Lin Cang drove his broken van very fast, and killed many animals along the way.

Xiao Hui didn't get in the car, it was too big, so it could only run along.

Fortunately, it was a second-level monster, and it could keep up with the speed of more than 100 miles per hour, very easily.

Du Fei sat in the back seat and laughed.

"Brother Lin, didn't you say you would take us to complete the transformation? Now we can say where it is, right?"

When he asked, everyone was curious.

They had seen Lin Cang's methods this week, and they had improved a lot, so they were more convinced of him.

After listening, Lin Cang nodded and smiled,"Okay"

"What place is this, Brother Lin?"

"Underground Arena"


Everyone was shocked when they heard this except Tong Xiaotong!

Tong Xiaotong:"What's wrong with you? What is the underground arena?"

""Alas." Du Fei sighed,"Little boy, you don't know that this place is known as the place with the most deaths in Base City every day."

"Dead people?"Tong Xiaotong was even more puzzled.

He was born in a low-income family. In his opinion, the federal government has good public security and no one has ever died in the base city.

Wu Xiaoman's face was solemn, and she continued Du Fei's words.

"Although I have never been there, I know it well. It is a place for illegal games. No one cares if you win or kill your opponent."

"Likewise, if I failed and was killed by my opponent, no one would care. My elders strictly told me not to go to that place since I was a child."

"Me too." Shi Qiu nodded,"My family doesn't allow me to go either."

"Almost." Du Fei shook his head,"Brother Lin, it's better not to go. The underground arena is too dangerous. We have a bright future and there is no need to risk our lives there."

Everyone was reluctant, and Lin Cang smiled slightly when he saw this.

"Don't worry, if I can bring you in, I can also bring you out."

"I have some connections in the underground arena, and I will work behind the scenes to ensure your safety."


Those who know about it, such as Du Fei, Shi Qiu, and Wu Xiaoman, don't believe it.

Especially Du Fei, he looks so careless.

"Brother Lin, I don't think you are bragging. Even if my father went to the underground fighting arena, he would just be an ordinary spectator."

"My father is a well-known figure in Base City, but it is not okay to be treated the same by them."

"He is right. Shi Qiu agreed, and Wu Xiaoman also nodded.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Lin Cang didn't elaborate.

"Since I am the captain, everyone must obey my orders. If you don't want to go, you can quit the team now."

When he said this, everyone had no objection. They didn't dare to have any.

Lin Cang conquered them with his strength. His orders were correct, even if they were wrong.

Lin Cang's car drove very fast and arrived at the base city at around 12 noon.

After completing the registration procedures for Xiao Hui at the city gate, Lin Cang took it into the base city.

The monster companions of the superpowers can enter the city, but they cannot attack people or destroy things, otherwise their owners will be fully responsible for any accidents.

The young man who had been waiting at the city gate to sell cars collected Lin Cang's broken bread.

Lin Cang also sold the monster corpses that the team had harvested these days through him, and sold them for more than 1 million. The second-level monster corpses that he and Lily killed were not sold in public. Lin Cang didn't want others to know that his system space was very large.

After dealing with these, Lin Cang first sent Xiao Hui to Luoshui University and let it stay there honestly.

Then he took everyone on a quick journey and finally arrived at the underground arena in the southern suburbs of the base city when it was almost dark.

"Is this the underground arena?"Wu Xiaoman was here for the first time and was very curious.

It was the same for everyone else. It was their first time.

Lin Cang looked at this very familiar place and sighed softly.

"This is the dark side behind the glamorous Base City."

"All right, come with me, and I will be able to complete your training tonight."

The strength of the group is very important, and they must become strong.

Only in this way can Lin Cang be sure to lead them to win the first place in the Global Freshman Competition.

This is not only for the 50,000 energy points of the task reward, but also for the girl Murong Weiwei who made his heart beat.

Now that they are here, everyone is ready and immediately follows him in. Taking the elevator to the negative third floor, the luxurious decoration appeared in front of everyone, shocking Tong Xiaotong, who had never seen the world.

At this time, the waiter saw a new face and immediately stepped forward to ask,"Dear guests, please show your invitation... Lord Lin Cang!"

When he saw Lin Cang's familiar face, his body trembled instantly, and he said tremblingly:"My Lord, I didn't know you were back, damn it!"

"It's okay."Lin Cang waved his hand casually and asked him to leave.

This scene dumbfounded Wu Xiaoman, Du Fei and Shi Qiu, the three people who knew about the underground arena.

Du Fei:"Am I seeing right? Brother Lin is so prestigious?"

Shi Qiu:"Sir... this title is not used easily in the underground arena."

Wu Xiaoman:"Yes, even some of the strong men of my clan who often hang out here don't get this title. What is your identity, Lin Cang?"

What identity?

Lin Cang did not explain. To put it bluntly, he was just a small senior executive here.

Whether it was the rights of the Hundred Victory Dou Huang or the signed contract, or the junior brother of Lei Fa, any identity would allow him to walk sideways here.

Lei Fa had already told him that even a sixth-order psychic here had to greet him obediently.

"Don't ask, just follow me." Lin Cang led everyone to the bar and waved to a middle-aged man, who immediately trotted over respectfully.

"Lord Lincang, you are back!"

"Get the competition information for these friends of mine, and let them play in the next game"

"Yes, please wait a moment!"

The manager hurried to complete the formalities.

However, at this moment, an accident happened. An old man in gray suddenly appeared and grabbed the manager's hand. His tone was cold and indifferent.

"Who gave you the courage to let my little princess compete here?"

"This guest, you……"The manager was frightened.

The gray-clothed old man had a strong aura, and the manager's face immediately changed, and he looked at Lin Cang.

Before Lin Cang could say anything, Wu Xiaoman immediately said,"Grandpa Li, don't worry about it. This is my mission."

"What a bullshit mission!"Gray glared at Lin Cang fiercely.

"Boy, I have disliked you for a long time. How dare you teach our lady a lesson?"

"You followed us?" Lin Cang's face turned cold.

The gray-clothed old man said proudly:"Yes, do you think my Wu family doesn't know that you took the young lady out of the base city?"

"If I hadn't seen you help the young lady improve her strength, I would have taught you a lesson long ago."

"Wu Xiaoman."Lin Cang didn't waste time talking to the gray-clothed old man, and looked at the innocent girl.

This old man was very powerful, and he was probably her protector. It would be unwise for him to argue with him.

"What do you think? Should you listen to me and stay here, or go back with this old man?"

"I listen to you!" Wu Xiaoman said affirmatively, then looked at the old man in gray with an unhappy tone.

"Grandpa Li, I know you are doing this for my own good, but I have to train like everyone else."

"No, it's very dangerous here, Miss, you must come home with me!"The gray-clothed old man disagreed, stretched out his hand to grab Wu Xiaoman and was about to leave.


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