Lin Cang asked Xiao Hui to hurry all the way out of the north gate of the base city.

In the past, he always drove when he went out, and he always took the main road.

Sometimes he had to take a detour to go to a certain place, which wasted a lot of time and he also had to consider the fuel problem.

But now it is different. Lin Cang estimated that Xiao Hui can run at a speed of about 300 kilometers per hour at full speed.

Moreover, it is not picky about the road, and crossing mountains and ridges is as easy as eating and drinking water. It is much faster than driving a car.

On Xiao Hui's back, Lily looked back at Lin Cang and asked,"Master, where are we going?"

"Qingshui County." Lin Cang replied.

Lily:"Why go there? That place seems to be the territory of the second-level monster Wind Rhino, right?"

"This race is very weak, the strongest is only at the advanced level of the second stage, and they can only attack with one move of hurricane. It's so boring to hunt them."

Lily lost interest in going to Qingshui County when she heard that she was going there.

The Nine-tailed Fox clan is very aggressive, and she wants to fight against stronger monsters.

After hearing this, Lin Cang smiled and said,"The hurricane rhino is of great use to me, so don't ask."

Although the main purpose of coming out this time was to brush up on energy points, Lin Cang was still thinking about the advanced attack method of the Rasengan and integrating the attributes into it.

If you want to integrate the attributes... he almost instantly decided that it must be the wind attribute.

There is no way, the 'Wind Style·Rasenshuriken' can be said to be the standard advanced version of the Rasengan. If he doesn't get it out, Lin Cang always feels that it's a little bit lacking.

And if you want to master the 'Rasenshuriken', you must have the wind attribute.

Lin Cang remembered the feeling when he fought with Ouyang Yue before. It seemed that he could experience and comprehend it according to the different attribute attacks he received.

If There was nothing wrong with what he thought, and the Gale Rhino was the most suitable target.

There was no wind-related ability system in this world, but according to the information, the ability of the Gale Rhino should belong to the wind system.

Lin Cang wanted to try to see if he could develop wind-related abilities by understanding them.

As long as he could comprehend the wind-related abilities, there would be hope for the spiral shuriken.

Moreover, the strength of the Gale Rhino was just within the range that he could deal with.

There would be no discount in exchanging the crystal cores by himself, and it would not be slower than relying on Lily to hunt high-level monsters for energy points.

Thinking of this, Lin Cang patted Xiao Hui on the back,"Xiao Hui, target Qingshui County, speed up!"

""Squeak!" Xiao Hui increased his speed again, carrying him and Lily at full speed.

Three hours later, the group entered a small county town near a river.

There were ruined houses and broken tree trunks everywhere along the way, as if they had been hit by a 12-level typhoon.

Lin Cang took out the map to find his location and found that he had arrived.

He jumped off Xiao Hui's back and directly split into four wooden clones, speaking

"Everyone knows how to do it, right?"

"I know." A wooden clone said,"Explore the ability of the Gale Rhino."

The wooden clone knew Lin Cang's idea. If he wanted to develop wind-related abilities, he would be attacked by the Gale Rhino with the same attributes.

The wooden clone is not a shadow clone. It will not disappear immediately after being attacked, but has an upper limit. It will"die" if it exceeds this limit.

So they are the most suitable candidates, saving Lin Cang from suffering.

"Right." Lin Cang ordered,"Everyone must remember, you can't fight back even if you kill me. Whether I can master the wind power depends on you."

""Understood." The four wooden clones responded at the same time, preparing to act separately.

At this time, one of the wooden clones seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly turned around and asked:"Original, what about you? What are you doing?"

"Me?" Lin Cang said as a matter of course:"I'm going to refresh my energy points."

"No, I mean why don’t you explore your wind abilities?"

"It hurts. You guys should do it."

"Don't worry, I will summon you again after you die."

At this time, the other three wood clones had not gone far, and they were all speechless after hearing Lin Cang's words.

You are going to die for us, and you are going to enjoy the fruits of victory?

Can you still be a human being?

