The next day, Lin Cang trained everyone as usual at dawn.

After several battles yesterday, the six of them had grown up a little bit, and their cooperation gradually became tacit.

After half a day, this tacit understanding became more mature, and sometimes Shi Qiu didn't even need to command. He only needed a glance to know what to do.

Fight, look for monsters... look for monsters again, fight again...

When it was getting dark, everyone hunted down another first-level high-level monster. At this time, a hint passed by Lin Cang's eyes.

【Shi Qiu (meet the conditions)】

【Du Fei (meet the conditions)】

"Very good, the mission has made another step forward. He took the six people back to the abandoned hotel and held a meeting with Huang Ming and Wu Xiaoman.

"Now everyone else is almost there, only you two can't satisfy me."

Lin Cang put his hands behind his back and looked serious. After hearing this, the two of them looked a little embarrassed.

"Captain." Huang Ming apologized and said,"I'm sorry for the trouble. I will work harder tomorrow."

"Me, me too……"Wu Xiaoman whispered.

After hearing this, Lin Cang patted Huang Ming on the shoulder, encouraged him and came to Wu Xiaoman with a serious tone.

"Wu Xiaoman, you are the only one among them with top talent, the only one with first-class advanced strength, and the only one with a good family background."

"And looking at your current performance, Xiao Tong has already broken through the first intermediate level."

"Shi Qiu and Du Fei are not far from the first-level advanced level. If you don't work hard, you will be surpassed by them."

"I think you don't want to see this happen, right?"

"You played such a good hand of cards so badly, don't you think it's a disgrace to your family?"

Lin Cang's words were sharp, leaving Wu Xiaoman no face at all, and ruthlessly tore off her only fig leaf, leaving her with no face left.

Wu Xiaoman felt very wronged after hearing this, and hated him for being too harsh.

But she couldn't refute it, what Lin Cang said was all true.

This made her ashamed and angry, but she also made up her mind.

"Lin Cang, just watch!" Wu Xiaoman stood up, tears in her eyes, and shouted loudly:"I will work hard, and I will make you satisfied!"

"Very good."Lin Cang smiled and looked at everyone.

"After Huang Ming and Wu Xiaoman pass the test, I will take you to a good place."

"I believe that there you will complete the final transformation and become a true senior superpower."

"Where?" Shi Qiu asked.

Lin Cang smiled mysteriously,"I can't tell you now, you will know when the time comes."


On the third, fourth, and fifth days, Lin Cang's team was still active in the monster area.

Now Huang Ming had also met the system's requirements, and only Wu Xiaoman had not yet met the standards.

This made Lin Cang a little anxious, and an idea flashed through his mind.

"It seems like it's time to push her."

On the afternoon of the sixth day, Lin Cang"accidentally" led everyone into the territory of a second-level low-level monster, the Sawtooth Rat, and danger was imminent.

""Run!" Lin Cang yelled,"We are no match for it!"

"Yes!"Everyone ran away immediately.

Lin Cang used the stick-insertion technique to hit the sawtooth rat hard, successfully attracting hatred

""Escape separately, I'll cover the rear, everyone gather at the hotel!"

After he gave the order, everyone immediately followed and scattered.

Wu Xiaoman saw that Lin Cang was heading in the same direction as her, and was about to be happy, but she saw the sawtooth rat also chasing after them, and she couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Lin Cang, run quickly, the sawtooth rat is targeting us!"

""Here it comes." Lin Cang quickly followed.

However, he and Wu Xiaoman could not outrun the second-level monster at all. If they wanted to see the sawtooth rat catch up,

"What should we do?" Wu Xiaoman was anxious,"Lin Cang, you are so stupid, why did you let Lily stay in the hotel? Now we are both dead!"

"Not necessarily."Lin Cang said with a serious face.

"Wu Xiaoman, I will control the sawtooth rat, you cooperate with me in attacking, we may not die if we fight hard together"

"What did you say? You actually want to cross the border to fight against the monster? Don't joke."Wu Xiaoman was desperate.

Lin Cang grinned after hearing this.

"I just learned a B-level magic, there should be hope. As long as you can put aside your fear and use your strength normally, we may be able to kill it."

