"Let's go to your school for the test." Lin Cang said, Wu Xiaoman half-believed and half-doubted, leading the way with the angry Lily.

The two girls walked very slowly, and Lin Cang was in a hurry. After all, the system only gave an hour.

"Let's take a taxi, it's too slow." Lin Cang urged,"Where is your school?"

"In the suburbs." Wu Xiaoman said:"No need to take a taxi, take my car."

She pressed a delicate silver watch on her wrist, and soon a pink super sports car automatically came in front of the three people. Seeing this, Lin Cang looked at her deeply.

"A limited edition sports car. This girl has a very good background."

The car in front of him was too high-end. Even Lin Cang, who didn't pay much attention to cars, knew that there were only three in the world and that money couldn't buy them.

But he was only slightly surprised by this thing. What he cared about most now was completing the task.

The supercar was very fast. Twenty minutes later, the three of them left the city and came to the suburbs.

When Wu Xiaoman's car stopped at a villa complex, Lin Cang saw the true appearance of Luoshui University.

Like ordinary schools, Luoshui University had the necessary teaching facilities, and the most conspicuous thing was a villa complex.

"Is this a student dormitory?" Lin Cang pointed at the villa and asked.

Lily:"Huh, you're surprised, our Luoshui University is very rich."

Although it is the end of the world, there are many superpowers, but most of them are ordinary people.

Villas are naturally not cheap, and one costs at least hundreds of millions.

Lin Cang's family can afford it, but he and Lin Shan don't need it much, so they didn't buy it.

But a school can provide villas for students... Lin Cang is a little impressed now.

"Yes, I have money." Lin Cang nodded, and Wu Xiaoman took him into the campus.

The three of them came to an office building, and Lin Cang was a little surprised,"Why is there no student in your school?"

"Hmm?" Wu Xiaoman was a little embarrassed when she heard this."I, our school only accepts students with top talents, so……"

"So that's how it is."Lin Cang understood.

No wonder there was no one here. A person with superior talent would have been among the top in the graduation exams in previous years.

Such a genius would definitely choose a more famous school, so of course there would be no one here.

There was a small open space of about 2,000 square meters under the office building, where two stone tablets more than one person tall were erected.

Lin Cang had already tested it once, so he walked to the stone tablet with ease and put his hand on it.

""I'll use all my strength this time and see how the stone tablet reacts." Lin Cang thought to himself.

Lily saw that he looked calm and confident, and couldn't help but mock him.

"Tsk, you're pretending to be good enough. I'll see how you end up."

"Lily, stop messing around."Wu Xiaoman shook her head,"Even if he doesn't have a god-level talent, you can't bully him. Don't forget that you are……"

"I know, I know." Lily said indifferently:"I just want to teach him a lesson and let him do hard labor for me for three days before letting him go."

""Alas." Wu Xiaoman sighed. She was willing to believe Lin Cang in her heart, but she also felt it was unrealistic.

Lin Cang touched the stone tablet with his hand, his eyes fixed, he also wanted to see what would happen to the stone tablet when he was at full strength.

With a low shout, the spiritual energy in his body suddenly rioted and poured into the stone tablet.


The stone tablet suddenly emitted a dazzling white light!

It was clearly broad daylight, but it made the office building unusually bright, and exclamations were immediately heard from inside.

"What happened? A woman in a red dress ran out of the office building and stood there in a daze.

"That, that is……"

Wu Xiaoman and Lily, who were not far in front of her, had already become dull.

Lin Cang stood tall in front of the stone tablet, which was a dazzling pure white.

"The test stone tablet was broken?……"The woman in the red dress said blankly,"What kind of talent is this? Even a god-level talent can't do it, right?"

At this time, Lin Cang noticed her and turned his head to look.

When he saw the woman in the red dress clearly, his heartbeat quickened slightly.

"What a beautiful woman."

At this moment, the woman in front of him was wearing a red dress that looked like it was stained red by blood, and she was extremely charming.

She was extremely beautiful, with a well-proportioned figure, a hint of resentment in her eyes, and the beauty mole at the corner of her mouth added seven points of sexiness and three points of pity to her.

Lin Cang instantly felt the urge to take care of her.

The beauty of the woman in the red dress was different from that of the white-haired little loli. Cuteness was worthless in front of sexiness.

"Hello, my name is Lin Cang."Lin Cang took the initiative to walk up to her and extended his hand.

The other party was stunned for a moment, hesitated for a while and stretched out her white and tender hand,"Hello, classmate, I am the president of Luoshui University, are you here to enroll?"

She is the president?

Lin Cang was stunned at first and was a little surprised. He thought this woman was a senior student at school at first.

However, after the surprise, he felt an inexplicable sense of challenge in his heart. He smiled and was about to speak, but Wu Xiaoman spoke first.

"Sister Weiwei, he is not here to enroll"

"Not enrolling? Then you bring him here.……"Murong Weiwei suddenly felt disappointed. She thought Wu Xiaoman had brought back a good seedling to the school.

Wu Xiaoman pulled the already dazed Lily to her and said helplessly,"Lily made a bet with him.……"

She explained the whole story, and Murong Weiwei forced a smile.

"It seems that I thought too much. How could Lin Cang, with such a good talent, be interested in our Luoshui University?"

""You want me to enroll?" Lin Cang asked.

Murong Weiwei said resentfully,"Even if I do, what can you do? Will you stay?""

"Then stay." Lin Cang was very decisive,"Apply for me to enroll as soon as possible."

"What!"The three girls were stunned.

They didn't expect that Lin Cang would agree to it.

Wu Xiaoman and Lili immediately cast strange eyes on Murong Weiwei. They knew Lin Cang's attitude before.

Murong Weiwei was thinking wildly at this moment, and her heartbeat slowed down.

"Is this little guy to me?……"

She is 24 years old this year, six years older than Wu Xiaoman and Lily. She has many suitors around her, so she naturally knows more. Her face suddenly turned red.

But no matter why Lin Cang stayed, she had to accept it. The current school needs geniuses too much.

"Welcome, Lin Cang!" Murong Weiwei said,"We don't have so many rules at Luoshui University. You are enrolled now."

As she finished speaking, a line of prompts immediately floated across Lin Cang's eyes.

"The task has been completed and the reward has been issued"

"Since the host has the system item, the virtual space is now open and the host can use it for free."

Lin Cang immediately turned his eyes to the system interface and found that there was an extra space column. He briefly read the introduction

"Virtual space: 10,000 cubic meters, no time, no living things"

"So big?"Lin Cang was surprised for a moment, and was in a good mood.

The emergence of the system space provided him with great convenience.

In the future, he was very satisfied with the storage and safety of his items.


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