Dayang Zhan found Dayang Taishi with a proud smile all the way and told him what he had discovered. Dayang Taishi also suddenly showed an inexplicable smile.

"My son did the right thing."

"This Lin Dade is a rare evildoer. If he can marry Lian, he will be the son-in-law of our Dayang tribe. The tribe will definitely receive great benefits in the future."

"Yes, father, that's what I think." Dayang Zhan said with a smile: "Geniuses like Brother Dade are rare. We can only be good friends, not enemies."

"Haha, my son has made great progress." Dayang Taishi smiled happily after hearing this: "I feel relieved to see you have such thoughtful thoughts. After my father is gone, the tribe will be better in your hands."

"Father..." Dayang Zhan put away his smile and said seriously: "How many times have I told you not to say such depressing words? Your injury can definitely be cured."

"Hey, I know my own body well." Taishi Dayang coughed a few times as he spoke, and actually coughed up traces of blood. "The old thief Gongyang is very vicious, and the poison he left behind will only come from those at the peak of the king level." The super strong take action, otherwise it won’t be cured.”

"No." Zhan affirmed: "Mu Zhidao can definitely save it, but I'm not good at treatment. I will definitely meet professional assistance in the future, and then my father's injury will be saved."

"As long as your injury improves, father, you will be able to return to the king's level and lead our Dayang tribe to the next level."

"It's too early to say this now." Dayang Taishi waved his hand, "It's better to deal with the Nine Realms Conference first. You and Lin Dade can't make mistakes, otherwise the championship will definitely fall into the hands of the Gongyang Tribe. Once they command the Nine Realms, Our Dayang tribe won’t be able to survive in Jieshan.”

"Father, don't worry. Brother Er and Dade will not let you down." Dayang Zhan spoke confidently and supported Dayang Taishi towards the tribal square.

When the two arrived, dozens of people had gathered here, including both men and women, all of whom were young men and women from the tribe. Lin Cang and Lian were among them.

Taishi Dayang first looked at Lin Cang with a deep look on his face, and the latter immediately showed a helpless expression, chuckled and spoke.

"Ready!" Everyone shouted in unison, with firm eyes. Although most of them were human-level, they showed no fear.

It's just that the monsters here seem to have returned to their original nature, and their sizes are not as pervert as those of the Beast Kings of Blue Star, which can easily reach several hundred or even kilometers.

"Brother Dayang." At this time, an old man who had led a dozen people to hunt down a fifth-level spiritual wolf monster collected the spoils and smiled as he greeted Taishi Dayang who was waiting for the result.

Lincang secretly observed that every villager in the Dayang tribe was extremely simple and honest, which was a perfect reflection compared to the intrigue and intrigue environment of Blue Star.

However, although the appearance of the two is similar, their strength is very different. Even the peak spiritual level powerhouse of the Sin Domain like Dayang Taishi has a serious look on his face.

"Okay, let's set out for Jiujie Mountain!" Dayang Taishi shouted and took the lead towards a towering mountain. Everyone immediately followed and soon left the tribe.

The Dayang tribe does not do this, and other tribes do not do it either. Otherwise, the Dayang Taishi along the way can take advantage of those tribes and monsters to fight to the death.

Along the way, everyone met many people from other tribes, and Lin Cang could tell that they were very competitive with each other just by looking at their conversations.

"Yes, leader!"

The monster in front of him gave Lin Cang a strong sense of déjà vu. It was the first third-level monster he encountered when he was still very weak when he first started practicing cultivation, the Shadowless Leopard when he was training with Liu Meng's team.

"Everyone will show their strength for a while. If we all attack together, we have a great chance of winning."

"Brother Jiangcheng, isn't it the same?" Dayang Taishi seemed to be very familiar with this person and greeted him with the same smile, "Aren't these dozen young men the entire tribe's fighting strength?"

"Yes, I also have ideas." The leader of the Jiangcheng tribe said, looking at the dozen young men behind him, then at Dayang Zhan, and then smiled bitterly, "We are just comparing our Jiangcheng tribe with Dayang Xian's nephew. I really don’t have the talent to take action.”

"You brought the whole tribe out. It seems that your appetite will not be reduced today."

Although this kind of action involves more people, it is more dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out on a large scale.

"It looks a bit like a shadowless leopard."

"Be careful, this bloodthirsty leopard is at the eighth level of the spiritual level. Even if I am not injured, I may not be able to handle it."

All the young men of Dayang tribe got ready immediately, waiting for the order from Dayang Taishi.

Sail the boat of Ten Thousand Years carefully, Lin Cang has always been a character who thinks about defeat before winning.

Taishi Dayang did not wait for the opportunity and did not want to stay for a long time. After bidding farewell to the leader of Jiangcheng, he set off again with everyone.

The tribe's collective dispatch is different from individual hunting of monsters. The target will definitely not be small, at least it must be a high-level spiritual monster.

Lin Cang looked immediately, and suddenly a leopard-like monster about ten meters high, more than twenty meters long, and covered in blood red appeared in his eyes.

There are only three young men in the Jiangcheng tribe who are around thirty years old. The strongest is the sixth level talent. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are several levels behind and there is no way to compete with them.

"By the way, Brother Dayang should have some ideas for this Jiujie Mountain Conference, right? After all, we only have you, Gong Yanglu, and Yin Huaihu at the top of the spiritual level in Jiujie Mountain."

However, the benefits are relative. The value of high-level spirit-level monsters is astonishing. Successfully hunting one is a big gain.

"Of course I have an idea." Dayang Taishi laughed loudly after hearing this. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Anyone who says he doesn't have an idea is lying."

However, it is limited to healthy competition. For example, whoever discovers the monster first will be the one who will take over unless they can't kill the other party, and they will not engage in sneak attacks to take advantage.

There is no suspicion between people and they help each other. This is the real human society.

Sin Realm is somewhat similar to Blue Star. The monsters are many times more powerful than human cultivators of the same level.

Hearing the praise from the leader of Jiangcheng, Zhan was not proud. He humbly said that the other party was also a genius and his future achievements would be limitless and he stopped talking.

This walk lasted for an hour, until they finally found a suitable target beside a stream when they went deep into the Jiujie Mountain.

However, Lin Cang did not dare to underestimate the Sin Domain monsters because of this. Instead, he was very serious and sensed several Wood Clone staying at the nearest Flying Thunder God coordinates early, and planned his escape in advance.

"Haha, I'm not as powerful as my elder brother. I can only bring enough people for every hunting."

"Everyone, there are not many monster beast corpses in the tribe recently, so we are going out hunting again today. Are you ready?"

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