Before the Shadowless Leopard could even get close to Lin Cang, it was surrounded by countless huge vines.

These vines seemed to have regained new life under the bonus of the Sage Mode. Each one was extremely powerful, and the Shadowless Leopard was covered with wounds.

""Roar!" The shadowless leopard was furious, and its sharp claws destroyed large areas of vines. It seemed easy, but it actually consumed a lot of its physical strength.

Lin Cang did not pursue the victory, but analyzed his own combat effectiveness on the side.

Hunting the shadowless leopard was not his main purpose. What he wanted most was to understand how strong he was now.

About two minutes later, the shadowless leopard panted and cleared Lin Cang's tree world, and rushed towards him again.

Lin Cang continued to use the magic, and put his hands together again.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"


A huge dragon roar sounded, and then a wooden dragon about 50 meters long appeared in the sky behind him.

The wooden dragon flicked its body and used its tail to blow the shadowless leopard away hundreds of meters, smashing all the boulders and trees along the way.

""Roar!" The shadowless leopard roared in pain and then turned around to run away. The wooden dragon made it feel the crisis of death.

However, after being blessed by the magic, the wooden dragon's attack, defense, and speed were greatly enhanced.

At this moment, even the shadowless leopard, which is very good at speed, can't be faster than it.

The wooden dragon jumped into the air and caught up with the shadowless leopard, fighting it to death with its tail, teeth and other weapons.

Lin Cang was watching the battle from a distance. At this moment, the eye shadow on his face disappeared, and the magic spirit in his body was used up.

"Is the current magical energy only enough for me to use two magics?"

"But this is enough, after all, they are all powerful ninjutsu."

The natural energy absorbed at one time is limited, and when it is used up, the sage mode will be exited. Lin Cang knows all this. A huge battle sound came from the distance.

The wood dragon and the shadowless leopard were evenly matched, and the battle was extremely tragic. The surrounding environment was completely destroyed.

Abandoned houses collapsed one by one, and huge trees were knocked down.

Five minutes later, there was an empty space around the two, with nothing but the ground.

The shadowless leopard used all its strength to finally drag the wood dragon until its spiritual energy was exhausted, and won the battle.

After all, it is a third-level advanced magic beast, and has an absolute advantage in the total amount of spiritual energy.

""Roar!" The shadowless leopard roared angrily at Lin Cang in the distance and rushed towards him again.

It had already felt that this human had undergone a drastic change.

He no longer had the aura that threatened it, and became very ordinary, the same as those superpowers it had hunted before.

However, just when the shadowless leopard thought that it could take revenge and eat Lin Cang...

Lin Cang's mind moved, and the wooden clone that stayed with Little Gray Lily suddenly disbanded, and red eye shadow appeared again in the corners of his eyes.

He entered the sage mode again.……



The Shadowless Leopard felt the familiar crisis of death coming again and was immediately frightened and turned around and ran away.

Lin Cang chuckled and clapped his hands to consume all the immortal spiritual energy in his body.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·The Tree World Arrives!"

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·Wood Dragon Technique!"


With the desperate roar of the Shadowless Leopard, the battle ended without any suspense.

All the power of the Shadowless Leopard was offset by Lin Cang's first wave of magic, and it could not withstand the second wave anyway.

After killing the Shadowless Leopard, Lin Cang took its crystal core and exchanged it for

【Exchange successful, energy points +200】

"High-level monsters are very valuable."Lin Cang was very satisfied.

After his strength had leaped a big step, the speed of refreshing energy points was also greatly improved.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he reflected on the battle just now and finally came to a conclusion.

"Monsters below level 3 are no longer a threat to me, it's easy to kill them"

"From this point of view, even if the fourth-level primary monster tries its best, it should not be my opponent. Let's find an opportunity to try."

"However, it is still necessary to break through and improve strength, otherwise the total amount of natural energy absorbed each time will be affected."

After summarizing, Lin Cang stood up. At this time, Lily and Xiao Hui also walked out of the abandoned house.

"Let's go back to the base city. The goal of this trip has been basically completed."

"Yes, master."The two beasts responded at the same time, and Xiao Hui carried Lin Cang and Lily and ran away quickly.

As for the remaining three wood clones, Lin Cang let them move freely to find suitable monsters to kill and bring back the crystal cores.

After all, they are still in the state of entering the immortal mode at any time, and these natural energies cannot be wasted.

Because of being hunted by Huo Min, Lin Cang was far away from the base city at this moment, and Xiao Hui took half a day to come back.

Selling the corpses of monsters hunted in the past three months to the federal exchange, Lin Cang calculated all his current assets, a total of 4 billion.

Among them, Huo Fu contributed the most, and it alone provided 3 billion federal coins.

Lin Cang did not keep this money. He spent 3.6 billion to buy three fifth-level advanced crystal cores for himself and the two beasts to practice, and there was not much money left.

The two sixth-level crystal cores obtained before have now been absorbed, just in time to connect.

After sighing that practicing is burning money, Lin Cang planned to take a bath and tidy up his appearance.

By the way, he took the two beasts to have a good meal, but at this time, the mobile phone he usually used rang.

The call was from Murong Weiwei, who told him a bad news right away.

"Lin Cang, Principal Jiang Qi is back and she is very dissatisfied with your performance in school."

"Dissatisfied?" Lin Cang frowned,"Why would she be dissatisfied with me leading the team to win the championship?"

"It's not this, it's about you skipping classes and school. I can't hold it back anymore. Sister Qiqi must punish you."

"Oh, then let her expel me." Lin Cang looked indifferent.

Anyway, the mission has been completed now, and he didn't plan to go back to this school to waste time.

Murong Weiwei was dumbfounded when she heard it, and quickly said:"Hey, don't talk nonsense, Sister Qiqi doesn't want to expel you!"

"She just wants to make an example to let other students know that school rules cannot be violated. If you don't like it, I will help you stop it, but you must not run away."

"Whatever." Lin Cang said:"Just leave her alone in the future."

"I will help you." Murong Weiwei sighed,"You can't leave. If you leave, the students will lose their enthusiasm and they will definitely cause trouble."

"By the way, Sister Qiqi is going to organize the students to go to the Monster Area for training tomorrow. Everyone is going, you have to come too."



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