Li Yuqin had a grim look on her face on the stage.

At this moment, her stone giant had already exhausted its spiritual energy and disintegrated. She didn't have enough spiritual energy to summon another one.

Lin Cang smiled and said,"Sister Li, the winner has been decided. Are you satisfied with my strength?"

"Humph, satisfied."Li Yuqin left a word and walked off the stage on her own initiative. The audience was instantly excited when they saw Lin Cang defeat the strong with the weak.

Five minutes ago, these people were still worried that Lin Cang would not win.

Li Yuqin's powerful strength made them abandon their mindless trust in Lin Cang becoming a second-level Dou Huang yesterday, and they became much more sober.

Although they didn't want to see their idol being defeated, they had to face the reality, right?

But at this moment, Lin Cang defeated Li Yuqin and continued his glory, which gave his fans the capital to go crazy.

"Lin Cang will win!"A rich second generation shouted, waving a huge photo of Lin Cang in his hand, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"Must win!"

"Must win!"

""We will win!"

Under his leadership, large groups of audiences joined in the shouting, and the atmosphere on the scene instantly became violent.

Unlike these enthusiastic audiences, the third-level contestants still couldn't figure out why Li Yuqin's stone giant couldn't beat Lin Cang's wooden dragon.

Whether from the perspective of the total amount of spiritual energy or the perfection of the technique, Li Yuqin shouldn't lose.

"Why?" Liu Tengfei sat with Lei Fa and asked,"Senior, why is Yuqin's stone giant no match for Lin Cang's wooden dragon?"

Lei Fa slowly spoke after hearing this.

"Because Lin Cang's wooden dragon was too exquisite, it consumed less spiritual energy than the stone giant for attacks of the same power, so Li Yuqin was defeated."

Too exquisite?"

Liu Tengfei was a little surprised after hearing this.

"The Stone Giant is a top-notch B-level magical power. No matter how sophisticated Lin Cang's wooden dragon is, can it be an extremely rare A-level magical power?"

"Now it seems that it is true."

Lei Fa said in admiration:"Most A-level supernatural skills need to be developed by the supernatural person himself. Only in this way can he find the most suitable skill for himself."

"I have only mastered one A-level supernatural skill in my entire life... My junior brother is incredible."

"It's really amazing." Liu Tengfei lost his temper and praised,"I admire Lin Cang. Today I am really convinced."

Geniuses all have tempers, and almost every genius will not easily bow to another genius. Liu Tengfei is no exception. He has his pride.

But now Lin Cang is no longer a genius but a monster in his eyes. He can only put away his pride and bow to Lin Cang.

After Lei Fa sighed, he said in a low voice:"Tengfei, it will be your turn to play soon, and you must play beautifully."

"Yes, senior!" Liu Tengfei said firmly,"Don't worry, I will do my best."

"Very good."Lei Fa nodded. In his heart, Liu Tengfei was still very reliable.

Lin Cang wanted to continue the challenge and break through the road to the third-level Douhuang in the shortest time.

But the next game has been arranged in advance, it is Nie Wenhao and Liu Tengfei.

Lin Cang can only temporarily leave the field and sit next to Lei Fa to watch the game with him.

To be honest, he is also somewhat interested in Nie Wenhao's fusion technique.

After all, he will take this road sooner or later, and it is not bad to see how others do it in advance.

Nie Wenhao took the stage first. He looked very energetic in black clothes and short hair. He looked relaxed. It was obvious that he did not take Liu Tengfei seriously.

Liu Tengfei was under a lot of pressure facing the super genius specially sent by the Tongcheng underground arena, and he was not sure of winning.

The host began to build momentum at this time, liven up the atmosphere, and guide everyone to bet more money.

"I'm sure all the audience have been waiting for this match for a long time. I will introduce the identities of both sides as usual."

"The one on the left is Master Liu Tengfei. He won sixty consecutive victories in one year and has been the king of fighting. So far, no opponent has dared to challenge him."

"The one on the right is Nie Wenhao from Tongcheng Base City."

