Lily continued

"And Xiaoman's family once had a deal with our clan, and they promised to protect Lily."

"Currently, only the master and them know Lily's identity. As long as she doesn't reveal herself, she is safe."

So that's how it is."

Lin Cang nodded slightly after hearing this.

It seems that this little Loli has a complicated background. He should be careful in"using" her in the future."

But although it's troublesome, Lin Cang does not regret contracting Lily as a spirit beast.

Lily is not only gifted, but also pleasing to the eye.

Of course, Lin Cang does not think that he is a Loli control, he just likes Lily's talent.

"Master, will you protect me?"Lily hugged Lin Cang's arm, looking pitiful.

White hair, weak, pitiful, little Lolita... Lin Cang felt that his blood tank was emptied, and he immediately promised

"Don't worry, Lily, I will protect you!"

"Hehe, Master is the best!"

Lily was very happy to get the promise and became more attached to him.

Lin Cang continued to understand the little Loli's abilities.

"Lily, why can your strength change at will? When you fought with me just now, you had already reached the advanced level of the second stage, right?"

"That's not my limit." Lily raised her head proudly.

"Master, I have three states: human, half-beast, and full beast, corresponding to three different strengths."

"In human form, Lily can exert the strength of the first-order intermediate level, and in the half-beast state, she can be upgraded to the second-order advanced level."

"Complete beast transformation is Lily's strongest state, and she can have the strength of a third-level intermediate."

Third-level intermediate?

Lin Cang thought to himself that he was lucky.

The upper limit of the use of the spirit scroll requires that the monster beast cannot exceed two levels higher than himself, which means that the highest level that can be contracted is Lily.

"It seems that this is God's will."Lin Cang said, touching his chin.

After that, he asked Lily a lot of questions, and finally got a general understanding.

The Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan is excellent in all aspects, and there is no shortcoming.

It's just that they have a fatal drawback, that is, all the clansmen do not know any special skills.

The body structure of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox is different from that of other monsters. It is impossible to learn ordinary special skills and can only rely on talent inheritance.

Lily said that their Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan once had a heritage stone. As long as they grow to a young age, they can accept the inheritance, activate their bloodline and master exclusive special skills.

But this heritage stone was destroyed in the genocide war a hundred years ago.

At present, the remaining ten clansmen, including Lily, have no special skills and can only attack with their bodies like ordinary wild beasts.

Lily was very depressed when she said this, and Lin Cang touched her little head to comfort her.

"This may be the difference between gain and loss. Your race has talents that other races envy, but you are restricted."

""Yeah." Lily nodded and spoke again hurriedly.

"But please rest assured, Master. Even if I only rely on my body, I am stronger than the ordinary monsters of the same level. I will never drag you down in the future!"

She was worried that Lin Cang would abandon her because she was useless. She was a little scared for a moment, and her petite body trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Lin Cang shook his head slightly and said,"Don't worry, Lily, I won't do that."

"And without the inheritance stone, you may not be unable to master offensive abilities other than physical skills."

""Master, what did you say?" Lily was surprised.

Lin Cang smiled slightly,"There are more than just magic in this world. I can teach you a new attack ability."

New attack ability?

Lily didn't understand.

Lin Cang put his hand on her little head without explaining, and looked at the panel in her mind while she was puzzled.

【Host: Lin Cang】

【Age: 18】

【Ability: Wood Release】

【Talent level: God level】

【Ability level: Intermediate level 1】

【Current available energy: 103 points】

【Summoning Beast: Nine-tailed Fox (Lily)】

【Spirit beast level: Level 3 intermediate】

【Summoning beast ability: None (the host can teach his own summoning beast the five elements of ninjutsu, and the energy points required for exchange are the same as the host's own)】

【Current mission: Defeat 100 first-level advanced psychics in the current realm, and be rewarded with 1000 energy points】

"Lily, what kind of magical skill is your clan best at?"

"Anything is fine." Lily looked up at Lin Cang in surprise,"Master, why do you ask that?"

"Because I want to teach you ninjutsu"

"Ninjutsu? What is that?"

"An attack capability that is stronger than supernatural powers. There are five types of attacks: fire, water, thunder, earth, and wind. Which one do you like?"

"Wind? Does the world have this ability?"Lily was confused by Lin Cang,"If the master wants to teach... then let's learn Thunder Earth. I want to protect you!"

In her cognition, the thunder system has the ability to attack, and the earth system has the ability to defend. This choice should be correct.

Lin Cang nodded after listening and began to look for a suitable thunder earth ninjutsu.

After a while, Lin Cang opened his eyes, and suddenly a power that made the little loli feel very comfortable came from his right hand that was touching Lily's little head.

"Mmm... Master, I feel so comfortable"

""Don't yell!" Lin Cang was speechless. Why did this girl always want to ruin his reputation?

At this time, a few lines of prompts passed by his eyes, and Lily also felt that she had suddenly mastered a lot of things.

【You spent 30 energy points to exchange for the Nine-Tailed Fox (Lily) for the 'Lightning Release: Earth Walk'’】

【Lightning escape: Ground escape: C-rank ninjutsu, which sends a lightning beam close to the ground and at a very short distance to the enemy in front. It is more powerful when used with water escape.】

【You spent 20 energy points to exchange the 'Earth Escape: Heart Decapitation Technique' for the Nine-Tailed Fox (Lily)】

【Earth escape technique: The practitioner uses earth escape technique to sneak underground. When the technique is activated and appears, cracks will appear on the ground, which can be used for surprise attacks and to avoid the opponent's attacks.】

"Um... Good, awesome!"

After learning two very practical ninjutsu, Lily hugged Lin Cang excitedly, rubbing her big breasts against him, and yelled repeatedly.

"Master, you are so awesome, Lily wants more!"

"No more, keep your voice down!"Lin Cang quickly pushed her away.

He suspected that the little Lolita was doing it on purpose to seduce him.

At this time, the fat man who was eavesdropping outside the door heard the noise inside and looked regretful.

"Oh, this guy is too weak, isn't he? It's over so quickly?"

"What a waste of such a cute little girl."

The fat man left with a look of regret on his face. He looked down on Lin Cang and thought he was weak.

However, although he looked down on him, he admired Lin Cang very much. As he walked, he thought

"No, I, Fatty, have chosen this master as my new master, and I must learn his true teachings!"


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