"Can I use this method to replace the Thunder Spirit Fruit?" A strange idea suddenly popped up in Lin Cang's mind.

He must develop the thunder ability, and he also wants to apply the power of thunder to the wood escape to see if there is any change.

However, the Thunder Spirit Fruit is too expensive, and he can't afford it for the time being.

If this method really works, then he will be excited.

Putting away the idea, Lin Cang looked at Ouyang Yue who was controlled by the big tree and said calmly:"You lost"

"Alas." Ouyang Yue sighed and nodded slowly,"You win."

"I really can't accept this. I clearly have some tricks that I haven't used yet."

He felt very aggrieved about losing.

At this time, the system actually intervened.

【It is detected that the host has successfully fought against the enemy across levels, and a new task is now issued】

【New mission: Defeat 100 first-level high-level opponents and receive 1,000 energy points.】

"New mission? The reward this time is very generous."

There is a new mission again, and Lin Cang is in a good mood.

However, Ouyang Yue, who is opposite him, is full of emotion. He has always been the only one who can challenge others across levels. When did others treat him like this?

Lin Cang let him go, picked up the third-level crystal core on the ground, and grinned at Huo Tu.

"Thank you Director Huo for sending the crystal core. Director Huo is very generous."

""Get it and get out of here!" Huo Tu said unhappily.

This kid, even though he won, he still deliberately pissed him off?

Lin Cang smiled and turned around.

But just as he walked out a few steps, Huo Tu's voice rang out again behind him.

"Well, Lincang……"

"If you are unhappy at Luoshui University, you can come to me. I will welcome you on behalf of Chengshan University at any time."

No matter how angry Huo Tu was, he could not hide his admiration for Lin Cang, and he unconsciously wanted to poach him.

Everyone was still shocked by Lin Cang's cross-level battle, and now they heard that the director of a school actually lowered his status to poach people in person?

And poached in public?

This has never happened before, which indirectly proves how excellent Lin Cang is.

"He won't come!" Before Lin Cang could speak, Wu Xiaoman spoke hurriedly.

Lin Cang was a rare super genius, and she personally recruited him. She was absolutely reluctant to let Lin Cang go.

Lin Cang looked back at Huo Tu and turned away.

He neither agreed nor refused.

This ambiguous attitude made Huo Tu happy, and Wu Xiaoman nervous.

"No way!" Wu Xiaoman thought in her heart.

"I have to tell Sister Weiwei not to make Lin Cang angry in the future. He has no feelings for the school."


On the playground of Luoshui University, Wu Xiaoman was organizing more than 20 students to go through the admission procedures.

In the distance, Murong Weiwei, who was beautiful, mature and generous, had a dull look in her eyes, looking unbelievable.

Next to her, a tall boy with a smirk on his face asked,"Did you not expect that I would attract so many people?"

"Yes." Murong Weiwei took a deep breath,"I really didn't expect"

"Xiaoman and Lily worked so hard for so many days to only recruit you, but you actually recruited 32 students in such a short time.……"

"Lin Cang, you are awesome."

"Hehe, I have something even better."Lin Cang teased.

Murong Weiwei rolled her eyes at him,"Do you really want to pursue me? Don't forget that there is a six-year age difference between us."

""What's wrong with a six-year age difference?" Lin Cang did not deny that he was indeed attracted to the mature and sexy woman in front of him.

As a person who has lived two lifetimes, he did not care about the age difference. The age difference was not an obstacle.

This made Lin Cang brave enough to take action and joked,"Haven't you heard of an old saying?"

"What old saying?"

"A girl three years older than me holds a gold brick, can't I hold two?"

"You guy……"Murong Weiwei couldn't stand Lin Cang's attack, her face turned red, she threw him a package and turned around and walked away with a sexy cat walk.

"These are thirty-two second-level low-level crystal cores, which are your mission rewards."

Lin Cang took the package and put it directly into the system space. He looked at the beautiful snake leaving and thought for a while, with a smile on his face.

"Maybe I should be more proactive."

He had an idea at this moment, and he was just waiting to realize it.

Sitting downstairs in the office building, Lin Cang waited for Wu Xiaoman and Lili to deal with the new students.

He opened the system and looked at his current status.

