Wood Type Only Has Support? I Will Directly Transform Into A Buddha!

Chapter 185 Identity Exposed, Shocking All Races

"Nonsense." The old man in yellow robe slapped his carved jade throne with his angrily palm, anger appearing on his face.

"Why do you think so?"

"The people of Blue Star are uncivilized monkeys in our eyes. You want a monkey to compete with the geniuses of other ancient races?"

"Why?" Wen Jiang looked at him indifferently after hearing this.

"Just because other geniuses of the same age from the ancient tribe have been suppressed by Lin Cang, just because Lin Cang's mother is Xiaojing."

"Great Elder, have you forgotten that Xiaojing is the youngest middle king in the clan, and other ancient clans dare to ignore her existence?"

"You!" The old man in yellow robe was speechless after being contradicted by Wen Jiang, and the aura on his body became more and more terrifying.

However, Wen Jiang was not afraid of him and said with a faint smile: "If the Great Elder has no reasonable objections, then Lincang's matter will be settled."

"I've left beforehand, so there's no need to send me off."

After saying that, he left in a swaggering manner, leaving behind the angry old man in yellow robe and a group of shocked Wen tribe members.

The Blue Star people participated in the ancient clan conference... This was the first time in history.

Three days later, early morning.

The base city of Xincheng, which had been quiet for more than a month, became lively again. The heads, elders, guests, etc. of various major families gathered at the west gate.

This scene is rarely seen, and it caused some ordinary people and low-level superpowers to talk about it.

"Look, isn't that Senior Li?"

"He has been out of touch with worldly affairs for twenty years and has been enjoying the rest of his life in a low-key manner. Why did he come out today?"

"You don't know? Tomorrow is the day for the ancient genius competition, and these seniors have all been invited to visit."

"Ancient tribe? Are they the legendary humans who exist in a different space?"

"Yes, that's them."

"I heard that our Blue Star can enter the age of supernatural powers from the era of technology because they took care of us."

"Doesn't that mean they are very powerful?"

"But these ancient tribes are really good people. They spared no effort to help us."

"Well, they are indeed good people."

Two ordinary people who specialize in the business of superpowers were discussing.

Fortunately, they are businessmen with small assets, and they usually come into contact with many people with various powers, so they can know the existence of the ancient tribe.

However, when their words were heard by the powerful superpowers who were preparing to go to the Wen clan's different space, they couldn't help but have a wry smile on their faces.

An old man said: "Good guy? Haha, this is the ancient tribe trying to scare us, Blue Star."

"Senior Li is right." Another middle-aged man with fifth-level junior strength answered.

"It has spread now. Everyone knows that the Ancient Clan made an exception and invited us Blue Star people to watch the conference because of Lin Cang's influence. The Ancient Clan is uneasy and well-intentioned."

"No, Lin Cang once suppressed more than a dozen geniuses of the same level, leaving these ancient clans in a difficult position. This time, he wanted to use the conference to show off his muscles."

"Oh, so what if we know? Why don't we go and see what the real geniuses of the ancient tribe are like? People have to face reality."

Everyone was in a low mood.

They are not short-sighted ordinary people, they can clearly guess the thoughts of the ancient tribe.

The old man who spoke first at this time smoothed his beard calmly and said with a smile: "We can't stop what the ancient tribe wants to do. After all, it is a fact that they are powerful."

"But don't belittle yourselves."

"Since Lincang can suppress the ancient geniuses of the same level, it proves that we Blue Star people are no worse than them. In the future, we can just leave it to such outstanding juniors."

"Senior is right." After the old man finished speaking, others all agreed, showing that he had a high status.

"Since Blue Star can produce one Lincang, it can produce a second one. As long as we are given time to catch up with or even surpass the Ancient Clan, it is not impossible."

While they were sighing, eight more people came over, led by a woman in green clothes and an old man in white robes.

"Hurry up and greet them, the powerful men of the Wen clan are here!" The old man, who was called Senior Li, quickly led everyone forward and bowed in salute.

"The descendants of Blue Star have met two seniors of the Wen clan."

"No courtesy." The woman in green had an indifferent look on her face. Only after she spoke did everyone dare to stand up.

They had no choice, and they didn't want to bow their heads like this, but the Wen clan was too powerful and they had to be respectful.

Only then did everyone have the time to look at the people behind the girl in green. They were all young people.

"Mr. Lin Cang? Why are you here with Senior Wen Clan?" Senior Li asked curiously.

The woman in green is Xiao Qing. Didn't she and Wen Hai come to pick up Lin Cang?

