Wood Type Only Has Support? I Will Directly Transform Into A Buddha!

Chapter 352 The Fear Of Geniuses In The Sin Domain

After he finished speaking, he looked at the main seat of the high platform and said, "King Hongyan, I believe you also know my details. I make a covenant here. If I cannot defeat the younger generation of genius Dayang tribe from all tribes, I will withdraw from this conference directly."

"Can you represent the Dayang clan?" Luxu Hongyan said seriously: "Lin Dade, I know your name and have heard your deeds. I understand that you are not an ordinary person."

"However, everyone must have known by now that the conference has been held. Only the Dayang clan and the Tianlu clan have the strength to compete for dominance. Do you agree with your statement, Taiyang Taishi?"

"Junior agrees!" Dayang Taishi immediately clasped his fists. At this moment, he also saw why Lin Cang became so arrogant uncharacteristically. He wanted to reverse the situation and immediately supported him.

Anyway, the tribe has no hope of winning the championship, so it is better to let Lin Cang give it a try, there may be variables.

"Okay, interesting." Ying Shanhai was already very pleased with Lin Cang's neither arrogant nor humble character. Seeing his arrogance, he immediately laughed and said: "Haha, there have never been such domineering geniuses, so just press Do what you say."

As soon as he spoke, many young geniuses from the tribe did not dare to object no matter how dissatisfied they were. They could only suppress their anger and prepare to teach Lin Cang a lesson.

Many tribes began to send geniuses into the arena space, two or three as big as one, one as small as one, and in the end no less than 300 people became Lin Cang's opponents.

The highest among these people is Tianlu Lu, with a sixth-level human level cultivation.

At this moment, she looked at Lin Cang with deep disdain and said with a smile: "You are no match for me alone, and you still want to challenge all geniuses. You are really losing your mind."

Lin Cang turned a blind eye to her provocation and glanced at many tribal leaders.

"Is there anyone else challenging?"

"You arrogant guy, I will kill you countless times!"

"Stop talking nonsense and let's get started."

"Yes, let's get rid of you, this street rat, and then we can decide the winner!"

Many geniuses shouted lowly, and Lu Xu Hongyan waved his hand and said: "Lin Dade, I think you should deal with them first."

"Okay then." Lin Cang grinned at everyone and entered the ring space first. Others followed and quickly got ready.

Outside, Ying Shanhai stared at the light screen and said with interest: "This kid is very courageous. He actually did such a crazy thing just to suppress the Tianlu clan. He is even crazier than I was back then."

"Haha, the city lord is too praised. Lin Dade is destined not to win." Luxu Hongyan laughed, "So many talents have been consumed to death."

"Yes." Ying Shanhai nodded, "If it's one-on-one, except for the little girl Xu Dao from the Tianlu tribe, I'm afraid no one can be his opponent, but now he will definitely lose."

The two king-level experts discussed. Although they believed that Lin Cang was bound to lose, they still stared at the light curtain and watched the battle carefully. Lin Cang's Susanoo just now aroused their interest. They had never seen such a method before.

Shan Suichang on the side wanted to slander Lin Cang, but he was much more honest after being warned once before and did not dare to interrupt the conversation between the two.

"A little pressure, but not much." Lin Cang grinned.

"It's you who should be careful!"

"No, it can't be. It must be a coincidence. Father said that no one below the king level can decipher my virtual path."

"Since everyone is here, I will take action. Please be careful."

Lin Cang stood in the prism on the forehead of the Susano giant, with his arms crossed and an expression of indifference.

"As expected of the Void Dao, it really doesn't leave any traces."

"Yes, this kind of ability is too terrifying. If you are targeted by her, you will definitely die."

Lin Cang saw her expression change dramatically and looked away, feeling very disdainful.

The attack hit the Susan giant, and Lin Cang didn't even look at it. This amount of force was not enough to tickle the complete Susan.

"Yes, the great virtue has always been extremely righteous!" Dayang Taishi also sighed. Both father and son were moved by Lin Cang's hard work.

The little green on his shoulder quietly appeared, instantly providing him with inexhaustible natural energy and allowing him to enter Sage Mode.

"Can he see me?"

Others saw this scene and had no desire to take action. They believed that the outcome was already decided and there was no need for them to take action again.

"Brother Dade..." Lian and the others were also looking at the light curtain, and she was worried. "He is too dangerous. God forbid there will be any accidents."

In the arena space, more than three hundred geniuses across from Lin Cang glared at him, all gearing up to teach him a lesson.

Now coupled with the increase in Sage Mode, the pressure has instantly increased by several levels, making more than 300 sin domain geniuses feel fear in their hearts.


Boom boom boom!

Everyone praised Tian Lu Lu's ability. Lin Cang glanced slightly in one direction. Tian Lu Lu who was hiding there suddenly broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the mysterious Mangekyō pattern in his eyes.

"I think after defeating Lin Dade, we should not compete with Miss Tianlulu. No one can be her opponent."


"I agree, I will not provoke such a terrible person."

The complete Susanoo's speed and power were increased by ten times by his left and right eyes.

Everyone was shocked, and the geniuses of the Sin Realm saw for the first time the ultimate power of Eternal Mangekyō - the perfect Susanoo.

But this didn't stop him from laughing at Lin Cang in his heart, "Oh, no wonder this guy dares to touch me, he turns out to be a lunatic."

This person is invincible!

"Huh, you won't think so after a while." Tianlulu sneered and disappeared immediately. She was not going to let Lin Cang go and wanted him to die.

However, when these attacks were still some distance away from Lincang, his eyes immediately became powerful, and a 10,000-meter-tall Susano giant appeared.

"Hey, Dade, this favor is too heavy." Dayang Zhan sighed, "No matter whether he can win or not, he is the benefactor of my Dayang tribe."

A few geniuses took the lead and suddenly the five elements of water, earth, thunder, fire, and wood gathered together, seemingly wanting to defeat Lin Cang in one fell swoop.

"Lin Dade, pay the price for your arrogance!"

Others were shocked when they saw this, and looked carefully for the shadow of Tianlu Deer, but found nothing.

Although Tianlu Lu was invisible, the spiritual energy in her body was as conspicuous in Lin Cang's eyes as a bright light in the dark night. Xu Dao was useless in front of Mangekyō.

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