Although Lin Cang was hit, he also approached Hu Hongda and attacked him with physical skills.

Hu Hongda was stunned by his unexpected fighting style. He was slow to attack and could only passively take the beating.

Lin Cang relied on his strong recovery ability and did not defend himself at all, exchanging injuries with him.

Soon Hu Hongda could not stand it anymore and was kicked hard to the ground by him and could not get up.

Hu Hongda was defeated.

"Huhu~" Lin Cang was breathing heavily, and one could tell at a glance that he had reached his limit.

"I was almost defeated by you, who else would challenge me?"

""I'll do it!" A boy with quick hands and eyes jumped out excitedly,"You guys rely on your recovery ability."

At this moment, Lin Cang was healing his charred right arm, and the speed of his recovery surprised everyone.

But everyone also saw what he relied on. He didn't have any long-range attack skills, so he could only rely on his body and recovery ability to fight his opponent.

Everyone thought that as long as they were careful, they would have no problem defeating Lin Cang.

Lin Cang nodded and pretended to be tired.

"What is your talent?"

"Peng Xin, a first-level intermediate fire-type mutant with superb talent!"

"Sure, come on."

As soon as he finished speaking, Peng Xin attacked immediately, and a big fireball flew towards him.

This time, Lin Cang did not charge head-on, but instead relied on the Thunder Footwork to dodge flexibly.

Although the fire ability is more destructive than the lightning ability, its attack speed is too slow, and Peng Xin could not hit Lin Cang at all.

Of course, this is also due to the Thunder Footwork.

Swish, swish, swish.

After several attacks by Peng Xin, Lin Cang got close to him, and Lin Cang used physical attacks to exchange injuries with him again.

Peng Xin couldn't hold on for a while.

Now everyone has just stepped into the ranks of psychics, and their bodies are not as strong as those of advanced psychics.

After several punches and kicks, Lin Cang was not hurt, but Peng Xin was defeated.

""Haha, thanks." Lin Cang smiled, Peng Xin stood with Hu Hongda with a stern face.

Lin Cang's defeat of two geniuses reduced the greed of the crowd a little.

But it was only a little, the temptation of the third-level crystal core was too great.

Soon another man and a woman appeared, but they were both defeated by Lin Cang.

At this moment, Lin Cang looked even more tired, and his panting became louder and louder, as if he had reached his limit, which made many people's minds active again.

"This guy is quite capable." A boy said.

Another boy snorted coldly,"He just relies on his strong body. I'll go meet him!"

He jumped out and everyone was surprised when they saw his appearance.

"I didn't expect that even Liu Kang would take action. He is the most talented person of the younger generation of the Liu family."

"Yes, Liu Kang is very good at using earth-related abilities. It is said that no one of his level can break his defense."

"Yes, he has mastered the B-level skill 'Roaring Earth', the defense of this skill is too terrifying"

"That's right, I think Liu Kang can't break his defense even if he stands there and lets Lin Cang hit him."

Liu Kang stood proudly listening to everyone's praise, and Lin Cang naturally heard it too.

"Are you good at defense? Physical skills may not work, so use big trees."

Lin Cang didn't want to burst out with all his strength at once.

This would definitely scare these students and cause no one to dare to challenge.

This was not what he wanted.

"Let's get started."Lin Cang said, Liu Kang snorted coldly and attacked immediately.

Everyone saw a layer of earthy yellow aura on the surface of his body, and he said proudly:"Lin Cang, let's see how your physical skills can break the defense of my 'Roaring Earth'"

"Who said I used physical skills?"Lin Cang grinned and raised his right hand in front of Liu Kang's puzzled eyes.

"Wood Release: Large Tree Technique!"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

A dozen vines appeared, rushing towards Liu Kang as swiftly as poisonous snakes.

When Liu Kang saw these vines, his face changed drastically, and he lost his previous arrogance and quickly dodged.

"Damn, this guy can actually attack with a special skill?"

However, he was not a special ability user who was good at speed.

In addition, he had underestimated Lin Cang and was not prepared. He was tied up by the big tree.

""Damn it!" Liu Kang struggled hard.

As an earth-type mutant, although his defense and strength were strong, he could not break free from the control of the big tree in a short time.

Liu Kang knew that he had lost.

At this time, he was a lamb to be slaughtered. If it was a life-and-death battle, the opponent would have many ways to kill him.

He simply did not want to embarrass himself, and said coldly to Lin Cang:"I lost, you won, I am willing to accept the defeat, and I will join Luoshui University"

"Haha, thank you very much."Lin Cang retracted the big tree and glanced at Peng Xin and other four defeated subordinates.

His meaning was very clear, he wanted them to take the initiative to express their opinions.

However, the four people's eyes were evasive and uncertain, and it was obvious that they did not want to admit defeat.

But Lin Cang did not force it. He still had a backup plan that would make these four people convinced to enroll.

At this time, everyone saw that even Liu Kang was not Lin Cang's opponent, and most of them woke up instantly.

They would never be able to get the crystal core!

Seeing that their enthusiasm had subsided and they continued to pretend to be tired, Lin Cang hurriedly said:"It seems that everyone doesn't want to challenge, so let's end it!"


It would have been better if Lin Cang didn't say it. As soon as he said it, everyone immediately thought that he was guilty!

Defeating five geniuses in a row must be very exhausting, and everyone felt that their chance had come.

"Don't go, I'm here to challenge you!" A thin boy jumped out,"I'm a top-notch talent, a first-level intermediate supernatural power user of the lightning system"

"Or don't want it?" Lin Cang looked unhappy."I have already recruited enough people."

"What? You can't afford to lose?"The thin boy was afraid that he would refuse, so he immediately provoked him.

"What school would complain about having too many students? Keep on challenging yourself!"

"Well... well then." Lin Cang looked embarrassed,"You took the initiative to ask for this."

"Right." The thin boy laughed and said,"I asked for it, go ahead."

Lin Cang nodded and continued to attack with the big tree.

However, this time the big tree did not work. The thin man was very fast and had been prepared, so he easily dodged the vine.

He actually had a plan in mind, thinking that his speed was enough to restrain Lin Cang.

""Heavenly thunder!"

The thin boy immediately sent out a thick thunderbolt, which looked much more powerful than lightning.

Seeing that he couldn't catch him, Lin Cang immediately clapped his hands and used a new and strange technique that surprised everyone.

"Wood Style: Wood Wall!"


The wood wall was penetrated by the thunder and hit the body of Lin Cang inside, causing him to tremble violently.

"What a powerful attack"

"Opportunity!"The thin man approached Lin Cang immediately.

However, when he was only five meters away from Lin Cang, the latter smiled slightly, and the pain on his face disappeared instantly.

"What? He was just pretending? The thin man retreated immediately.

But it was too late. Lin Cang used the tree technique to tie him up in the blink of an eye and pulled him close.

"You lost."Lin Cang said indifferently.

The thin man looked dusty and dejected, and nodded in defeat.

Even Liu Kang, who was good at strength, couldn't break the big tree technique, let alone himself.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?" Lin Cang asked,"I'm really running out of energy, and now is a good opportunity to challenge me."

He continued to pretend.

However, this time everyone was smarter, and no matter what he said, no one came out.

They all saw that Lin Cang was just a"drama queen". He said no while pressing his genius to the ground with one hand?

This made everyone angry!

"Isn't this guy too sinister?" Someone said angrily, and everyone immediately nodded in agreement with him.

"Yes, he is a jerk, specializing in stabbing people"


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