The imposing Wooden Golem made Xi Changtian feel a hint of threat, and he was greatly shocked.

"How can a mere first-level spiritual level scare me? This guy is too evil. We must get rid of him today, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Lincang's threat alerted Xi Changtian, and he struck hard at the Wooden Golem with dozens of thunderbolts as thick as a water tank.

Lin Cang did not hide or use Flying Thunder God to sneak attack, but controlled Wooden Golem and Thunder Hard Gang.

Boom boom boom!

After a series of loud noises, the Susanoo armor on Wooden Golem was split open, and the body was severely damaged, almost falling apart.

"Haha, no matter how evil you are, you are still a junior who has just broken through to the spiritual level!" Corpse Chief Tian saw that the Wooden Golem was almost destroyed, and he lost a little bit of vigilance in his heart.

Lin Cang was waiting for his carelessness, and instantly activated the Flying Thunder God to teleport in front of Corpse Changtian, his eyes filled with power.


"Uh..." Zhi Changtian's eyes suddenly became distracted and he fell into Lin Cang's illusion.

Lin Cang didn't hold anything back, and the spiritual energy and eye power in his body were once again consumed crazily.

"Sage Art·Visual Equipment·True Several Thousand Hands!"


The 10,000-meter Buddha was summoned by Lin Cang wearing a Susan armor and directly attacked Zha Changtian, who was trapped in the illusion and unable to defend himself.

"Become a Buddha on top!"

Following Lin Cang's thought, thousands of arms behind Susana Daibutsu slammed down on the position where Corpse Changtian was. The violent movement was felt by all the people and beasts within a thousand miles around him.

Boom boom boom!

The Wooden Golem violently hammered, creating a large crater several miles in diameter where Corpse Changtian was.

This scene shocked the powerful Murong tribe members who were attracted by the news of the battle. Just when they thought Lin Cang was certain to die, the battle actually ended like this.

After the attack, the Buddha disbanded and disappeared into pieces of wood.

Lin Cang gasped for breath, and his spiritual energy and eye power were greatly consumed under his full attack.

But this is not the realm of sin. His tyrannical body can unscrupulously absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to recover, and his breathing soon stabilizes.

"Is he dead? He is really vulnerable."

Lin Cang looked at Changtian, who had no body left in the middle of the pit, with a cold look on his face.

After solving the problem, Tian Lincang immediately supported the three beasts, but when he saw the performance of the three beasts, he gave up the idea and watched the battle leisurely with his arms folded.

At the end of the battle, Lin Cang and the three beasts worked together to kill the three elders of the zombie clan, which made everyone watching the battle change their expressions and feel very uneasy.

The lower king is the backbone of a group, the real top powerhouse.

There are no more than three ethnic groups with the most middle kings, which is why the lower kings have such a high status in the ancient tribe.

"Ah!" Shiman's body was split into two, and Xiao Yin swallowed him from the waist down, leaving only his upper body floating in the air to escape.

However, this is the character of the bloody badger clan. As long as the enemy is pursued, they will kill them even if they chase them to the ends of the earth.

"Let them go, we can't stop them."

The king level can recover the lost body, but it only takes time and blood essence. Even if it recovers, it will have no fighting power for the time being. Xiao Yin has already secured the victory at this moment.

Although there are middle kings and upper kings above them, they are more symbolic than real, and they will not take action easily.

Murong Tian watched Lin Cang leave without stopping him, and said calmly: "If the patriarch takes action, he must succeed. Once he escapes, it will be a joke. There is no need to take risks for a sideline woman."

"It's not a bad idea. If the patriarch takes action, can Lin Cang stir up trouble? His old man is the top king." The guard was puzzled and continued to ask.

He is also a low-ranking king, not much stronger than the three of Shi Changtian.

Lin Cang's fighting ability made him feel that he should persuade the clan leader to re-examine the situation, and perhaps marrying Lin Cang would not be a bad idea.

"It's a pity that the Corpse Clan interferes, otherwise such an outstanding young man would belong to our clan."

"Please help?" Murong Tian said helplessly after hearing this: "Da Lin Cang can go wherever he wants. Who can keep him if he doesn't want to fight?"

Seeing this, Lily and Xiao Hui quickly took action, and the Seventh Jingmen opened fire, completely killing the seriously injured corpse.

Especially the upper king, it proves whether this ethnic group is qualified to become a super-rich clan. Generally, there is only one person in a super-rich clan, that is, the clan leader. Many ancient clans do not yet have such a strong person in charge.

"Leave the corpses to me, don't interfere." Xiao Yin was not in the mood to pay attention to the strength of his opponent. He wanted to prove that he was no worse than Xiao Hui, and also wanted to kill a king on his own.

"Roar!" Xiao Yin's huge body withstood Zhiman's flame attack and knocked him away, biting Zhiman's lower body regardless of the wounds on his body.

"Sister Lili, you forgot that your spiritual energy has been restored." Xiao Hui used the day tiger to hit the corpse that was flying upside down until it vomited blood. "Here we can fight and recover at the same time, but that's not possible in the third world."

"It's terrible. Lincang has grown to such an extent."

But now that Lincang has won and killed three kings with a fierce record, these guards dare not take action.

"Besides, the one who should be worried now is the Corpse Clan. Not only have they lost three kings, but even their marriage partner was snatched away by Lin Cang, the Corpse Clan will never stop fighting."

"It's so easy." Lily effortlessly knocked the corpse away with her big furry claws, looking puzzled, "Why is it so hard to fight in the third world? Is it so easy to return to the ancient tribe?"

But now the Corpse Clan lost three lower kings in one day, and Murong Tian in the distance felt sorry for the Corpse Clan.

"Elder, what should we do?" The guards of the Murong clan had discovered Murong Vivi long ago, but before they could attack, the corpse clan came.

At this moment, even if Lin Cang doesn't use the three beasts, he can still deal with the corpse power and corpses.

"Get away, you crazy beast!" Shi Man was frightened and was chased by Xiao Yin. He had never encountered such a desperate attack.

The guard was shocked after hearing this, "Elder, if you don't go back to the clan to ask for help, are you just going to let them go?"

Xiao Yin was now in the shape of an animal, with a flat head and a silver back, and the appearance of a bloody badger about a hundred meters tall. He was chasing the corpse and was unmoved even if he was injured. He seemed to accept his death.

With money, strength, a future, and sincere love for women from his clan, Murong Tian felt that he would have promised Lin Cang long ago if he were the clan leader.

"Besides, the family's top combat power is currently guarding the space passage in the Sin Domain. Do you want the patriarch to do it himself?"

After finishing speaking, Murong Tian returned to the different space and reported to Murong Tianying.

These two people were at an absolute disadvantage at the moment. With the three beasts joining forces, they could defeat even the king-level monsters in the Sin Domain, let alone the king-level ancient clans that were far inferior to them.

Murong Tian looked at Murong Vivi's family with complicated expressions.

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