Somewhere in H City, hundreds of people gathered outside the teleportation array in the alien space and waited for the people inside to come out. Today is the 30th day since the alien space was opened, and it is the last day of the agreement. The person who will gain the most from this time is about to be born.

The weakest among these people are all sixth-level psychics, and they are all representatives of major forces on Blue Star.

The strongest Wen Hai and the short-sleeved old man from the Wu clan are in an unknown realm, and they cannot understand.

These powerful representatives have no relationship with them at all. They all understand that the mysterious ancient clan is disdainful to communicate with them on an equal footing.

However, this time they were invited, and these major forces sent their own people who are good at public relations.

They all want to get closer to the people of the ancient clan while gaining the opportunity of the alien space.

Especially the young geniuses of the ancient clan, they are their main targets to win over.

These representatives have seen many psychics who used invitation letters to escape in the past month.

But they are all people from Blue Star, and the genius of the ancient clan is a person they have not seen.

"Alas." An old man sighed. He was the representative of a large force."The gap between the young people of our Blue Star and the geniuses of the ancient race is too big.

"From this exploration of the alien space, we can get a glimpse of the heritage of these ancient tribes that have been passed down for thousands of years."

"Yes." A middle-aged man next to him answered

"All the superpowers in my clan were wiped out by a genius from the ancient clan named Tianxing. Otherwise, I wouldn't have returned empty-handed this time. I don't know how to explain this to the head of the family."

"Our superpowers are the same." Another sturdy man said dissatisfiedly

"They were even more unlucky, as they ran into Wu Bao, the strongest young talent of the ancient tribe, and two of them died."

"It would be a waste of life if I died." The old man looked at Wen Hai and the strong men of the Wu tribe in the distance, then withdrew his gaze and said

"Do you dare to come and seek revenge?"

"Are you kidding me?"The burly man quickly spoke

"Don't talk nonsense, old man. If I dare not give in, I will die."

"No, all of my people will die!"

"Who doesn't know how tyrannical the ancient tribe has been over the years? They have never looked down upon us Blue Star people, treating us as uncivilized natives."

"Hehe."The people who heard this could only smile bitterly, feeling very unwilling.

They were all human beings, but they were treated as monkeys by the other party. No one could accept this.

While they were talking, several Blue Star superpowers suddenly appeared, with panic on their faces.

The forces behind them hurriedly asked, and it turned out that these people were robbed by the ancient genius again.

A girl cried to an old man.

"Elder, I finally found a top-quality herb, but it was snatched away by the brother and sister from the Celestial Clan. You must avenge me!"

"What revenge are you seeking?" The old man shouted,"Get out of here, you disgraceful thing!"

"Woohoo……"The girl left sadly.

The old man then asked the others.

He was unwilling to accept it, but he couldn't be presumptuous in front of Wen Hai and the Wu clan strongmen.

"How could you be so careless in such a huge space? Can't you hide when you can't fight? You are such a bunch of idiots!"

"This is not our fault."A man cried out

"The first twenty days were peaceful, and we successfully avoided those ancient geniuses."

"But since three days ago, for some reason, these ancient geniuses have been looking for us everywhere like crazy."

"And they took everything, not even a low-level herb. This is too much."

"That's right." Someone else said,"When I first entered, I met the same ancient genius. At that time, he was very arrogant and looked down on things of little value."

"But this time when I met him again, he was as hungry as a madman, and he didn't even let go of an ordinary spiritual fruit."

"That thing only cost a few hundred thousand, I didn't even care about it, but he snatched it away."

After this man said this, Wen Hai and the Wu clan strongmen who had been paying attention to this place couldn't stand it anymore and walked over with dark faces.

""What are you talking about, kid?" The old man in short sleeves was displeased."We are from an ancient clan and have seen all kinds of treasures. How could we be interested in your pitiful thing?""

"You have to make your storytelling more reliable. Will anyone believe what you say?"

"Brother Wu is right."Wen Hai was also dissatisfied. Although Wen Peng was not the one who did this shameful thing, he was also a member of the ancient tribe.

"You are such a despicable person, you actually slandered our ancient clan like this"

"My dear seniors, I really didn’t lie." The man immediately said,"Your people are really crazy because of poverty. They really robbed everything!"

""You still dare to spread rumors?" The old man of the Wu tribe couldn't listen any longer and raised his hand to teach him a lesson.

At this time, the space suddenly fluctuated, and someone else came out using the invitation letter.

Originally, the Blue Star superpowers were used to it, and subconsciously thought it was their own people again.

But when they saw who was coming, everyone was immediately unable to remain calm. This time, it turned out to be three geniuses of the ancient tribe...

The old man of the Wu tribe quickly asked the three boys

"How did you use the invitation? Did you run into a powerful native from another dimension?"

The three boys were in a very bad state, their clothes were torn and tattered, and they looked resentful.

When they heard the question from the Wu elder, they could no longer hold back, and one of the boys yelled, shocking everyone.

"He’s not a native of the alien space, it’s Lin Cang. He robbed us again!"


The Wu tribe elder was stunned and asked:"Are you kidding? A native of Blue Star robbed the three of you? Is he that powerful?"

The three boys' eyes revealed deep anger after hearing this.

"Elder Wu, you have been deceived by Lin Cang's harmless appearance. This guy is actually a tiger that eats people without leaving any bones!"

"Yes, Elder, he robbed us three times in there, three times!"

"How could he do things like this? Catching a sheep and pulling it to death?"

The three boys loudly recounted Lin Cang's"crimes", all of them were indignant.

They hated Lin Cang at this moment. No one could bear being robbed three times.

The Wu clan elders and Wen Hai were both surprised. They never expected that Lin Cang would have such strength.

The two were in different moods. The Wu clan elders only felt ashamed, while Wen Hai was mixed with joy and sorrow. He was happy that Lin Cang was doing well and was not bullied. He was worried that he had severely destroyed the reputation of the ancient clans, including his Wen clan.

After all, when facing the outside world, all the ancient clans have always been prospering together and suffering together.

At this time, a Blue Star psychic came over, pointed at one of the three ancient clan geniuses and said,"He was the one who robbed me."

""If you don't believe me, you can ask him. This guy likes everything. He is so hungry that he doesn't care about food." The elder of the Wu tribe felt a headache and a little embarrassed. He looked at the young man of the Gu tribe.

The young man of the Gu tribe was angry at the moment and did not hide it. He said angrily:"How dare you say that our Gu tribe does things without respect?"

"If it weren't for that inhuman thing Lin Cang who robbed us of everything three times, would we have been forced to this point?"

"Today is already the third to last day. If we don't hurry up, won't this trip be in vain?"As the young man from the Ancient Clan told the whole story, everyone finally understood what happened in the alien space, and they all looked at each other in bewilderment.

My goodness, it seems that Lin Cang forced these geniuses from the Ancient Clan to lose face, no wonder they are so outrageous that they even like things worth hundreds of thousands.

Although it is now the companions who were robbed who denounce the people of the Ancient Clan, every Blue Star person present feels proud, and Lin Cang's move makes them feel great!

At this moment, everyone has an idea in their mind, that is, the geniuses of the Ancient Clan are nothing, weren't they also robbed very badly?


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