"New technique? I, I'll try it."

Wu Xiaoman hesitated, then stopped and looked at the rushing sawtooth rat.

Lin Cang clapped his hands immediately, feeling a little excited.

Although this was just acting, the sawtooth rat had been warned by Lily to cooperate with him in such a play.

But the B-level control ninjutsu"Sea of Trees" that he had exchanged for energy points these days was also used in actual combat for the first time.

"Let me see your power."

"Wood Release: Sea of Trees Arrives!"


As the spiritual energy in Lin Cang's body was consumed, a large number of trees immediately appeared within a 200-meter radius around him.

These trees started to grow rapidly from small saplings, and in the blink of an eye they grew into towering trees.

Moreover, these towering trees were all controlled by Lin Cang, surrounding the Sawtooth Rat and attacking it fiercely.

Wu Xiaoman and the Sawtooth Rat were stunned when they saw this scene, especially the latter, who shouted anxiously.

"Squeak! (Didn’t we agree to act? The script is not like this!)"

The sawtooth mouse was submerged in the sea of trees.

The attack of these trees was very strong, and it was soon injured.

However, the sawtooth mouse knew that it could not die. In the battle between enemies of the same level, monsters always win and humans lose, not to mention the battle between enemies of higher levels.

However, Lincang’s sea of trees is very difficult to deal with.

One giant tree was destroyed and then another was attacked, making the sawtooth mouse miserable and more in awe of Lincang.

Previously, when Lincang and Lily found it and asked it to cooperate in acting, the sawtooth mouse looked down on Lincang.

He thought he was a gigolo who was lucky enough to contract a nine-tailed fox.

But now, the sawtooth mouse is really convinced.

""Squeak! (This human broke the convention, he really has the ability to kill me)"

The sawtooth rat yelled at Lin Cang frantically, which made Lin Cang very dissatisfied.

"What's going on? Why doesn't this mouse follow the script? Is he pretending to be weak?"

At this time, he still thought that the sawtooth mouse was too stupid and didn't understand the script. He didn't think that it was his own tree sea that was too abnormal.

"No, if this continues, the sawtooth rats will not pose any threat at all."

Lin Cang immediately retracted the sea of trees and pretended to be exhausted.

"Wu Xiaoman, I have tried my best. The rest is up to you."

"Oh? Okay, okay.……"Wu Xiaoman gritted her teeth and attacked, sending out flames one after another.

However, these flames had little effect on the sawtooth rat, which made the sawtooth rat feel relieved.

""Squeak! (That's right, I said humans can't be our monsters' opponents)"

The sawtooth rat remembered the script at this moment, and forced Wu Xiaoman step by step, making her desperate.

Lin Cang saw that Wu Xiaoman still couldn't let go of the fear in her heart even though she was at the end of her rope, and immediately winked at the sawtooth rat, who said he understood.

"Squeak!"The sawtooth rat rushed towards Lin Cang, and Lin Cang was about to die.

""Hurry up and save me!" Lin Cang shouted,"Wu Xiaoman, use all your strength!"

"me……"Wu Xiaoman was extremely anxious, but at this moment she finally let go of her fear and bravely faced the sawtooth rat.

【Wu Xiaoman (meets the conditions)】

【Temporary tasks have been completed and rewards have been issued】

"Damn, it's finally done!"

After receiving 3,000 energy points, Lin Cang immediately breathed a sigh of relief. These days of hard work were finally not in vain.

"Stop!" He said to the sawtooth rat, and the latter immediately stopped moving.

"The show is over, Lily, you can come out now"

""Ahhh!" Lily jumped out from the bushes happily, and Wu Xiaoman was dumbfounded.

"Lily, you……"

"We are acting." Lily jumped onto the back of the sawtooth rat, which respectfully brought her to Lin Cang.

"Acting!"Wu Xiaoman was furious after being deceived. Just as she was about to explode, Lin Cang immediately spread his hands.

"Who made you slow down and didn't make any progress? I was forced to do this."

"Damn it!"Wu Xiaoman glared at him angrily.

Although she was angry, she also felt that she seemed to be different. She was still grateful to Lin Cang for taking so much effort to help her.


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