On the second and third days, Lin Cang made no progress.

Each of the wooden clones that went out encountered countless dangers, but they could not find the nest of the iron-swallowing ants.

But he was not in a hurry. The black-faced bird sounded about forty years old, and at this age, it was only at the beginning of the third level. Its talent was very poor. Even if they were asked to kill thousands of iron-swallowing ants in half a year, they would not be able to kill them all.

At this moment, there was only one wooden clone left without a mission, so Lin Cang simply asked him to act together with himself and Xiao Hui.

Xiao Hui carried the wooden clone out to pull monsters.

With a helper, Xiao Hui's efficiency and safety in pulling monsters were greatly improved. Basically, he could bring back fifteen or sixteen suitable monsters every day in the past two days.


In a primeval forest in Qingshui County, a group of five people, led by a man in black, were fighting five black ant monsters that were more than half a meter tall and two meters long.

The two large pincers on the black ants' heads flashed with cold light, as if they were made of steel, full of the beauty of power, which made people dare not underestimate them.

They were the Iron Swallowing Ants.

These five Iron Swallowing Ants were all at the primary level of the second stage.

Although they were not as strong as the five aliens on the opponent's side , they were still very powerful.

���Although they are strong, they are monsters after all.

Their physical fitness is much stronger than that of the psychics of the same level, and they will not suffer even if they face an opponent two levels higher.

However, the speed of the iron swallowing ants is very slow, which is their fatal flaw.

The five psychics took advantage of this and used the kite-flying tactic to eliminate them one by one.

""Keep working hard, we'll succeed soon." The leading black-clad man shouted.

He was about 40 years old, with an unpleasant drake voice. He was the Black-faced Bird who had talked to Lin Cang on the phone.

The four members were younger than him, between 20 and 30 years old. One of them was a woman with water ability. The three fire output members and the Black-faced Bird's third-level primary strength killed the iron-swallowing ants calmly.

The water-based woman was responsible for using water prisons to limit the range of the iron-swallowing ants.

The iron-swallowing ants were now more passive and could only watch themselves and their tribesmen being killed one by one.

""Hiss!" When the last Iron-Eating Ant made an unwilling sound, it was also killed by the Black-Faced Bird team, and the battle ended immediately.

"Gangzi, go collect the spoils. I don't have room here." The black-faced bird ordered a thin man to clean up the battlefield.

After Gangzi collected the bodies of the iron-eating ants, he couldn't stop smiling. He was very excited.

"Brother Bird, you are worthy of being here. You actually found such a good place to make a fortune."

"In just two days, our team has earned five or six million. If it's distributed to each person, it's seven figures."

"Yes, Brother Bird, you are really awesome." The water woman also flattered the black-faced bird.

After hearing this, the black-faced bird pinched her butt hard and said with a smile:"Xiao Li, it's useless to just talk. Don't forget the distribution method we agreed on before we came out."

"You only get 30% of the profit, the rest is mine"

""Hate it!" Xiaoli said coquettishly, with a look of coquettishness on her face.

However, a trace of disgust flashed in her eyes, and she secretly cursed the black-faced bird for being greedy.

The other three team members were similar, and they were not happy that the black-faced bird monopolized 70% of the income.

But they had no choice. They were just ordinary second-level psychics. Their abilities were limited and they did not dare to hunt strong monsters. Following the black-faced bird was also considered eating meat.

However, human nature is greedy. Faced with millions of dollars in income every day, the four team members would inevitably have other ideas.

"Let's go, we'll stop here today and go back to recover." Black-faced Bird waited for a long time but didn't see Xiaoli's next move, and sneered in his heart.

"Little bitch, sooner or later you will climb into my bed obediently."

Xiao Li looks ordinary, and she is inconspicuous in the crowd.

But she has a good figure, and Black-faced Bird is not picky about food and really wants to have some interesting things with her.

Black-faced Bird led the four people back.

Their temporary place of residence was in a cave. They had stayed here for two nights and it was relatively safe.

After returning to the cave, the five people immediately prepared food. After eating, Black-faced Bird ordered

"Tomorrow I will personally lead the iron-eating ants out of their nests. You should be ready to receive them. Xiao Liu, your efficiency is too low."

"I'm sorry." Xiao Liu, who was about 30 years old, said with an apologetic tone.

"Brother Bird, there are too many iron-eating ants. I dare not go deep into their nests. Once surrounded, I can't leave. So I can only attract five out at a time.……"

"That's why I want to replace you."Black-faced bird expressionless

"From now on, I will take 75% of the profits. After all, attracting monsters is more dangerous. You should give me some of the profits."

"this……"Xiao Li said quickly,"Brother Bird, you have already taken 70% of the profits. If you take more from the four of us, you won't get much money."

"Yes, Brother Bird." Another man said with a sad face,"Let Xiao Liu lure the monsters. Your 70 yuan profit is already a lot. Please leave some soup for us.""

"What are you talking about?"The black-faced bird's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction.

"I provided the intelligence and I was the main fighter. Now I have to take charge of Xiao Liu's job. It's a lot."

"If anyone is unwilling to do it, cancel the team agreement now, and I will find someone new. It just so happens that a wood-type supernatural person contacted me a few days ago, so it would be a good idea to let him go and die."

"Then I won't do it anymore." Xiao Li said directly after hearing this. She had been enduring Black-faced Bird for a long time, and he had been touching her all the time.

"Go find someone else. It's not worth my life to follow you and share this little profit among four people."

"Oh?" Black-faced Bird looked at the other three people and said,"What about you?"

"I, I stay"

"Me too."

Gangzi and the other two quickly expressed their opinions, not wanting to lose this opportunity.

Seeing this, the black-faced bird looked at Xiaoli and smiled.

"Well, then you should quit our team."

"But you can't leave yet. You have to wait until we clear out the iron-eating ants here before you can leave."

""Why?" Xiaoli was furious when she heard it."It's my freedom to leave or stay. Black-faced Bird, what right do you have to control me?"

"Just because I am a third-level supernatural being." The black-faced bird said coldly,"That's enough, if you don't obey me, I will kill you now, and then kill people to silence them."

"Xiaoli, don't forget that this is a monster area. It's normal for someone to die here."

"you you……"Xiaoli didn't know what to do for a moment. If the black-faced bird really attacked her, she would die.

"This is not good, Brother Bird." Gangzi wanted to plead for Xiaoli, but he took back his words the next second.

"What?" The black-faced bird glanced at him and smiled sinisterly,"You won't follow me either?"

"No, no, I'll listen to Brother Bird's instructions." Gangzi quickly changed his words.

Xiaoli was disheartened and had a bitter expression on her face.

This was the teammate she had worked with before, but now no one dared to speak for her.


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