Somewhere in a different space.

A giant silver python measuring 70 to 80 meters was being chased by a giant purple eagle with a wingspan of 100 meters away.

Obviously both of them are at the fifth level of advanced strength. Logically speaking, their real combat power should be about the same.

But the purple giant eagle seemed to be born to suppress the silver giant python, and its extremely sharp iron claws soon left horrific wounds on the latter's body.

The silver python fled all the way.

But it could not escape the tracking of the eagle eye, and it was soon forced to a dead end.

"Hiss!" Seeing that it couldn't escape, the silver giant python became desperate and sprayed a large cloud of black mist at the purple giant eagle.

The purple giant eagle's wings blew away the black mist and scattered it on the giant trees nearby. Those giant trees that required a dozen adults to surround them withered instantly.

"What a terrible poisonous gas." Lin Cang sighed in a bush not far away.

At this moment, he felt a little lucky that he had not taken any risks before, otherwise he would definitely be in trouble if he was contaminated with such strong poisonous gas.

After sighing, Lin Cang used Sharingan to carefully observe the battle between the two.

It seems that the silver python can only threaten the purple giant eagle with poison gas, and other attacks are basically ineffective.

The two sides fought for a full ten minutes. The purple giant eagle used its iron claws to cut open the belly of the silver giant python, and a pair of eagle eyes searched for the green liquid.

After the silver python was threatened with death, a large amount of poisonous gas erupted from its abdomen, catching the purple eagle off guard.

It seemed that it didn't expect that the silver python's poisonous gas attack could be used in this way, and it was directly hit.

Thin black threads immediately appeared on the purple giant eagle's face, and its body shook heavily and almost fell to the ground.

However, it is a fifth-level high-level monster after all, with a powerful body. After standing firm, it grabbed the silver python into two sections with one claw.

At this point, the silver python was no longer able to fight back and could only wait for death silently.

The giant purple eagle did not kill immediately.

Its eagle eyes searched the back half of the silver python for a long time, but found nothing.

The silver python's gastric juice is so strong that even the bottle has melted at this moment, let alone the turquoise liquid.

At this time, the upper half of the silver python's body also contained the mysterious boulder that Lin Cang wanted.

When he saw the giant purple eagle moving slower and slower, and finally fell directly to the ground, he decided to take action.

Anyone with a clear eye would know that both the silver python and the purple eagle were seriously injured and dying.

Perhaps giving the purple giant eagle time it could withstand the toxin attack, but Lin Cang couldn't let go of this golden opportunity.

He jumped out of the grass and clapped his hands without getting close to the two monsters.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Wooden Dragon Technique!"

hold head high!

A fifty-meter-long wooden dragon appeared and immediately flew to the center of the battlefield to harvest its prey.

Lin Cang did not summon the wooden dragon with all his strength, which can be seen from the size.

It's no longer needed now, it's too easy to pick up the leak.

When the purple giant eagle and the silver giant python saw the flying wooden dragon, they both showed desperate eyes.

They were very unwilling to be killed by an ant that they usually looked down upon, but now they were unable to struggle.

The purple giant eagle is better.

It flapped its wings many times in an attempt to fly away and escape, but to no avail, it had no strength at all.

The silver python couldn't move at all, and the upper half of its body was rotten.

Wood Dragon was the first to attack it, biting its neck hard and tearing off its head.

Then the giant purple eagle did not escape the fate of being slaughtered.

After Mulong spent a lot of effort to kill it, he reached his limit and turned into wood scattered on the ground.

However, just when Lin Cang wanted to step forward to collect the loot, an accident happened.

The second- and third-level monsters that had been hiding in the dark to save their lives jumped out one after another and surrounded the bodies of the silver python and purple eagle, with greed in their eyes.

This is the body of a high-level monster. It is a great tonic for low-level monsters like them. After eating it, they can advance quickly.

Lin Cang's face turned dark when he saw this.

He didn't expect that these rubbish would dare to come out to pick up his leaks, and he immediately sneered.

"Since you want to eat it so much... then I will eat you first!"

"Sage Art · Wind Style · Spiral Shuriken!"

Whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, a super-high-speed rotating sphere with a diameter of one meter appeared in his right hand, carrying three wind blades, and he threw it towards the center of the battlefield with a strong swing.



Some timid monsters immediately ran for their lives and managed to escape before the Rasen Shuriken exploded.

However, those stubborn monsters who did not want to give up the opportunity chose to fight with the Rasenshuriken, each one using their physical body to fight hard.


The spiral shuriken exploded immediately, forming a silver-white circular space with a diameter of 100 meters, from which the screams of the monsters could be heard.

When the circular space dispersed, those low-level monsters were dead and injured, and those who were still alive no longer dared to covet the corpses of the two fifth-level monsters, and ran away one after another.

These monsters are not geniuses of the ancient race, and they do not have powerful defensive skills. They can only use their bodies to face the Rasenshuriken, and naturally suffer heavy casualties.

Lincang slowly collected all the loot, and he also exchanged the crystal cores of those low-level monsters.

[Successfully exchanged, energy points increased by 80]

[Successfully exchanged, energy points increased by 200]

[Successfully exchanged, energy points increased by 3000]

[Successfully exchanged, energy points increased by 3000]

[Current energy points: 59325]

"It's great!" Lin Cang was overjoyed, "It is indeed a fifth-level monster. It is really valuable."

The silver python and purple eagle contributed 6,000 energy points to him, which was no less than a windfall.

From the upper half of the belly of the silver python, Lin Cang finally got the mysterious boulder he had been dreaming about for a long time, and had the opportunity to observe it up close.

The mysterious stone is oval in shape, with a plane diameter of about two meters, a thickness of about 1.5 meters, and is completely black.

Lin Cang didn't feel anything unusual when he put his palm on it. It was as cold as any ordinary stone.

"It seems that the only thing we can do is wait for the khaki airflow to appear automatically." After a brief study, Lin Cang took the mysterious boulder into the system space.

"What to do with these two big guys?" He looked worried at the huge corpses of the two fifth-level high-level monsters in front of him.

The system space is not that big and cannot hold them at all.

But if it was too wasteful to throw it away, he felt a little sad.

At this time, a line of prompts floated before his eyes.

[You can choose to increase the system space capacity, one energy point can be exchanged for one hundred cubic meters of space]

"So cheap?" Lin Cang said directly in his mind: "Exchange me for 90,000 cubic meters first."

[Successfully redeemed, 900 energy points will be deducted]


The monster corpse in front of Lin Cang immediately disappeared and was put into the newly expanded system space.

After doing this, the big stone in his heart was relieved, and this journey to another space was finally perfect.

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