Working Prophet

Chapter 115 What is devoutness

After Li Yu left, Ilea read the hymnbook for a while and then went to bed.

She didn't know how long she had slept, but she vaguely heard someone shouting, accompanied by crying.

Miss Rabbit thought she had a nightmare, but after she opened her eyes from the bed, the shouting did not disappear.

The girl woke up immediately. She put on some clothes, got up from the bed, opened the window, and saw a figure in the night being carried to the open space in front of the stone castle by the guards.

Ilea used the moonlight to vaguely identify the figure as Fitzwilliam, who claimed to be the shipwright in the morning.

So she probably guessed what happened, and immediately lost all sleep, she quickly ran downstairs and came to the outside of the room where Jane was placed.

I happened to bump into a maid coming out of it. The maid was holding an empty bowl in her hand. There were still some medicine residues in the bowl.

Miss Rabbit asked, "How is she?"

The maid walked with her head lowered. She didn't expect that there would be another person outside the house. She was startled and almost dropped the wooden bowl in her hand to the ground. When she saw the person clearly, she was frightened for the second time.

"Miss...Ilea," the maid stammered, "I followed your instructions and took good care of the child, but she...she was too sick.

"Just when the abdominal pain started again and patches appeared on the skin, her brother started clamoring for us to call the herbalist again."

"Have you gone to see the herbalist?" Ilea asked.

"Go, you said that we should try our best to satisfy any requirements they have. I went to wake up Vic Herbalist from the bed, but Vic Herbalist had no choice but to give her the medicine that was prescribed to her before. I cooked another bowl, but after Jane drank it, she started vomiting and almost vomited it out."

"Then did you pray for her as I told you?" Ilea said again with a serious face, "Now only the goddess Pisiya can save the child."

"I did this, but... the child and her brother, they are believers of Poseidon Claudius, and they are only willing to pray to Claudius." The maid hesitated for a moment and said.

Miss Rabbit rubbed her temples and said with a headache, "Why are there another group of pagans? Poseidon Claudius, uh... didn't you tell them that this is the West? It's far away from the sea, and Claudius can't care about it." Come here."

"I'll go tell them right now."

"Forget it, you should stay here to take care of the child. I'll go talk to her brother."

After Ilea finished speaking, she walked out of the stone castle without waiting for the maid to answer.

Fitzwilliam's shouts at this time had become very small, because he was tied up outside the stable by the guards, and a piece of torn linen was stuffed in his mouth, so he could only make a rough snorting sound.

Miss Rabbit walked up to him and said to him, "If you have something to say, talk it over and don't make a fuss. You were also a noble before, so you should understand this."

Fitzwilliam stared at Ilea, whimpering indistinctly.

Miss Rabbit continued, "If you can promise not to yell anymore, I will ask the guards to remove the linen from your mouth so that you can speak. Then you can tell me whatever you want to say. If you agree, Just wink.”

The shipwright blinked when he heard this.

The girls also allowed Fitzwilliam to regain the ability to speak according to their mutual agreement, and the first sentence the latter said was still, "I beg you, please save my sister!"

"You have seen what I did for you brothers and sisters today. I have tried my best to save your sister, and I even went to Black Rock City to invite the priests of the Silver Moon Church. No other lord would do this to the common people in their territory.

Ilea took a deep breath and said, "I'm not going to lie to you. Recently, many people have died in my territory, including my relatives and guards. They haven't been able to enjoy the benefits of your sister. ... Such good medical conditions.

"I don't expect you to be grateful to me, but at least don't make any more trouble. I told you to pray to the goddess of silver moon, but why didn't you listen? You still think about the Claudius that your family believes in, If it can really protect you, how could you end up in my territory?"

Fitzwilliam's eyes were red, and he panted roughly, "Miss Ilea, I am very grateful for everything you have done for my sister, we are not stubborn people, Claudius is indeed a member of the family that has been around for thousands of years. The gods we believe in, but after that incident, we are no longer as pious as before."

The girl frowned, "Then why..."

"But the Silver Moon Goddess can't save my sister, can she?" The shipwright stared into Ilea's eyes, as if he wanted to see through the girl's entire being.

"The old priest of Silver Moon Church asked you to talk to you privately behind my back. Does she think my sister is hopeless?"

Ilea was startled when she heard this. Although she did not answer, her silence said everything.

A smile that was uglier than crying appeared on Fitzwilliam's face, "Look, it's not that I insist on holding on to our god, but because apart from him, I really can't think of anyone else who can save my sister.

"Not to mention Claudius who once abandoned the family, even those evil gods, evil gods, as long as my sister can live, I will not hesitate to believe in it, and even sacrifice my life for it."

The boatman's words made the girl feel a little moved, and then she felt a little confused.

Shouldn’t believers’ reverence for gods be unconditional?

Piety is an important quality that has been mentioned repeatedly in any sect.

But the girl asked herself, if she were put in the same situation as Fitzwilliam, her choice would not be any different.

In fact, just when the lizardmen were about to surround Teacup Castle, Miss Rabbit herself secretly prayed to Saturday, although she later crossed out the pattern on the tree.

In contrast, Jude was more straightforward. This descendant of the Enriquez family directly denounced all the gods on the continent of Bratis as liars and clowns, but he was afraid and reverent of only one god. .

Because that god possesses miraculous power that he has witnessed with his own eyes.

And those great powers and miracles were also not unfamiliar to Ilea, so much so that she had become numb and accustomed to them, so that she gradually turned a blind eye to them.

Ilea suddenly understood why she was so impetuous and anxious during this period.

It's not because she is not pious enough to the goddess, on the contrary, because of her connection with Pisiya, she always wants to subconsciously ignore another force around her, that real and powerful force.

She feared that force would cause her to continue to waver and make politically unwise decisions.

But she shouldn't make choices for others because of her own fear, especially life-threatening choices.

After another moment of silence, the girl spoke again, "Maybe your sister can still be saved."

However, Fitzwilliam suddenly became discouraged at this moment. There was no trace of blood on his already pale face. "You don't have to lie to me. I know that the Silver Moon Goddess is the most powerful god in the West. If she is even She is helpless, so my sister..."

"No. Pisiya is not the most powerful god in the West." Ilea interrupted the shipwright.

As soon as she said these words, Fitzwilliam was stunned.

The young man of the Weiting family has never seen a believer admit personally that the god he worships is not the strongest in his life.

The girl did not give him a chance to continue questioning, and followed what she said before, "You are lucky. The spokesperson of the gods in the world is now in the green field. I will send someone to invite him now, and you should go back and take care of you." Sister, you must let your sister hold on until that person comes back."

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