However, Huo Min smiled mysteriously and said,"No, I will not hand this young Nine-Tail over to the tribe."

"Huh? Why?" Huo Fu was puzzled,"Does father want to subdue it and use it for himself?"

"This won't do. If we leave it here, other monsters will attack us."

"Not to take it in." Huo Min licked his lips,"My son, this little fox is different from the ordinary nine-tailed fox. It has a big secret."

"What secret?"

"It has spatial ability"

"What!" Huo Fu's eyes widened instantly after hearing this.

Huo Min smiled and said,"My son, now you understand why your father doesn't plan to hand it over to the tribe."

"I understand." Huo Fu's eyes were filled with greed,"Father, you are right. Not only can we not hand it over to the tribe, but we must also keep it secret, otherwise many powerful people will come here after hearing the news."

"Compared with spatial ability, the reward given by the tribe is not worth mentioning"

"As long as we can completely master the spatial ability of that little fox, no, even just its fur will be enough to be on par with the top few super tribes in the talent list!"

"That's right." Huo Min also showed greed in his eyes and ordered the monsters present

"Did you all hear that? Now follow me to Qingshui County and I won't stop until I catch this nine-tailed fox!"

"Yes, sir." Many monsters nodded respectfully.

At this time, Huo Fu said anxiously:"Father, I will go with you"

"Qingshui County is very large, and the search efficiency of your team alone is too slow. I will also lead a team to act separately."

"That's fine." Huo Min said:"We still don't know where the nine-tailed fox is, we only know its approximate activity area, it will be more efficient for us to capture it together."

"But my son, you have to be careful. Although that little fox is only at the primary level of the fourth order, it can kill a fourth-level intermediate monster. You must not be careless."

"Father, you think too much. I am a fourth-order advanced level player. Huo Fu said disdainfully, and continued

""And I am also a genius, I can fight against enemies of higher levels, don't worry."

After saying this, it immediately ordered more than 20 monsters to leave in a hurry.

Huo Min also took action when he saw this, and soon there was no monster left in the entire zoo.


Three days later, in the afternoon, in the suburbs of Qingshui County.

Lin Cang and Xiao Hui worked together to send away five more wild wind rhinos, and exchanged their crystal cores for 200 energy points.

For three consecutive days, Lin Cang was frantically"killing monsters", and he could earn about 1,500 energy points every day during these days.

This made Lin Cang's mouth almost crooked with laughter. If he continued like this, it would be more than 40,000 energy points a month, and he could exchange them for the Sage Mode in two months.

However, he also had something to worry about, that is, there were fewer and fewer monsters in Qingshui County, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to find a suitable target.

After all, Qingshui County is very close to the base city, and there are other psychics who come here to adventure on weekdays, so it is not a high-risk area.

After storing the bodies of the five wild wind rhinos into the system space, Lin Cang sighed.

"I have to go back to the base city, the space is full."

This time, Lin Cang abandoned a lot of daily necessities in order not to take up too much space, just to reduce the number of times he went back to the base city and save time to kill monsters.

The corpses of monsters are all money, and Lin Cang can't refuse them, so he can only ride Xiao Hui back to the base city.

When he walked about 300 kilometers, he suddenly found a strange monster.

At this moment, Lin Cang opened his Sharingan, and he saw that about 15 kilometers away, the spirit in the body of a monster was in the shape of a lion, and he was immediately nervous.

"Judging from its size and appearance, it should be a Fire Scale Lion, a fourth-level advanced strength……"

Lin Cang quickly took out his phone and logged into the underground arena's dark web to search for information.

A moment later, a message appeared, which immediately made him worried.

"That's right, it's one of the two fire-scaled lions in J City. How did it end up in Qingshui County?"The underground arena dark web has very complete information, which is much more reliable than the information released by the federal government.

Lin Cang thought that it was not easy to kill monsters by himself, and he had to take the risk of being killed by other high-level monsters.

He originally chose Qingshui County because there were no high-level monsters here, but now a fire-scaled lion came, and it was a group ranked in the top 100 on the monster talent list, which made Lin Cang scratch his head.

"Lily needs to be careful. I don't know if she can defeat this guy. It's better not to meet him."

Lin Cang patted Xiao Hui and said,"Hurry up, there is a fourth-level high-level monster nearby."

"Yes, Master!" Xiao Hui was also surprised after hearing this, and hurriedly sped up.

Apart from this little episode, Lin Cang did not encounter any other strange situations along the way, and returned to the base city before dark.

It took some effort to hide the large capacity of the system space, and the small supervisor in charge of the transaction with Lin Cang was stunned.

"Oh my god, fifteen fourth-level monsters, more than thirty second-level monsters... this, this... Sir, please wait a moment, I will call our manager."

The young supervisor hurried to call people, this deal was too big for him to handle.

Soon a middle-aged man came to serve Lin Cang. He made a simple calculation and said,"Sir, the total is 294 million federal dollars."

"So little?"Lin Cang frowned.

Seeing this, the manager hurriedly explained

"It is like this, sir. The corpse of a Rhinoceros is not valuable. A primary one is only 500,000, a mid-level one is 800,000, and a high-level one is 1 million. Your total is 24 million."

"The remaining fifteen fourth-level monster corpses have different values, a total of 270 million. Here is the detailed list for you to see."

The manager gave the bag a list, which showed the value of each monster, and there was a reference price at the end, which was indeed not low.

But Lin Cang was not satisfied. He and Lily Xiaohui had gone through life and death for three days, but only got this little money?

"Add a little more, I'll sell it for 300 million, otherwise I'll go to the underground black market"

"Well... okay." The manager said in embarrassment:"The price I gave you is not low, I will pay you the 6 million out of my own pocket."

"Hehe."Lin Cang sneered after hearing this. He didn't believe the manager's lies. After transferring the money, he left the federal trading hall directly.

He rode Xiaohui back to Qingshui County. On the way, Lin Cang thought about the amount of the transaction just now and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"This is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people."

"My father and Uncle Liu risked their lives to fight against monsters, and the gains of each person might be just this. How can I make as much as others in their lifetime in three days?"At this moment, Lin Cang deeply felt the power of Wood Release. He knew very well how difficult it was for other psychics with his strength in the monster area.

Not to mention killing a group of monsters at once, even a single monster had to be hunted by a team.

Lin Cang still remembered the last time he was in the Tiger Squad. A low-level third-level shadowless leopard almost took Liu Meng's life.


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