Working Prophet

Chapter 106 Not good, poisonous!

The other nobles were amazed when they saw Leo, and they also had a new interest in the ordinary roast chicken in front of them, and they started to taste it one after another.

As a result, you won’t know if you don’t try it. You will be shocked when you try it, and you will be full of praise immediately after eating it.

Just like Yangzhou fried rice does not originate from Yangzhou, Lanzhou ramen comes from Hualong, Qinghai Province. People in New Orleans, located in a distant foreign country, actually don’t know what the taste of New Orleans, which is popular in the East, is like.

But this does not prevent it from firmly occupying a place in the barbecue market.

This seasoning, which is a mixture of various spices, has a strong taste. After one sip, sweetness, spiciness, onion, garlic, cumin, and pepper are all fighting on the tip of the tongue.

Especially if you eat it for the first time, it will often leave a deep impression on people.

Not to mention Bratis, which has always been very scarce in seasonings, is even more outstanding.

Even Leo, who has been living in the royal capital before, has never tasted such a rich taste.

In just a short while, half of the roast chicken was eaten, and then the waiters who had served before came in again, but this time they did not serve other dishes, but gave each guest a small plate.

There was a small piece of something red and shiny in the plate.

With the experience of the previous two times, this time before Leo could try it first, there were already people who couldn't help but be curious, dipped their fingers into some and put it in their mouths, but the next moment his expression changed drastically and he blurted out, "Not good." ,poisonous!"

The others were also frightened, and hurriedly dropped the food in their hands, and some swept the plates to the ground.

But after jumping around for a while, I looked at the man who yelled poisonous before, but nothing happened, he was still alive and kicking.

The man himself was a little embarrassed, but he still advised, "You really can't eat this thing, so I licked it, and there was a burning sensation on my tongue, which hasn't subsided yet. Maybe it's a chronic poison, or maybe it's a chronic poison." I didn’t eat much, so I was fine.”

There is no chili on the continent of Bratis, and there is no related trade. People living in this land naturally have never tasted the taste of chili.

Although there was some chili powder in the Orleans barbecue sauce before, the amount is not too much, and most people can accept it.

But after switching to chili sauce, some people can't stand it.

However, not long after the man finished speaking, Ilea, who was sitting in the main seat, clarified, "This thing is called Lao Ganma. It is a condiment. It is not eaten alone. It must be eaten with meat or bread." Going to dip it, but the taste is really more...well, exciting,

"I can guarantee that there is no poison in it. It is normal for your tongue to feel numb or burnt. You can choose to eat or not."

After Miss Rabbit finished speaking, she demonstrated it herself, dipped the chicken into Laoganma, and put it in her mouth.

As a result, she shivered and almost spit out the chicken, but on the surface she still pretended to be nonchalant, kept smiling, and finished the piece of roasted chicken.

Not to mention, this thing is spicy, but it is quite fragrant.

After Ilea finished eating, she hurriedly ate half a slice of bread to relieve the taste in her mouth, but after a while, she couldn't resist taking a piece of chicken to dip it in.

And this time she was smarter. Instead of soaking the whole chicken in it, she dipped a corner first. After eating it, it didn't burn her mouth as much as before, and it was easier to taste the taste.

Except for Leo and David, the nobles sitting here are all from major families in the West and are core members of the family, but they are not the first heirs. Their status is extraordinary, but they are not extraordinary enough to be murdered. Degree.

Seeing that the Patriarch of the Arias family set an example in person, the poison would naturally be broken as soon as it was mentioned, and even Angela didn't make a fuss about it.

After all, the Arias family and most other families have no grievances. There is no reason to kill everyone who came to the banquet. If you really want to do such a heartbreaking thing, you have to face all the families in the West. Anger, not only Ilea, the head of the family, but the whole family may have to get involved.

It just doesn't make sense logically.

After a false alarm, the harmonious atmosphere in the hall quickly returned to the previous one.

Even the daring ones began to imitate Ilea, and dipped the old godmother with meat or bread, but the ensuing evaluations were polarized.

Some people gradually like this spicy taste, and some people can't stand the super-standard spiciness.

But anyway, it's your choice. If you don't like it, just don't dip it. You can continue to eat New Orleans grilled chicken, and everyone will be happy. Moreover, the appearance of this spicy and fragrant seasoning also adds to the topic of the banquet.

Many people still miss this taste after they go back. Unfortunately, they can't find anything similar even if they search the entire empire for a long time in the future. It does add a bit more prestige to the Arias family.

Leo also took a few bites of the hot sauce, but he wasn't too keen on the taste. What he noticed was another thing. Ilea was obviously a little overwhelmed by the hot sauce on the plate at first.

It was the waiter at the side who whispered a few words in her ear before she stood up to explain and demonstrate.

In other words, this thing is probably the same as the previous senbei snow cake. It is not from the Arias family, but from the hands of the foreigner named Merlin in black clothes.

Not only these, but also the popular New Orleans grilled chicken. Although it is freshly grilled, it may be possible to produce such a unique taste, which is obviously not something that the Arias family's cooks can do.

These days, Leo also got to know Ilea and the Arias family during his free time.

It turned out that this was just an ordinary little border lord, and that there was not much that was surprising about her equally ordinary family.

The reason why he has been in the limelight recently is probably because of the mysterious foreigner who suddenly appeared.

This made Leo's interest in Li Yu even stronger. He didn't expect that his trip to the West would bring such unexpected surprises.

Miss Rabbit on the other side was still maintaining her aristocratic reserve on the surface, but deep down she was actually smiling almost crookedly.

As soon as Li Yu came, the depression accumulated in her chest was swept away.

Although Ilea didn't know what a cool plot was, it didn't stop her from being immersed in it. Nothing was more refreshing than watching Angela, who had been struggling with her, being slapped in the face while speaking harshly. yes!

Miss Rabbit is like drinking a jar of honey, sweet from head to toe. The taste is even more addictive than New Orleans grilled chicken with Lao Ganma.

On the other hand, Angela felt that she was almost depressed at the moment, and her face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water. She didn't expect that she would have such a miserable day, being ridden on the face by a country rabbit, and she finally managed to rely on nonsense. I barely managed to offset the influence of the senbei and snow pancakes, but turned around and was knocked to the ground by the grilled chicken chili sauce.

Chili pepper was introduced to Europe around the end of the 15th century. And the large-scale epidemic was relatively late. At that time, some people insisted that peppers were poisonous.

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