When Shi Qiu started fighting, the middle-aged man immediately attacked him and caught him off guard.

Shi Qiu didn't expect that the man here would take advantage of everything right from the start and attack with a fatal move.

"Water bubble!"The middle-aged man controlled Shi Qiu, pointed a short knife at his neck, and rushed over at high speed.

Shi Qiu burst out 120% of his strength in the face of life and death crisis, and broke free from the control of the water ball. The spiritual energy in his body surged wildly.


A huge fire appeared, frightening the middle-aged man.

"B-level supernatural power, is he a super genius?"

"Damn, how could my luck be so bad!"

He was desperate.

Although Shi Qiu's combat performance was poor, this was not a sneak attack. His hard power was much stronger than that of the middle-aged man.

Of course, Lin Cang's advice also played a role. This middle-aged man's strength was at the bottom among the first-level advanced ones.

"No!"The middle-aged man roared and was engulfed in flames. A moment later, a dried corpse appeared.

Shi Qiu won.

After winning, Shi Qiu immediately stepped down and returned to Lin Cang's side. His face was very ugly.

"How do you feel?" Lin Cang asked. Shi

Qiu:"Very strong, the opponent fought hard and attacked ruthlessly. If he had half of my special skills, I would not be his opponent."

"Very good." Lin Cang nodded,"It seems that you have realized your shortcomings. My efforts have not been in vain."

"Du Fei"


"It's your turn"


Du Fei immediately took the stage.

His opponent was a fat woman in her twenties, also a first-level advanced strength.

"You are actually a friend of Lord Lincang?" The fat woman asked carefully.

Du Fei said proudly:"Yes"

"Then I admit defeat. I dare not compete with you."The fat woman said respectfully. Du Fei was stunned.

At this time, Lin Cang spoke in the stands.

"They all went all out, regardless of life or death"

"Yes!" The fat woman responded, then put away her respect and showed a cruel expression on her face.

"Boy, it seems that you have a grudge against Lord Lincang, so let me kill you.

Her expression changed quickly, which made Du Fei feel cold in his heart.

"My father is right. The people here are all survivors of hell. It's very scary."

"But how did Brother Lin gain their respect? It seems that it is not just respect, they seem to be afraid of Brother Lin."

"Could it be that... Brother Lin is even more ruthless than them?"

Du Fei was thinking wildly in his mind, and even when the host called out"start", he was stunned and his movements were a beat slower.

Although the fat woman was fat, her movements were extremely flexible. She took the initiative, and her skin immediately turned to stone. She threw out three flying knives at the same time.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The three flying knives hit Du Fei's chest perfectly, and penetrated three centimeters deep, causing Du Fei to feel extremely painful.

"Damn it!"

""You bitch, die! Thunder!"


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket struck the fat woman's head, destroying her petrified skin and causing her to fall to the ground.

Du Fei immediately stepped forward with a dagger in his hand, wanting to finish off his opponent.

"Spare my life!" The fat woman begged for mercy, looking pitiful,"Please spare me, I still have a child!"

Du Fei's hand stopped on her head, unable to stab any further.

He was struggling, his education since childhood told him that this was a living being.

"Du Fei, kill her!"Lin Cang in the audience spoke again, his tone cold

"Don't hesitate, act now"

"You want to kill me?" The fat woman's eyes turned fierce, and a flying knife appeared in her hand and stabbed at Du Fei's neck when he hesitated.

"Ah!"Although Du Fei dodged in time, he was still stabbed, and a lot of blood gushed out of his neck.

In anger, he stabbed the dagger in his hand into the fat woman's heart, killing her instantly.

Lin Cang jumped to the ring and immediately treated Du Fei, while snorting coldly

"Naive guy, you feel sorry for her when you know your opponent will show no mercy?"

"If I hadn’t been here, today next year would be your memorial day!"

"Cough cough."Du Fei coughed heavily, and the blood in his neck slowly decreased. The healing effect of the Muji was amazing.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Brother Lin, I was too naive."

"But don't worry, I, Du Fei, will never do this again."

"Just remember it."Lin Cang simply stopped the bleeding and carried him back to the audience seats, and the game continued.