【Host: Lin Cang】

【Age: 18】

【Ability: Wood Release】

【Talent level: God level】

【Ability level: Intermediate level 1】

【Currently mastered ninjutsu: sealless healing, pole insertion technique, wooden ingot……】

【Current available energy: 103 points】

【Current mission: Defeat 100 first-level advanced psychics in the current realm, and be rewarded with 1000 energy points】

"1000 energy points!"Lin Cang took another look at something that he had been thinking about.

【One Magatama Sharingan: can grow, the power of God, once evolved into a Mangekyō, there is nothing else to ask for (requires 1000 energy points to exchange)】

"After completing the task, you can exchange for Sharingan"

"But I have to finish it as soon as possible. Once I break through the first-order advanced level, this mission will be useless."

The most cost-effective thing that can be exchanged for 1000 energy points is the Sharingan.

At least Lin Cang thinks so.

Although the Wood Release Ninjutsu is also powerful, it requires a lot of energy points, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

1000 energy points can only be exchanged for a"Sea of Trees Descent" of unknown power.

That is, a low-profile version of the Tree World Descent, the one used by the God of Greening Yamato.

Lin Cang will definitely exchange for this jutsu.

Although Yamato is not very good, that is compared with Hashirama. He believes that the Sea of Trees Descent is also okay.

But that is in the future. At present, the Sharingan is still important.

Especially in today's battle.

Although Ouyang Yue's last move of thunder ball is powerful, it is not impossible to avoid it.

As long as your eyes can capture the movement trajectory of each thunder ball, it will be fine.

This sounds difficult. After all, how can the eyes see so many thunder balls attacking at the same time?

But Lin Cang believes that the Sharingan will not let him down.

After all, dynamic vision capture is the forte of the Sharingan.

"But where can I find so many first-level high-level opponents?"Lin Cang frowned.

It is not difficult to defeat the enemy, but it is difficult to find people.

Just as he was thinking about the solution and was in a daze, a pair of white and tender little hands suddenly waved in front of him, and then a sweet and innocent voice sounded.

"Hey, Lin Cang, what are you daydreaming about?"


He looked up and saw that it was Wu Xiaoman.

At this time, the new students had already left, and he realized that he had been in a daze for a long time.

Lin Cang stood up and smiled slightly,"Just finished?"

"That's right!"

Wu Xiaoman complained,"You threw so many freshmen to others without any help, I'm almost exhausted."

At this moment, Wu Xiaoman's expression was lively, and there seemed to be a hint of coquettishness in her tone, which surprised Lin Cang a little.

At first, when he first met Wu Xiaoman, he thought she was an iceberg beauty with an indifferent personality.

Unexpectedly, she was actually very lively, at least after getting to know her.

Lily looked at Wu Xiaoman's performance and muttered,"Sister Xiaoman, you are very weird now. I have never seen you so familiar with any man."

"Do you like this guy?"

""Ah? Lily, don't talk nonsense!" Wu Xiaoman blushed immediately.

She was hit by Lily's words. In fact, she herself didn't know why she made an exception for Lin Cang.

It's not that she hasn't seen outstanding young people.

On the contrary, as the daughter of a wealthy family, she has seen a lot, some of whom are even better than Lin Cang.

But the demeanor shown by Lin Cang today fascinated her deeply.

That fearless attitude and the extremely enthusiastic attitude to improve strength attracted her.

Moreover, after she recruited Lin Cang to school, she also learned about his past and knew that his family background was average, and that his achievements today were all due to his own hard work and persistence.

"In this way, Lin Cang is also very good."Wu Xiaoman thought in her heart, unconsciously wanting to get close to him.

At this time, Lin Cang said:"Xiaoman, do you have time tonight? Let's go out for dinner together?"

He asked me?

Wu Xiaoman was stunned at first, and then she was overjoyed.

However, before she could speak, she heard Lin Cang say

"Please call Weiwei, let's go celebrate today's enrollment together"

"Sister Weiwei……"Wu Xiaoman suddenly came back to her senses, her beautiful eyes immediately darkened,"It seems that Lin Cang really likes her."

Although she felt a little sad, Wu Xiaoman still nodded.

"You're right. We should celebrate the fact that we recruited so many students at once."

"You agreed?" Lin Cang was delighted."Murong Weiwei……"

Wu Xiaoman smiled bitterly in her heart and said,"Leave Sister Weiwei to me. I will call her out for you."

"Thank you!"


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