Lin Cang took Du Fei, Shi Qiu, Wu Xiaoman and Lili together. Since they wanted to go to the Wen clan with them, they would definitely go together.

He glanced at the old man calmly and realized that he didn't know the man and had no intention of speaking.

Many of the people here were from the same families that he had severely blackmailed back then, and Lin Cang didn't have any good impressions of them.

Seeing that he understood so immediately, Xiao Qing snorted and showed a little bit of his terrifying strength, shocking everyone.

"Don't block the way of my young master, get out of the way."

"What! Young Master?!" Everyone was stunned. Only then did they know Lin Cang's identity, and they hurriedly hid away.

At the same time, those families who had been extorted by Lincang felt that they had offended the people who should not have been offended.

Lin Cang took the lead and walked out of the west gate of the base city. He summoned the wooden dragon with a clap of his hands and jumped on its back.

"Use flying ones, walking on the ground takes too long."

After hearing this, everyone jumped on the wooden dragon's back one after another. The wooden dragon let out a high-pitched roar and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

Seeing Lin Cang leaving, the superpowers in the base city began to set off in droves.

Among these people were the Ancient Clan and all the major forces in Blue Star. Wu Wudi and Du Tian also arrived before them, but they just didn't go in.

He was unsure at the moment.

"If it is true compared to the space ability." Xiao Qing continued, "But there must be many people at the space entrance of the tribe today. It is best not to expose your marked place."

"Cousin." At this time, Wen Peng ran over with a friendly look on his face, "You are finally here."

Wen Peng: "..."

"Unjustly accused? Wasn't that giant purple eagle your design?"

"Don't worry, there will be many opportunities in the future." Lin Cang said with a flash of light in his eyes and thought to himself.

Because if you want to teleport, you must sense the space marks left in advance, Lin Cang thought that he might not be able to sense across different spaces.

"Haha, in this case I will leave Wen Peng to you from now on." Wen Hai laughed, and then said something that made Wen Peng confused.

"This brat's parents died young and he was spoiled by me since he was a child. He has been giving me a lot of headaches."

For a time, a large number of superpowers were floating in the air or hanging out on land outside the west gate of the new city base, all rushing towards the west.

"Now that you have educated him well, your cousin already knows how to behave in the future. Please forgive him for the sake of your aunt, whom you have never met."

"I understand." Lin Cang said, "That's why I won't teleport with you."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my grandpa. I really didn't lie this time."

"Are you waiting for me to hang you up and whip you again?"

However, this would only be known after entering the Wen clan's different space. Of course, he hoped to be able to sense it.

"That's true." Wen Hai smiled and touched his beard.

"Lin Cang, your cousin has been very well-behaved recently since he came back from another space. He seems to have become a different person. This is all due to you."

The entrance to the Wen clan's different space is about 5,000 kilometers to the west. According to the speed of ordinary medium-to-high superpowers, it can be reached in less than a day.

"Young Master, this wooden dragon of yours is too much like a life form with intelligence. This method is not something that a person with superpowers should have. Even among us cultivators, few of us can do it."

"Yes, I admit it." Wen Peng said seriously, "But I figured it out afterwards. Cousin, you are a peerless genius. I don't dare to go against you anymore. I really regret it now."

At this time, Lin Cang saw that someone from the Wen clan was greeting them. They were not the first to arrive. At this moment, there were already a large number of visitors at the entrance to the different space.

"I wonder if the Flying Thunder God can still be used after crossing two dimensions."

After he finished speaking, Du Fei and Shi Qiu subconsciously began to rub their hands. Wen Peng quickly complained when he saw this.

"Cousin, you have wronged me."

The wooden dragon flew more than 5,000 kilometers and had already exhausted its spiritual energy. It disintegrated as soon as it landed.

After half a day, everyone arrived at their destination.

Lin Cang was surprised by his attitude. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Wen Peng, you ran away before I could beat you last time. How dare you hang around in front of me today?"

On the back of the wooden dragon, Xiao Qing looked at this magical summoned object with a smile on his face.

"You're welcome, Mr. Wen." Lin Cang smiled, "I feel sad that my cousin won't grow up well, and I will do my best to educate him."

"Sister Qing is overrated." Lin Cang also smiled, "It's just a small trick, not worth mentioning."

"If he dares to disobey in the future, you will whip him severely, as long as he doesn't kill him."

"What a pity." Du Fei looked regretful after hearing this, "I originally wanted to experience your teleportation ability, Brother Lin, but I didn't get the chance."

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