It took Lin Cang only two days to complete the challenge of the second-level Dou Huang.

This time, the underground arena did not borrow people from other places to snipe him.

Lin Cang still remembered that the last game when he challenged the first-level Dou Huang was against the genius of Tongcheng.

At that time, no one in the Xincheng underground arena was his opponent, so he had to"ask for help."

But this time... the department in charge of arranging opponents in the arena said that it was useless to ask anyone, because Lin Cang was invincible in the second level. In the 100 games in the past two days, no matter how strong the opponent was, he was defeated in one move. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this strength was no longer at the second level.

On the stage, the host shouted loudly

"Congratulations to Lin Cang for successfully advancing to the second-level Douhuang!"

"Lin Cang, the Dou Huang!"

""Fighting Emperor, Lin Cang!"

The audience shouted loudly. Their idol gave them another surprise.

The shouting lasted for five minutes. Only when Lin Cang raised his hand did the audience stop.

Lin Cang's eyes swept across the audience and finally stopped at the stage of the third-level competition.

"���From today on, I will challenge the path of the third-level Douhuang."

After saying this, his whole body of spiritual energy surged, and instantly tripled, allowing everyone to feel it.

He... broke through the third level.

"Very strong." A Dou Wang player who has been fighting in the third-level competition area for five years said solemnly

"No wonder Lin Cang dared to challenge us with his strength that had just broken through to the third level. His total amount of spiritual energy is much greater than that of ordinary people.

"I have been prepared for this." Another woman with a grim expression said:"He is the champion of this year's Global Freshman Competition and has been to Moon Lake once."

"Yuetan?" The Dou Wang just now suddenly realized after hearing this,"No wonder he is so powerful, it turns out that he has such an opportunity, which is really enviable!""

"That's true." The cold woman Li Yuqin continued,"Not every superpower has this good opportunity to lay the foundation at a low level. Lin Cang's future is limitless."

"But that's him in the future. He's still a little naive to challenge us now."


While the two were discussing, Nie Wenhao came over, glanced at them and said casually:"The future?"

"The third-tier competition area is his grave. I will destroy him with my own hands."

""Nie Wenhao, you are going too far." Li Yuqin said calmly.

Although she didn't know Lin Cang and had no intersection with him, Lin Cang was from Xincheng after all, and she still admired Lin Cang's

"Lin Cang is the two-time champion of our New City underground arena. If you dare to kill him, the top management will not tolerate you!"

""Hmph, senior management?" Nie Wenhao sneered,"That's your senior management, not mine."

After he said that, the two of them immediately turned ugly. After Nie Wenhao left, Li Yuqin immediately found Lin Cang

"Lin Xiaodi"

"Who are you?"

Lin Cang looked at the woman in front of him strangely. She was about thirty years old, with an ordinary appearance and figure. She was inconspicuous in the crowd.

"You have to be careful!" Li Yuqin said quickly:"Brother Lin, listen to my sister's advice and give up the third-level Douhuang."


Lin Cang looked at the strange woman in front of him who had a cold face but was very enthusiastic. The contrast in his heart was huge.

If Li Yuqin just stood there without saying anything, it would give people a feeling of being kept away from strangers.

But as soon as she opened her mouth, she was as familiar as the big sister next door. Lin Cang felt uncomfortable when she called him"Little Brother Lin".

Are you all so familiar?

"Nie Wenhao wants to destroy you. Li Yuqin said anxiously

"Brother Lin, I have been in our underground arena in Xincheng for five years. I have seen countless people and all kinds of people."

"But this is the first time I've seen a genius sister like you. You should have a brilliant future and should not fall here. Do you understand?"

"This...sister." Lin Cang gritted his teeth and shouted,"From what you said, I feel like I'm about to die?"

"You will die!" Li Yuqin said with a serious expression.

"Nie Wenhao just said in front of me and Ziyuan that he wanted to kill you. You must not challenge him before he leaves. Otherwise, no one will care if you die."

"My family, Li Yuqin, has long since passed away. The underground arena is my home. Every genius among you is like my younger brother, so I cannot watch you take risks."

Li Yuqin expressed her true feelings, and even had a trace of tears in the corner of her eyes, which made Lin Cang confused.

He had always thought that the underground arena was a ruthless place where everyone could use all kinds of despicable means for honor. He did not expect that there would be such a sentimental person as her.

Lin Cang did not consider whether Li Yuqin was acting for the time being, and spoke directly

"I see. Thanks for the news, Ms. Li."

"But you don't have to worry about Nie Wenhao. I don't have time to wait for him to leave before challenging the third-level Douhuang Road."

Lin Cang said and walked directly to his rest area.

Li Yuqin looked anxious and tried to persuade him from behind.

"You will regret this!"

"Nie Wenhao is already a powerful warrior who has defeated three Dou Wangs. In his eyes, your strength of just breaking through the third level is like an ant!"

"An ant." Lin Cang said without turning his head:"You are right, Nie Wenhao is just an ant in my eyes."

"Ouch!" Li Yuqin stamped her feet in anger, but Lin Cang had already left.


At night, Lei Fa's office

"Sir, how should I arrange the competition tomorrow?"A middle-aged man in a suit asked.

He was a junior manager of the underground arena in Xincheng, responsible for arranging the competition for the players.

"Lin Cang Dou Huang is determined to participate in the competition and has already registered. What should his subordinates do?"

"Avoid Nie Wenhao." Lei Fa said solemnly:"And tell the other third-level players not to kill, otherwise they will commit suicide to apologize."

"I understand."The man in the suit said respectfully.

"Don't worry, sir. Now all the third-level contestants know that Lin Cang Dou Huang is your junior brother. Even if you don't say anything, they won't dare to do anything wrong."

"That's good." Lei Fa picked up the information on the table and glanced at it, his mouth slightly raised.

"Although my junior brother is a bit arrogant, his future is limitless. Now let me, his senior brother, clean up his mess."

"Young people are all like this." The man in the suit quickly flattered him,"In a few years, when Lin Cang Dou Huang matures, he won't be so arrogant anymore."

"That's right." Lei Fa nodded with satisfaction after hearing this, and then he thought of something else and ordered

"Tomorrow you arrange for Liu Tengfei to fight Nie Wenhao. I want to see how strong Nie Wenhao is."

"Yes!" The man in the suit bowed respectfully,"Then I won't bother you anymore."

"Go ahead"


""Wait!" Lei Fa suddenly spoke up when the man in the suit was about to leave, and the man immediately stopped.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Lei Fa paused for a moment, as if thinking, and finally spoke.

"Tomorrow, Lincang will arrange a Dou Wang to play in the first match. Tell him that he must go all out and make sure that my junior brother loses miserably."

"Retreat in the face of difficulty?" The man in the suit flattered him,"You are worthy of being my Lord. Instead of persuading Lin Cang Dou Huang to take care of himself, it is better to let him give up on his own initiative. What a good plan!"

"It's good enough to know, why bother to make it clear?"Lei Fa glanced at him calmly,"Go ahead."

"Yes, sir!"

The man in the suit immediately took the order and left.

Lei Fa frowned as he looked at the information about Nie Wenhao in his hand.

"A mere third-level psychic actually pushed me to this point. How shameful!"


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