"Xiao Jin, I can release the big sword and them."

"Of course." The small golden pagoda shook slightly, and Da Dao and his team appeared in the tenth level of space. "Master, your orders are above all else."

"Master? Lin Cang, did you succeed?" The strong man with a big sword was stunned when he heard Xiao Jin's name, and his men all opened their mouths.

Lin Cang: "Once you become famous, you will be free in the future."

"Am I free?" The strong man with a broadsword was stunned and murmured.

Ten Thousand Years in prison is over?

Can you go back to your hometown?

"No, we can't leave the domain tower yet." The strong man with a big sword came back to his senses and thanked Lin Cang, "You said you wanted to attack the Wen clan, and I, the big sword, must help with this!"

"Lin Cang, we have no bodies now and can only rely on the Domain Tower to survive. It's better to stay here to help you temporarily. You also need a group of people to maintain the interior of the Domain Tower."

"That's fine." Lin Cang smiled, "If you don't mind staying inside the Domain Tower, of course I would prefer it. After all, no one knows this place better than you."

"But don't worry, everyone, I will let you out when I have a new solution and help you recover your physical body."

The strong men with big swords and these people had their souls suppressed by Xiao Jin back then, so they are theoretically considered dead.

However, since they were all at the lower king level during their lifetime, their soul power was very huge, and with the help of Xiao Jin, they were no different from living people, except that they could not leave the Domain Tower for too long.

There is a way to reshape the body in the Sin Realm, and it is not very difficult. The only difficulty is how to maintain the state of the soul.

Xiaojin itself has no fighting power, it can only fight with the help of its transformation ability.

Da Dao and the others are excellent domain tower sword holders. They have some combat experience in life, and they have cooperated with Xiao Jin for many years. As long as they are provided with the body, they will have the combat power of a hundred lower kings.

Of course, they can only help from within, and they can't get out of the outside world.

Thinking of this, Lin Cang immediately asked: "Xiao Jin, what is the highest level you can raise Da Dao and the others to?"

"Returning to the master, it can allow them to have the peak strength of the upper king for a short period of time, and they are the upper king who has mastered the tenth level of the domain. They are absolutely invincible."

Xiao Jin was very proud and gave an answer that surprised Lin Cang.

The pinnacle king who has completely mastered a certain field is indeed invincible.

Just when Lin Cang was surprised, a flash of light flashed across the small golden pagoda, and he spoke again, with a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Master, please don't be so happy. Unless the enemy takes the initiative to come in and fight, I can only suck in people who are not above the king level. If you break through to the lower king level, you can resist my suction."

"So...actually I still seem useless to the battle."

"Is there such a restriction?" Lin Cang was slightly disappointed after hearing this, but he quickly calmed down, "Forget it, Xiao Jin, you are already very powerful, leave the rest to me."

"Although Flying Thunder God can't bring people from the outside to break through your little world, I think illusions should play a big role. As long as I prevent the enemies from resisting, you can suck them into the domain tower space and kill them."

"Okay!" Xiao Jin regained his confidence after listening to Lin Cang's words, and said proudly: "As long as the enemy enters my domain tower space, he will definitely die. Without your and my permission, even the emperor can't even think of forcing his way out by his own strength."

After hearing this, Lin Cang nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, I have another way to use you, which will allow you to exert greater power."

"What method?" Xiao Jin, Da Dao and others were curious.

"Of course the Great Elder is here. His old man is guarding the entrance to the Uzbek tribe's alien space. This saves you, the little beast, from using your space ability to escape." Wenbo sneered, looking confident.

"I know, mentor, there is no need to blame myself. I have my own way to get out of trouble."

After all, this is the first time that the Domain Tower has recognized its owner since ancient times. Everyone is curious about this most powerful treasure.

It's just that their strength is low and they can't affect anything.

"What, are you guys going to get violent?"

Xiao Jin turned into a mini domain tower of about 20 centimeters and returned to Lin Cang's hand. Lin Cang just held Xiao Jin with one hand and appeared in the original domain tower space.

Lin Cang glanced at the crowd and found that several patriarchs of powerful ancient tribes were there, and couldn't help but sneer.

"It's scary. The Domain Tower is actually used as a weapon?" Da Dao immediately took a breath of cold air when he saw this, "Who can withstand this?"

Di Ling shook his head helplessly at Lin Cang and sent a message secretly.

"Lin Cang, don't blame the mentor, the domain tower is too important, and my opposition is useless in front of the ethnic group."

Lin Cang knew that apart from Wen Jiang, there were only two people in the United Academy who could really take care of him, Di Ling and Qiu Yuan.

They did not participate in the robbery, but wanted to see Lin Cang's ending.

In addition to these powerful people who want to snatch the domain tower, some students and tutors from the joint schools are also there.

Upon seeing this, a flash of expectation flashed in Lin Cang's eyes. He clapped his hands and a giant Buddha, which was similar to the body of the small golden pagoda, appeared. An arm reached out from behind, grabbed the tip of the small golden pagoda, lifted it upside down, and waved it hard several times.

"Xiao Jin, please become smaller, we should go out."

The teleportation array cannot be used by outsiders without the consent of the controller, so Lin Cang is equivalent to being trapped here.

Everyone had been waiting for a long time, and they surrounded the place as soon as the domain tower space disappeared after Xiao Jin recognized his master.

"That old guy Wen Zun is so angry. Why doesn't he come and snipe me?"

After thoroughly exploring the role of Xiaojin, Lin Cang left a Flying Thunder God mark at the bottom of Xiaojin Tower.

"In this way, the Susanoo Buddha is of little use." Lin Cang secretly thought that Xiaojin and the Buddha are more suitable, and they can free up the powerful combat power of the complete Susanoo.

From now on, if the Big Buddha has Xiao Jin, he will no longer be afraid of the enemy destroying it with a power that far exceeds it. As long as it is smashed firmly, the upper king's body may not be able to withstand a blow.

"Lin Cang, just surrender and capture him. The leader of the Wu tribe is guarding the passage to the Sin Domain. You have no way to go to heaven and no way to earth. You can only be trapped here by me."

The Wu Clan's alien space only leads to two places, one is Blue Star, and the other is Sin Realm. To go to other ancient tribes, you must use the teleportation array.

In addition to the two of them, there are two powerful representatives of the ethnic groups, Murong Tianying and Di Qiu, the leader of the Di tribe.

"Yes, Master."

Lin Cang didn't find Wen Zun among these people and couldn't help but laugh.

Xiaojin's huge pagoda is like a spear in the hands of the Buddha, dancing with a whooshing sound in the air. The scene is very shocking.

"Lin Cang is out!"

Xiao Jin said that even the emperor level could not break its defense, and it was considered the hardest weapon at the moment. It is much stronger than the Daibutsu and Perfect Susana, making it an excellent weapon.

Lin Cang did not explain, but asked: "Xiao Jin, how big can your true body be?"

"How big is it? Well... ten thousand meters is no problem." Xiaojin said as he separated from Lin Cang's hand and moved back a little, quickly turning into a giant tower of ten thousand meters in the eyes of everyone.

"The Corpse Clan Leader is right. The Domain Tower has belonged to our ancient clan since ancient times. It was discovered and brought back here by our seniors." An old man from the Celestial Clan who is at the top of the king's peak said.

"That's right." Zhi Mu, the leader of the Zombie Clan, said, "Lin Cang, hand over the Domain Tower. It doesn't belong to you."

Lin Cang knew him, Tian Zhenhai, the leader of the Tian Clan.

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