When Di Ling arrived at the assessment area of ​​the Domain Tower, it was already crowded with people. Apart from the students in the elite class taking the assessment, they were just passers-by watching the excitement.

Today is the end of the month, and all students who are somewhat confident that they can pass the exam are here to take the exam, otherwise the opportunity this month will be wasted.

Di Ling saw Lin Cang and Tian Junhao in the crowd and walked over.

"You're back? You're not in danger, are you?"

"Yes." Lin Cang responded with a smile, "Thank you, mentor, for your concern."

Di Ling waved his hand, "Are you sure you can pass the second level assessment?"

"Yes." Lin Cang said confidently: "The third level is also certain."

"It seems that you have gained a lot in the Sin Domain." Di Ling nodded and looked at Tian Junhao, "What about you, are you planning to challenge the fourth level?"

"Yes, mentor."


"Yes!" Tian Junhao was equally confident and glanced at Lin Cang, "Some people dare to challenge the fourth level without even passing the second level. Of course I also want to try to break through myself."

"Very good." Di Ling smiled after hearing this. The more her students compared her, the happier she became. "You two are my proudest students. Your talents are higher than others. My instructor hopes that you can continue to work hard in the future. "

When she said this, she suddenly heard a soft snort. When she saw it was Dongfang Ying, she immediately smiled and said, "Of course, Yingying and Jiajia are also good. You have to work hard too."


"Yes, mentor."

The two women responded, one indifferently and the other seriously.

There were about a dozen students in front of them, but they were at the back and could only wait with everyone else to watch the performance of others.

At this time, a girl was challenging the first-level assessment, and the familiar strong man with a big sword led ninety-nine criminals to attack her crazily.

Since girls have no domain and their realm has only just broken through to the human level, the strength of the strong man with the sword and others is suppressed to the lowest level, just like what Lin Cang encountered last time.

However, even ordinary people can't deal with it. The offenders simulated by the domain tower are just like the real offenders. They are physically strong, full of spiritual energy, and have sophisticated methods.

The girl worked hard to the end and killed more than fifty opponents. In the end, she was almost killed by a strong man with a big sword after being approached by a big sword. She was teleported out by the domain tower in time, and the challenge failed.

The next challenger is a boy in white, with level three human level strength, and has no domain like the girls.

However, his performance was quite eye-catching. He was very fast with his hand grenade method and specialized body movements. He relied on maneuvers to kill eighty-seven criminals. Although he was finally cut out of the assessment space by a strong man with a big sword, he was already very good. Almost successful.

Di Ling comforted the boy in white and said, "Di Qiang, you have made great progress these days. You will definitely pass the assessment and gain the field next month."

"Well, thank you cousin." Di Qiang in white asked to touch twenty-seven-eight. After hearing this, Lin Cang couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, is this classmate from your tribe?"

"Yes, and we are close relatives." Di Ling smiled, "Di Qiang, you know Lin Cang, and we should get closer to him in the future. I have an old relationship with his mother. We are not biological sisters, but we are better than biological sisters."

"Yes, cousin." Di Qiang grinned after hearing this and looked at Lin Cang, "Classmate Lin Cang, I have been paying attention to you for a long time, but you, a famous person, don't know me."

Lin Cang quickly responded politely. His mind at the moment was on Di Ling's last sentence. Did he know his mother? And it sounds like a good relationship.

"Teacher, you..." He wanted to ask, but he couldn't say it because the words were a bit hurtful. He really wanted to ask how Di Ling and his mother had such a different relationship.

It wasn't that he thought Di Ling was lying to him, he was just curious.

"I could barely keep up with her in the beginning, but my talent was limited. As time went on, the gap between us grew wider, until there was a world of difference."

Tian Junhao came from a distance with a calm expression, "Who will come first, you or me?"

Or have you been to the Domain Tower?

However, looking at the expression of the strong man with a big sword, he also recognized Tian Junhao's talent, which made him a lot mysterious in the eyes of outsiders.

Di Ling seemed to notice it and said with a smile: "Jingjing was as dazzling as you back then, always at the top."

"Lin Cang, even though the mentor is so different from your mother in strength now, the relationship between us sisters has not changed. Your father still looked at my face when he was chasing Jingjing. He didn't know how many times he tried to please me, haha .”

"In this case, the difficulty will be raised several levels, and there is a high probability that he will not be able to pass."

At the same time, a layer of flame space also appeared, surprising everyone watching the battle.

Unlike the previous students, the strong man with the big sword did not attack immediately, but did not know what to say to Tian Junhao.

After the black air flow space was formed, Tian Junhao also immediately used the domain to defend with the domain of earth, which also covered hundreds of miles, neutralizing the domain of the strong man with a big sword.

Although I respected Di Ling in the past, I just felt that she treated him better than other ancient tribesmen, but now...

"Okay." Tian Junhao strode towards the desert, and was quickly teleported away, and his figure appeared on the water curtain.

Lin Cang waited patiently with curiosity, and finally waited until he and Tian Junhao appeared.

The strong man with a big sword said last time that he was a powerful foreign king before he was suppressed by the domain tower. Did his mother fight with him when he was alive?

"I tell you to listen to me carefully in the future, otherwise I will let Jingjing punish you."

"Let's not talk about it anymore. You really want to know your mother's past. You can ask that guy later. He also knows."

"It won't be easy to get along now." Lin Cang smiled bitterly in his heart. For some reason, as soon as he learned about this relationship, he felt that he was a head shorter than Di Ling, and it was a bit embarrassing to go to school under an elder.

"Haha." Di Ling laughed immediately when he saw his appearance, touched Lin Cang's head and said, "Do you know the status of a mentor now?"

Lin Cang and others saw a layer of black aura coming from the body of the strong man with a big sword, covering hundreds of miles in radius.

"The instructor is right." Murong Jia also spoke at this time. She glanced at Lin Cang intentionally or unintentionally, "The reason why I lost on the third level last time was that I couldn't block the domain of this strong man with a big sword."

"You even know my father?!" He really couldn't stand it anymore and quickly saluted as a junior.

"This is the unique offensive field of Sin Domain." Di Ling explained to the confused students.

"However, his hope of passing the fourth level is still slim. The sinners are too strong among the same level."

"The strong man with the big sword is good at using knives. He has no attributes in his field, only sharpness, which can increase his attack power many times."

"Now that Tian Junhao is challenging the fourth level, if I guessed correctly, the big sword brawny man should have used the second level domain."

"Yes, Jingjing can't help herself now."

"Although he only used the first level of his domain, he was a super strong man in his life after all. My second level of domain cannot stop his attack."

"The best way to face this kind of attack is to rely on speed to win. Blind defense may not be a good thing."

The two didn't communicate for too long, and they quickly got into action.

Di Ling watched the battle and continued, "Tianjunhao has dual domains, and he is also very talented in the way of fire."

Di Ling pointed at the strong man with a big sword who was chasing the students in the assessment space. Lin Cang was surprised. He didn't expect that the more powerful the person, the better he understood his mother.

"This is also the reason why the difficulty increases so much at the beginning of the third level. The domain tower allows criminals to use the domain."

"You go first."

"I would rather let my mother punish me." Lin Cang sighed as Di Ling almost broke through his guard with a casual sentence.

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