The black-faced bird waved to Gangzi and the other two, with a cruel look on his face.

"Don't do anything, let me tear this guy into pieces and vent my anger."

"Okay, Brother Bird."Gangzi and the others looked relieved.

"Come and die for me!" The Black-Faced Bird rushed towards Lin Cang.

He did not use his superpowers, fearing that it would be too much fun to kill Lin Cang in one blow.

Seeing this, Lin Cang clapped his hands, and the Tree World descended and appeared, pulling the Black-Faced Bird, Gangzi and the other two into the battle.

The Black-Faced Bird sneered,"Using the same technique on me a second time is courting death!"

"Fire snakes!"

This time he was well prepared. With a flick of his hand, seven or eight giant flaming pythons more than ten meters long appeared and destroyed all the vines in front of him, making Lin Cang think silently in his heart.

"It seems that it is not easy to fight against an enemy at a higher level."

The black-faced bird is not as weak as he thought. After all, it is at the primary level of the third level, and its spiritual energy is several times more than Lin Cang's.

"But it's not too difficult, not as strong as the bloody battle.

When the black-faced bird's fire snake was about to reach him, Lin Cang clapped his hands once, and the spiritual energy in his body was slightly consumed.


A wooden dragon over 20 meters long appeared behind Lin Cang, and after a deafening roar, it used its tail to smite the giant flaming pythons, shocking the black-faced bird.

"What the hell is this? Gangzi, come and help me!"


Black-faced bird sensed danger from the wooden dragon, and dared not be arrogant anymore, so he quickly called for help.

Gangzi and the other two were all fire-type mutants, and they were all second-level advanced strength.

After they joined, they regained some advantages, and the four of them fought Lincang's wooden dragon on equal terms.

"Run, this thing is absorbing our spiritual energy!"The black-faced bird became more and more frightened and wanted to retreat.

He couldn't understand Lin Cang's strength. He didn't understand why a mere second-level intermediate psychic could be so abnormal.

However, Lin Cang would not let them go.

These four people knew the nest of the iron-swallowing ants. If they ran away, they would definitely expose this place.

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he called out the four wooden clones.

"Kill, leave no one alive!"


The four wooden clones immediately rushed into the tree world and attacked the four black-faced birds together with the huge vines.

"No!" Black-faced Bird was desperate, he couldn't stand it anymore,"Who are you! Why do you have so many magical skills!"

Lin Cang said nothing, his face was grim, and he fought with the wooden clone.

At this moment, Black-faced Bird and his companions were in danger of death.

There was a wooden dragon in front, a tree world in the middle, and a wooden clone behind. Four enemies with higher levels than Lin Cang were killed one after another, including a third-level psychic.

Five minutes later, Lin Cang took the space bracelet of Black-faced Bird and a second-level psychic in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face after a slight inspection.

The total assets of the four people are nearly 150 million federal coins, which makes money much faster than hunting monsters.

"Xiao Hui, this is for you."He put the crystal cores from the two space bracelets into one and threw it to Xiao Hui who was standing beside him.

When Xiao Hui saw the dozens of first- and second-order crystal cores inside, he stood up happily, waved his two short front legs, and made a squeaking sound.

""Thank you, Master!"

Lin Cang smiled and cleaned up the bodies of the four black-faced birds.

After that, he rode Xiao Hui to a place not far from the top of the mountain, and secretly recovered the spiritual energy he had just consumed while observing the movements of the iron-swallowing ants.

An hour later, his condition was completely restored, and at the same time, he roughly understood the basic rules of the iron-swallowing ant colony.

He found that every ten minutes or so, a team of about ten iron-swallowing ants would circle around the top of the mountain, as if patrolling their territory.

Lin Cang immediately made a plan based on the information about the iron-swallowing ants he obtained on the dark web.

"The intelligence of the Iron-Swallowing Ant is very low, even worse than that of the Little Gray Ant whose intelligence has not been opened. It is very easy to separate and defeat them."

"But there is always a risk of being exposed here, I must wipe out this nest of ants in the shortest possible time."

Lin Cang once again divided the wooden clones into two groups.

One group has three clones plus Xiao Hui, and the other has only one clone.

Lin Cang said to Xiao Hui's group:"You go to the other side of the hill to hunt, I and one clone will stay here."

"Everyone hurry up and kill more iron-eating ants before being discovered."



The three wooden clones took Xiao Hui away.

They knew Lin Cang's arrangement. Xiao Hui was still responsible for luring monsters, while they were responsible for hunting.

The remaining wooden clone looked at Lin Cang helplessly and said,"Then I will be cannon fodder and lure monsters for you?"

"Of course." Lin Cang praised,"How smart! Of course you should do such a dangerous thing."

Wood clone:"……"


The two teams immediately started to act.

For the first time, Lin Cang did not take any risks. He only let his wooden clone attract five iron-eating ants, and they were easily killed. The crystal core was exchanged for energy.

【Exchange successful, energy points +20】

【Exchange successful, energy points +20】


As expected, the system calculated it based on 20 energy points, and Lin Cang was mentally prepared for this.

"It's easy. You can bring back ten iron-eating ants next time."

"good……"The wooden clone set out again without rest.

The Iron-Eating Ants were very slow, so he pulled the monsters smoothly.

And because a large number of Iron-Eating Ants gathered here, Lin Cang saved time searching.

In addition, most members of the Iron-Eating Ant colony were at the primary level of the second stage, so Lin Cang's hunting efficiency was very high.


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