Although they were speechless, the original body's order was the most important, and the four wood clones could only leave cursing.

After sending the wood clones away, Lin Cang immediately arranged

"Lily, you hide, follow behind me and Xiao Hui, don't come out unless necessary"

"Why, Master? I will be very bored this way." The little Loli was reluctant.

Lin Cang touched her little head and said,"This is not the base city. We don't know what kind of danger we will encounter. It's always better for us to keep some tricks up our sleeves."

"Go ahead. Xiao Hui and I can kill even a third-level monster together. You won't be of much help if you stay behind."

"Aoao." The little girl looked at him reluctantly after hearing this, and then she disappeared after a few jumps.

Lin Cang continued on his way. This time he did not ride Xiao Hui, but walked.

They had already entered the territory of the Rhinoceros, and a fight could happen at any time.

After walking about five kilometers, he finally saw the first prey.

Two hundred meters in front of him was a rhinoceros-shaped monster about three meters tall and seven or eight meters long, which was a yellowish-brown monster. It was the Rhinoceros.

The thick horn on the head of the Rhinoceros flashed with cold light, and the whole body seemed to be covered with a thick layer of keratin. It was good at defense.

And the records in the data were also like this. In addition to its slow speed, the Rhinoceros's attack and defense were very abnormal.

Especially its defense, which is known as the strongest monster of the same level.

"Finally, I can have a good fight."Lin Cang clenched his fists, with an expectant smile on his face.

After arriving at the monster area, he found himself in an excited state all the time, and he couldn't wait to find an opponent to fight.

"Xiao Hui, you just stand aside and watch. I will take care of this big guy myself."

""Squeak, OK, Master." Xiao Hui nodded, and Lin Cang immediately walked towards the prey.

The Rhino was grazing leisurely. Its eyesight was not very good, and it only noticed Lin Cang when he was less than 50 meters away.

Originally, Lin Cang thought that the Rhino would attack immediately after being discovered.

But he didn't expect that the other party just glanced at him lightly, and then continued to graze, as if he didn't want to pay attention.

"Is that so? Then let's say hello first."Lin Cang clapped his hands, and the spiritual energy in his body was slightly consumed.

"Wood Release: Pole Insertion Technique!"

"" Roar!"

The Rhino roared in pain immediately, and a large number of wooden thorns appeared under its abdomen.

Although it did not take these wooden thorns seriously, it could ignore them even if it was attacked while standing still, and even enjoyed the"massage" while sleeping.

But one of the wooden thorns happened to hit its anus, where there was no cuticle defense, and red liquid flowed out directly.

""Roar, roar!" The Rhino was furious. It felt insulted and charged at Lin Cang.

Its huge body rushed at Lin Cang like a tank out of control, which was very scary.

However, Lin Cang was not afraid. Instead, a 20-centimeter-diameter sky-blue ball appeared in his right hand - Rasengan, ready to fight the Rhino.



The horn of the Rhinoceros hit Lin Cang's pill, and a terrifying explosion occurred the moment the two came into contact.

Lin Cang was thrown thirty or forty meters by the Rhinoceros's huge force, and his right arm was broken. The

Rhinoceros' horn was broken, and a bloody hole appeared on his forehead. At the same time, there was a bigger hole on the back of his head that was gushing blood, and he died instantly.

"What a strong body." Lin Cang walked up to the dead Rhino and took out the crystal core, exchanging it for 40 energy points.

"A second-level intermediate monster has only this much energy. It seems that the highest level monster has 60 points at most."

After figuring out the strength of the Rhinoceros, Lin Cang sat on the ground to recover from his injuries. A plan for quickly killing monsters came to him.

"Xiao Hui, go find the Rhino now."

"You are too fast for them to catch up. I want you to bring back at least five at a time. More is better."

""Squeak!" Xiao Hui didn't ask why, and immediately executed the order.

Lin Cang watched it disappear and nodded with satisfaction.

This was his plan, a method he often used when playing online games in his previous life.

Assassins gather monsters, mages kill them in groups, and it is very efficient.


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