The ancient clan, the Murong clan is in a different space. In the clan's main hall, Murong Tianying, dressed in black, is sitting on the main seat, with dozens of clan members standing below him.

These people are both men and women. They are responsible for various affairs of the clan. They are all middle-aged and older, and most of them are elderly. They are the backbone of the Murong clan.

"Everyone, please tell me how we should solve this criminal attack." Murong Tianying spoke majestically.

He is the clan leader of the Murong Clan, with peak strength as the upper king, ranking high even among the masters of the ancient clan.

Despite his tyrannical strength, Murong Tianying has been unable to eat or sleep well in recent days. The spatial passage leading to the Sinful Domain originally opened by the Murong Clan has been blocked.

Moreover, the opponent is still a super tribe. Although the leader is at the same peak as him, his real strength is much stronger. This is also the situation that many ancient tribesmen face when they face sinners.

"Clan leader, in my opinion we can only ask for help." A middle king stood up. He was Murong Gu, the second strongest person in the Murong clan.

Murong Gu has an old face. He had problems with his cultivation when he was young. Although he is fine now, it will be difficult for him to break through to the upper-level king in his lifetime.

"But who are you begging for?" Murong Tianying frowned, "This time is different from the past. It is the super tribe that is attacking. Other ancient tribes probably don't want to be involved."

"After all, when the passage was originally opened, each tribe had already explained that if there was any problem with the passage, it would be the one who would solve it on their own. Now I am asking them to be unreasonable."

"Clan leader, don't worry. Since I dare to say this, I'm sure." Murong Gu stroked his beard and said confidently: "Of course, the normal way to ask for help from other ethnic groups is to clear the door, but if we ask them to take action through transactions, we can solved."

"Deal?" Murong Tianying nodded after hearing this, "Elder Gu means spending money to eliminate disasters?"

"This is doable. Even if you give me some more spiritual crystals, it is better than letting the clan members sacrifice themselves."

Murong Tianying was ready for heavy bleeding at this moment, but Murong Gu smiled.

"Clan leader, there is no need for spiritual crystals. I have a plan to get them to help in vain."

"Oh? Elder Gu, please tell me!" Of course Murong Tianying was happy if he could do it for free, and he immediately became interested.

Other senior executives present also looked at Murong Gu, anticipating his plan. They had also been thinking about nothing these days.

Murong Gu adjusted his clothes and spoke calmly.

"Clan leader, although the sinners are coming this time fiercely, their real strength is not much stronger than ours. Our clan only needs one ally to repel them."

"As for this ally, I think the Corpse Clan is the most suitable. They have long wanted to marry with our clan. The clan has prepared a group of women who have no talent for cultivation a few years ago."

"These women are as good as the direct pearls of our clan in terms of appearance and temperament. Now it's time for them to contribute to the clan."

"I thought that as long as these women marry into the Corpse Clan, we will have a solid alliance with the Corpse Clan. Not only can we ask them for help this time, but we will also save the trouble in the future. If we have any difficulties, we can just ask them directly. .”

"What a good idea!" Murong Tianying was overjoyed after hearing this, and others also agreed.

"Elder Gu is indeed our clan's wise man. He managed to resolve a disaster by sacrificing a few unrelated women. It's really impressive."

"Haha, how can this be called sacrifice? Those women are of low status, but marrying into the Corpse Clan will make them rich and powerful, and they will become superiors. Why not?"

"Yes, this is their blessing, and they should be grateful to the clan!"

"Yes, yes, being able to marry the corpse clan is their blessing for three lifetimes."

The atmosphere in the main hall immediately became cheerful, and the senior leaders of the Murong clan were all smiling and feeling very happy.

In a remote place far away from the center of power of the Murong tribe, dozens of clan members are busy with their own affairs.

Some of them are practicing, some are extracting spiritual crystal ore, and some of them are old people leisurely playing with their children.

This is one of the many branches of the Murong tribe. It usually has little presence in the tribe, and high-level officials will not come here for many years.

However, today they unexpectedly discovered that a senior executive in charge of external procurement had arrived, and an old woman in white quickly put down the little boy in her arms to greet her.

Murong Vivi's heart suddenly rose to her throat as she listened to the other person's words as if they were evaluating goods.

"Respect the clan chief's order."

"No courtesy." The person who came was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties and had first-level spiritual strength.

"According to the clan chief's order, Murong Vivi, a woman from Murong Qin's lineage, will be betrothed from today to the grandson of Corpse Clan elder Shi Tianhe, Corpse Meridian."

Although Murong Qin didn't want to ruin the happiness of her people, she had no other choice as she was born into a rich family, so she silently accepted the decree.

"It's not me, it's the tribe." The middle-aged man put away his admiration, took out a golden paper roll and opened it, and instantly became extremely indifferent.

"Murong Qin respectfully welcomes you, sir."

"Sir, are you looking for Vivi?" The old woman in white immediately felt something bad in her heart after hearing this, secretly wondering whether this person has a crush on one of her own people?

The middle-aged man was very impatient and said, "Stop talking nonsense and call that woman over quickly. I have something to do with her."

Want to make it your own?

"Sir, I would like to ask what realm the Corpse Heaven and Corpse Meridians are in."

Murong Vivi looked at Murong Qin with sad eyes.

I can't escape this fate after all.

"Haha, do you know your future in advance?" The middle-aged man smiled lightly but did not refuse Murong Vivi, and said: "Zi Tian and the elders are the chief deacons of the outer sect of the corpse clan, with fourth-level spiritual cultivation."

There are only a few dozen people in this side branch. The strongest one is the old woman in white in front of me, who can barely break through the human level. The others are all superpowers.

"Sir, please wait a moment." At this time, Murong Vivi called him.

"Not bad, not bad. She has a beautiful face and is well-proportioned. She is indeed the woman who was asked for by the grandson of the elder of the Corpse Clan."

The middle-aged man glanced around and asked, "There is a woman named Murong Vivi on your team. Why don't you see her?"

"His grandson Ximai is 23 years old this year. He has a fifth-level human level strength. He is a rare genius. You are lucky to be his wife and concubine."

She also knew about Lin Cang. When Murong Duan returned to his clan more than half a year ago, he inquired about the information on Blue Star and learned about Lin Cang's state at that time.

The middle-aged man turned back and said, "What else do you want?"

"Difficult, could it be that... Sir, you want to give me to the corpse clan?"

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he turned around and left. Murong Vivi stood there blankly.

"I wonder what your lord has come for? Please give me your instructions if necessary." The old woman in white was very respectful, and she didn't want to be like this, but her status determined everything, and she couldn't resist.

Murong Qin didn't believe that Lin Cang could break through much in the past six months, let alone his ability to save Murong Vivi.

Although his level is nothing in the Murong clan, he is already a high-level existence here.

The middle-aged man was very satisfied with what he saw, nodded and turned to leave.

"Yes, yes..." The old woman in white had no choice but to do as she was told, and soon a woman in a red dress who was about 24 or 55 years old came.

"Great-grandmother, I understand what you mean, I won't harm him." Murong Vivi's eyes dimmed and she walked back to her house.


This kind of thing often happened in the ancient tribe. In the eyes of the direct lineage, it was natural for them to be served by the collateral lineage.

After the middle-aged man looked at her carefully, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Murong Qin patted her shoulder and sighed: "Forget about that Blue Star man. Although he is amazing, he is only a human-level cultivator. There is no way he can be rescued from a spiritual-level elder, Vice Admiral. In this life, you No chance."

"I've met you, sir." The woman in the red dress was none other than Murong Vivi.

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