Huang Ming was the third to appear. After some effort, he finally completed the task.

Then Tong Xiaotong and Li Xin came on stage one by one and killed their opponents without any danger.

Wu Xiaoman was the last one. Lin Cang deliberately arranged it this way to let others set an example for her first.

She is the strongest. The others are all defeated by the weaker ones, and only she is fighting at the same level.

Logically speaking, as long as Wu Xiaoman performs stably, she can even win all the way like Lin Cang, and maybe even get the Douhuang in the end.

But she is too naive and kind. In Lin Cang's eyes, she is even more naive than Du Fei. After defeating her opponent, she was reluctant to take action.

At this moment, in front of Wu Xiaoman on the ring, a middle-aged man with a face full of flesh was lying on the ground, begging bitterly.

Lin Cang snorted in the audience seats and ordered her to kill.

However, Wu Xiaoman just couldn't do it. She closed her eyes in pain.

"No, no, I can't kill him!"

The audience was also angry at her appearance and laughed at her loudly.

"This is so funny. Whose child is this? Go home and feed yourself!"

"I'm speechless. I've already seen that Lord Lincang is training these people. This girl is such a waste!"

"More than a waste, she is a saint."

"In the previous match, 'Gong Ya' almost killed her several times, but she still showed mercy?"

"I'm so angry. Today's students are so bad. They make me angry. Can the base city really rely on them in the future?"

"Yes, for many years, only Lord Lincang has convinced me, Feng Dawei."

"His decisive and ruthless mentality...tsk tsk, he is even more desperate than a desperado!"

"Oh, I really miss the days before. I watched Lord Lincang's matches every day. It was so cool."

Everyone ridiculed and mocked. Wu Xiaoman's hands trembled even more after hearing it.

In an inconspicuous position in the audience, a handsome middle-aged man looked at the ring and shook his head.

"Xiaoman is as kind as her mother. It is difficult to force her to make such a decision.

Although the middle-aged man was dressed in luxurious clothes, he did not show extravagance. There was no spiritual fluctuation on his body, as if he was an ordinary person.

However, the cold guard behind him had a strong aura, not weaker than Lei Fa, and spoke in a muffled voice.

"Master, why don't you call the young lady down? She is in so much pain."

"Still no." A look of distress flashed across the middle-aged man's face.

"Although I can't bear to let Xiaoman be like this, this is something she must get used to in the future. That Lin Cang did the right thing."

He said as he looked at a calm young man with admiration in his eyes. It was Lin Cang.

"I don't know how this kid grew up. He has such a high level of awareness and has understood the true meaning of the wasteland so early."

"What's the use?" The guard spoke again,"I have seen many people like this, but few of them have grown up."

"Master, please call the young lady down."

"You are a ninth-level superpower, one of the strongest in the base city. Miss, there is no need to be exposed to these things so early."

"No." The middle-aged man shook his head, looked at Lin Cang with interest, and said without turning his head.

"Let the younger generation handle their own affairs. I want to see how well this kid can train my Wu Wudi's daughter."

"Xiaowu, find a chance to contact Lin Cang and tell him that I want to meet him."

"Yes, Master." The guard nodded silently and continued to look at the ring.


""Do it!" Lin Cang said in a low voice,"Wu Xiaoman, if you don't want to be kicked out of the team by me, do it now!"


""Stop talking nonsense, hurry up!" Lin Cang shouted, scaring Wu Xiaoman, and the dagger in his hand finally stabbed into the heart of the fat man.

""Ugh!" Wu Xiaoman vomited violently almost instantly, and then collapsed to the ground.

The audience immediately laughed and booed.

Lin Cang had no choice but to go on stage and help Wu Xiaoman up. The latter was trembling at the moment, with a wronged look on her face.

""Everyone be quiet." He spoke softly, and the audience immediately fell silent. This terrifying influence surprised everyone who was watching him in the dark.

"Interesting." Wu Wudi, dressed in luxurious clothes, stood up and said,"Very good young man, it would be great if he could join my Wu family."

He praised and turned away. The guard glanced at Lin Cang and whispered

"It was his honor."

After that, he left. The two of them walked very quietly without attracting the attention of others.


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