Wen Peng was dumbfounded. He never expected that the natives of Blue Star, whom he never took seriously, could be so strong.

His head was still buzzing from the Wood Release Ninjutsu that Lin Cang had used just now. He felt incredible.

Du Fei had an expression of enjoyment on his face. The strength in his hands became stronger and stronger, making Wen Peng grimace in humiliation.

He wanted to kill Du Fei. In his eyes, the people of Blue Star were just natives who were vulnerable. No one from Blue Star had ever dared to offend him like this.

But Wen Peng couldn't do it. He was now tied up tightly by the vines in the tree world and couldn't move.

These vines were summoned by Lin Cang using magic. They were ten times stronger than usual. No matter how he struggled, it was useless.

"Damn native, I will definitely kill you!"

"Damn it, you are still stubborn even after being beaten up?" Du Fei said in a frivolous manner,"It seems that the beating was too light, it's my fault."

After saying that, he stretched out his arms, swung his arms and hit Wen Peng hard in front of his horrified eyes.




""Aren't you crazy? I'm going to beat you!" Du Fei beat and scolded Wen Peng for an hour.

An hour later, Wu Xiaoman smiled secretly as she looked at Wen Peng, whose face was swollen and fatter than a pig's. Du Fei had beaten him so badly that even his mother couldn't recognize him.

This hour of torture made Wen Peng change from being dissatisfied at the beginning to compromising. He said with a sad face:"Cousin, I was wrong, please forgive me."

"You are right, I am wrong." Lin Cang said with a smile:"I didn't discipline you well since you were young, and now I should make up for it and let you know how to behave in the future."

"Du Fei, why did you stop? Are you tired? Shi Qiu, come on, beat this guy to death."

"Uh." Shi Qiu is calm and steady, not as arrogant as Du Fei. To be honest, he doesn't want to do this.

But since Lin Cang asked him to do it, he had to give face, so he could only reluctantly say:"Okay, but I haven't beaten anyone before, so I might not be able to do it well."

Shi Qiu took over Du Fei's class. He blew a breath into his palm, spat, and slapped Wen Peng in a more exaggerated way, making him faint.

Du Fei was a little surprised when he saw this,"Damn, you still say you can't beat people? Isn't this much more awesome than me?"

"Maybe I used too much force." Shi Qiu smiled awkwardly and looked at Lin Cang,"Are you still going to fight? This person is dizzy."

"Wake him up and continue."Lin Cang took Wen Peng's space bag and went to the side to check.

He had just input a stream of spiritual energy into it and a large number of items appeared. Lin Cang did not leave a single hair for Wen Peng and put them all into the system space.

"Hmm? So much spiritual fluid?"Lin Cang was a little surprised. In addition to some rare treasures, Wen Peng's spiritual fluid stock was more than fifty drops.

"Haha, it seems that my cousin loves me. He knows that I don’t have the resources to practice, so he specially sent them to me."

He shook his head and smiled. He swallowed three drops in one gulp, just like drinking water. Wu Xiaoman was stunned.

"Lin, Lin Cang, this is the Five Elements Spiritual Liquid. It is very expensive. It would be a waste if you eat it like this."

"Are you teaching me how to do things?" Lin Cang glanced at her,"Is it okay if I have more spiritual fluid? Just drink it as water."

Wu Xiaoman:"……"

After giving everyone a drop, Du Fei and Shi Qiu were immediately excited.

"Don't worry, Brother Lin. I'll beat that guy to death after I make a breakthrough!" Du Fei immediately made the promise, which frightened Wen Peng, who had just regained some consciousness.

Lin Cang:"That's enough. It's a waste of time to waste time with this guy. Let him go.""

""Cousin, are you serious?" Wen Peng was about to cry and asked quickly.

Lin Cang:"Huh? Weren't you fainted just now? Are you pretending?""

"Good boy, you dare to lie to me at this time? Du Fei, beat him up!"

"I didn’t! I’m not! Cousin, please don’t misunderstand me!" Wen Peng cried with snot and tears,"I just woke up, I just woke up!"

"Hehe." Lin Cang walked up to him and said with a smile:"Cousin, now you know how you should treat me in the future?"

"I know, I know!" Wen Peng quickly assured,"Don't worry, cousin, I have changed my ways."

"That's good." Lin Cang thought and the vines that bound Wen Peng disappeared immediately, and the latter finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He returned Wen Peng's space bag to him and said lightly:"Go away"

""Yes, yes!" Wen Peng nodded with a swollen face, and a vicious look flashed in his eyes, which was seen by Wu Xiaoman.

After Wen Peng walked away, she said:"Lin Cang, your cousin will definitely not submit to you and will definitely take revenge. Why don't you kick him out of the alien space?"

"How can I rob him in the future if I kick him out?"Lin Cang said as a matter of course. The three were completely speechless after hearing this.

Good fellow, we thought you had a change of heart and let your cousin go, but you wanted him to work for you?

The opportunity that he worked so hard to get was taken away by you?

You are really inhuman.

"Real dog……"Wu Xiaoman whispered, but Lin Cang pretended not to hear and arranged the next step.

"Let's stop exploring for now, everyone should be breaking through soon."

Lin Cang knew that the effect of taking the spiritual liquid continuously in a short period of time would be greatly reduced.

However, as long as the amount is large enough, even if it is reduced, it is still a huge force. He felt that if he took a dozen more drops of spiritual liquid, he would be able to break through. It was almost the same as Lin Cang's guess. After he absorbed the fifteenth drop of spiritual liquid, the spiritual energy in his body suddenly surged three times, and he felt comfortable all over.

""Good stuff!" He praised. He had just broken through the third level a few days ago and didn't expect to make further progress now.

Wu Xiaoman curled her lips.

She didn't break through, but Du Fei and Shi Qiu broke through and became second-level intermediate psychics.

"If Wen Peng knew about your wasteful eating habits, he would definitely feel heartbroken."

She didn't know how many resources the ancient clan had, but she knew that most people would never waste as much as Lin Cang.

Others would take several days to fully utilize the power of a drop of spiritual liquid to avoid waste.

Lin Cang, on the other hand, didn't feel heartbroken at all.

Lin Cang smiled and stood up.

"Anyway, this thing is not mine. Can't I just borrow it from someone else after I eat it?"

"Don't forget that there are more than a dozen ancient geniuses coming in this time. They will definitely collect a lot of spiritual liquid for me."

After saying that, he led the team away and continued to explore the surrounding area.

The biggest gain in these five days was Wen Peng. He himself didn't find anything valuable, which made Lin Cang look forward to meeting this dear cousin again.


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