and looked at Ilea.

The girl was also happy for the brother and sister at this time. Seeing Li Yu suddenly looking at her, still a little unresponsive, she subconsciously asked, "He said he wanted to become a Saturday believer. What do you think I do?"

"I don't have the right to preach outside the sect's territory, have you forgotten?" Li Yu said lightly.

"Well...even though it is outside the territory of the sect, his sister was resurrected by you. Since he has decided not to believe it on Saturdays, I don't have any reason to stop him."

Miss Rabbit blurted out, but after finishing speaking, she felt that something was wrong.

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