"Although he is only at the third-level intermediate level, everyone has seen his performance these days. Player Nie Wenhao is a super genius who is about to merge the two abilities of thunder and water."

"Moreover, Mr. Nie Wenhao is only 21 years old this year. With such achievements at this age, his future is limitless. I personally admire him very much."

When the host said this, a large number of audiences in the audience began to cheer. They were fans of Nie Wenhao.

The audience didn't care where their idols were from. They only cared whether they were strong enough. If they were strong enough, they would be their idols.

A small number of audiences were also cheering for Liu Tengfei.

They were all fans of Liu Tengfei at the beginning. Although a year has passed, they still haven't forgotten him.

It's just that the number of Liu Tengfei's fans is obviously not as good as Nie Wenhao's. The gap is huge.

At this time, the big screen began to display the betting amounts of both parties. Nie Wenhao led all the way and ended up with 15 billion federal coins.

In contrast, Liu Tengfei only had a betting amount of more than 2 billion.

And his odds were three times that of Nie Wenhao. Obviously, the underground arena also thought that Nie Wenhao was stronger.

Nie Wenhao glanced at the big screen,"Oh? Liu Tengfei, you're good"

"Even though they know your opponent is me, many people still buy you. It seems that you are not an unknown person."

"But why would an outdated fighting king dare to challenge me instead of just staying at home and waiting to be eliminated by the times? How stupid!"

"Nie Wenhao, you are too arrogant!"Liu Tengfei clenched his fist, his spiritual energy surged, and he was ready to attack.

"You think you can beat me before the game even starts?"

"Not bad." Nie Wenhao took a few steps, put his hands behind his back, and said with an extraordinary demeanor,"I am confident that I can defeat you with one move."

"Arrogant!"Liu Tengfei was furious, and a chill appeared on his body. That was the murderous aura he had accumulated over the years.

The host felt something was wrong and immediately jumped off the stage, worried that if he didn't leave for a while, he would have no chance.

""The game begins!"

As the host announced, Liu Tengfei took the lead.

He put his hands together, flashing with violent thunder, and his internal spiritual energy was consumed.

"Thunder Dog!"


A giant blue dog over 20 meters tall, with its body made of thunder, appeared on the ring. It looked mighty and attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Cang was also watching the game. When he saw Liu Tengfei's thunder dog, he secretly admired it.

"As expected of veteran Dou Wang masters, each of them should not be underestimated."

Whether it was Li Yuqin or Liu Tengfei, Lin Cang knew that he had to face them seriously, otherwise he would be defeated if he was not careful.

However, he was just cautious and did not think how strong they were.

After all, this was measured under his normal strength. Once they entered the Sage Mode, these Dou Wangs would be vulnerable.

Lei Fa saw him thinking and smiled lightly, thinking that Lin Cang was shocked by Liu Tengfei's strength and felt that he was not his opponent.

"Junior brother, this is Liu Tengfei’s signature move, an advanced B-level magic. It is only slightly weaker than Li Yuqin’s stone giant. What do you think?"

"Very strong." Lin Cang spoke the truth.

Lei Fa:"Haha, I am glad that you did not become complacent after defeating Li Yuqin."

"Watch the game carefully, I think it will be an exciting duel."

As soon as he finished speaking, Nie Wenhao on the stage took action and summoned a thunder dog. It was obvious that he also knew this skill.

The thunder dog summoned by Nie Wenhao was not as big as Liu Tengfei's, and looked smaller, but he was only a third-level intermediate strength, so the audience could understand.

But Liu Tengfei was not happy about it, but his face became more solemn.

Because Nie Wenhao's thunder dog had water lines on its body, which was the primary manifestation of the fusion of thunder and water abilities.

As a third-level Dou Wang, Liu Tengfei was knowledgeable.

He knew that once the two abilities were fused, the power of the skill would increase by at least two times, which was not something that ordinary people could do.

A talented person might be able to master the trick in a few years, but if the understanding was not enough, he would never understand it in his life.

"He is indeed a genius in Tongcheng." Liu Tengfei sighed in his heart. He thought that his talent was not as good as Nie Wenhao.


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