The Nie family, with the head of the family, Nie Fei, floating in the air.

Half of the family beneath his feet had turned into ruins, and the weaker clansmen had suffered heavy casualties.

Just now, the three wooden clones had caught him off guard with the Flying Thunder God.

Three magical spiral shurikens exploded inside the family base, destroying his years of hard work.

Although Nie Fei reacted quickly and was very strong, he took countermeasures and eliminated the wooden clones the moment they attacked.

But he was still a step too late. The simultaneous explosion of three magical spiral shurikens was no joke, and clansmen below the fourth level would die if they were touched.

At this moment, the entire Nie family was in chaos.

High-level psychics were busy rescuing people in the ruins, and from time to time, some people's crying could be heard, because they found out that the people they cared about were killed by Lin Cang.

"I, Nie Tong, and Lin Cang are sworn enemies!"

"I, Nie Liang, will definitely kill Lin Cang!"

"My daughter, you are innocent. Lin Cang, you are a demon who cannot distinguish good from evil. I will eat you alive!"

Furious roars were heard one after another, and many families who came to observe the situation felt cold on the back of their necks, and did not dare to step forward to help.

If the Nie family encountered trouble at other times, they would definitely be the first to lick their assholes and get closer to the Nie family.

But now the one who is causing trouble for the Nie family is Lin Cang. These families are very smart and know how to choose between the two.

An old man in yellow clothes brought two young girls to watch the Nie family from afar.

When he saw that the big family that had been in Tongcheng for many years had also been treated so badly, he could not help but sigh.

"Lin Cang is such a genius that he actually forced the Nie family to such a point."

""Grandpa, can you take us to meet him?" a girl beside him asked, her eyes sparkling.

Another girl looked full of admiration and said longingly:"It would be great if he could like me, Lin Cang is so awesome!""

"Well……"The old man in yellow listened to his two granddaughters' words, stroked his chin and thought for a while, then smiled,"Aren't you two usually very arrogant?""

"I was dismissive of the blind date arranged by my family, so why am I so horny today?"

"Hate it, grandpa, what you said is really rude." A young girl wrinkled her cute little nose

"Since ancient times, beauties have loved heroes. It is normal for us to have such thoughts."

"Yes." Another girl laughed and said boldly:"If it was Lin Cang, I would be willing to marry him."

"Oh, we can’t afford to marry him," the old man in yellow smiled.

"There are many families eyeing Lin Cang, a popular commodity, and it is not our turn yet."

The old man in yellow was right.

Not only the major forces in Tongcheng were trying their best to win over Lin Cang.

The forces in the two major base cities of Xincheng and Tiancheng were also trying to absorb him into their own families.

Of course, what these forces wanted more was his spatial ability. However, they only dared to think but not to do it. No one wanted to become the second Nie family and be haunted by a lingering demon.


For ten days in a row, Lin Cang did nothing but mess with the mentality of the Nie family.

He finally forced Nie Fei to move his entire family into the community built by the Tongcheng federal government before he gave up.

Lin Cang does not want to fall out with the federal government yet. After all, Lin Shan is still under their protection, and it is not worth it for the Nie family.

Anyway, his own strength is improving quickly, and the Nie family is like a grasshopper in autumn and will not be able to jump for long.

When the Nie family and their entire family hid under the protection of the federal government, all the families in the three major base cities were shocked.

They never expected that the dignified Nie family would actually give in and would rather embarrass themselves than avoid Lin Cang.

This is an outrageous thing that has never happened since the resurrection of the spiritual energy of Blue Star.

A small third-level psychic actually beat a super family into submission by himself.

In the Tongcheng federal government community, Nie Fei bought more than a dozen buildings in one go and turned it into a small-scale family territory.

At this moment, an old man in black explained the rules to Nie Fei, and before leaving, a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes, and a sarcastic tone.

"Nie Fei, you have to listen to us like everyone else here and don't do anything out of line, otherwise I will definitely kick you out."

"You old……"Nie Fei was furious after hearing this. Who would dare to speak like this?

However, when he thought of the old man's identity as the highest manager of this community, he had to endure it. He snorted coldly and turned away.

The old man in black looked at Nie Fei's back and spit a mouthful of smear.

"What? Do you still think you are as powerful as before?"

"A thing that was beaten so badly that even the family dared not want it is still pretending?"

The old man in black was in a good mood at the moment.

He and Nie Fei were of the same generation. The two had fought for a lifetime and always lost. Today at noon, he finally got rid of his anger with Lin Cang's hand.

The Nie family ran away, and other families who had targeted Lin Cang came to apologize.

They all spent a lot of money, and Lin Cang made a big profit.

"Master Lincang." A nearly sixty-year-old seventh-level fire-type supernatural being smiled and bowed to the young man in front of him, offering the space bag in his hand.

"It's just a small token of my appreciation, please accept it."

Lin Cang took the space bag and injected a stream of spiritual energy into it to check. After a moment, he showed a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"It's really a thoughtful thing. Just ten seventh-level crystal cores to give to a beggar?"

"What's up? Do you look down on me, Lin Cang? Do you want me to go talk to your family?"

""Ah?" The old man was stunned after hearing this,"Lin, Master Lincang, this is most of our clan's savings.……"

"Hurry up and send another ten seventh-level crystal cores." Lin Cang scratched his ears and blackmailed him fiercely,"Otherwise I will get it myself, you choose one."

"This... okay!" The old man endured the pain and agreed, and left in disgrace. After he left, the people in the queue secretly cursed Lin Cang for being greedy and a piece of shit.

However, these people did not dare to show it, but instead smiled and complimented him, one by one offering their space bags.

"Hmm? Two eighth-level primary crystal cores? Not bad, you can go."

"Thirty bundles of spiritual herbs? Are you feeding them to animals? Change them into spiritual liquid."

"Sixth-rank monster blood? You dare to fool me with this kind of rubbish? You want me to go to your house to talk to someone, right?"


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