Wizard of science

Chapter 184 Parasite


Blackstone Castle, the first floor of the main test area of ​​the main castle.

The huge test table in the center of the room was covered with dense information.

Li He kept flipping through it, sometimes frowning, sometimes falling into thought.

After a while, Alex walked in with a thick stack of new information.

Li He looked over and Alex quickly reported: "Master, Miss Wei'er and Miss Feier have already gone to bed. They said you promised to tell them about "Gulliver's Travels" before, but you didn't tell them today and you will make up for it later. .”

"Okay, find an opportunity to make up for them." Li He chuckled.

"By the way, these are some of the earliest materials you asked for, Master. I took them out from the data room." Alex thought of something and carefully placed the materials in his arms on the test table.

Li He quickly picked it up and browsed it. After a while, he was immersed in the content of the record, completely ignoring Alex next to him.

Alexis also realized what was going on and quietly retreated, leaving the main castle.

"Swipe, pull, pull..."

Li He kept reading. After a long time, he sat on the chair in front of the experimental table, frowning and said to himself: "It seems that this is all the knowledge related to curses and anti-curse transformations that can be mastered."

Yes, he was looking up knowledge related to curses and resistance to curses.

Speaking of which, curses are a very important part of the power system in the wizarding world.

There are countless types of curses, and some are so powerful that even formal wizards cannot resist them. If you want to survive safely in this wizarding world, you must be fully prepared to resist the curse.

The previous experience with Aya Emily in the tavern was an example. If you were not alert enough and could not sense the curse, it would probably silently cause serious damage to your body and mind, and you would not even know how you died.

If you want to stay safe under the curse, you must either break the curse quickly or modify your body to resist the curse.

According to the relevant records in the "Book of Destiny", the history of anti-curse transformation is so long that it is impossible to trace the exact time.

But it is certain that the initial transformation to resist the curse was very crude, which was to create a clone.

Yes, make a clone.

Generally speaking, for a curse to work, you must have some information about the target object and use the information to cast the spell.

The principle of creating a clone is to transfer the curse to the clone through information transfer to ensure the safety of the original body.

However, the cost and difficulty of making clones is very high. Even making miniature clones that are dozens of times smaller, ordinary wizards cannot afford them.

Fortunately, with the development of time, wizards have found a more convenient and lower-cost method to replace the clone.

Since real clones are too difficult to popularize, we simply create some false clones.

So the wizards developed a parasite implantation method.

Certain special types of parasites are implanted into the body, and through co-existence, human body information is allowed to penetrate into the parasite. The parasite becomes a different kind of false clone, which can be fake when transferring information in the face of a curse.

This kind of method can be used by wizards and apprentices, not to mention wizards.

However, there are still some difficulties for a first-level wizard apprentice, while a second-level wizard apprentice is safer.

This is because when parasites are implanted into the body, they may have side effects depending on the type. Only after being promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice can you master the inside of the body to a large extent and be able to more accurately monitor and control the living conditions of parasites, in order to ensure that it can be used for your own use. Otherwise, blindly implanting parasites without being able to control them, allowing them to multiply wildly in the body, and die before the curse comes.

Even if you are promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice, you must choose carefully when preparing to implant parasites.

First, different types of parasites, living habits, side effects, and resistance to curses are also different. The second reason is that everyone’s physical constitution is different and their adaptability to different parasites is also different.

Therefore, if you want to transform your body to resist the curse by implanting parasites, you must be cautious.

"Be cautious." Li He whispered, recalling the content of the information he had just read, and he agreed with this point of view.

Implanting parasites not only affects the ability to resist the curse, but may also affect the difficulty of being promoted to a wizard in the future.

If the wrong parasite is implanted, it will cost a lot to replace it.

Must pay attention and be cautious.

But now there is a very critical question.

That is, the information and knowledge he has about parasites is not comprehensive.

Although we know something about parasites, we only have a few words about their specific classification, advantages, disadvantages, functions, and how to capture them.

He had to find a way to get more information.


Li He blinked and quickly made up his mind.

In the blink of an eye, two days later.

Li He walked into a three-story wooden building in a remote corner of Dark Heart Castle.

Under the leadership of wizard apprentice Geller, he entered the wizard's private library on the second floor with ease.

According to the agreement at that time, he sold a hundred rubies in exchange for many meditation books and five opportunities to enter the wizard's private library for two hours each time.

In order to break the meditation bottleneck, he used up three opportunities before, and this was the fourth time.

Entering the library room, Geller pointed to a bookshelf deep in the room and said, "Go ahead and keep reading. The wizard has to do research and experiments today. It just started, and it probably won't take more than two hours to finish." , you can watch for a little longer."

"Okay." Li He nodded, "But I don't plan to read meditation-related books today. I want to read something else."

"Huh?" Geller was a little surprised, "For example?"

"For example, books related to curses, anti-curse modifications, and parasite implantation."

"Hiss~~" Geller took a breath, looked Li He carefully up and down, and guessed, "So, your meditation problem has been solved, right? Have you broken through to the second level wizard apprentice? Otherwise, there is no reason to treat parasites If you are interested in this kind of thing... If a first-level wizard apprentice wants to implant a parasite, it is no different from committing suicide."

Li Hyuk was noncommittal.

Geller didn't ask further questions and shrugged: "Okay, anyway, as long as you want, you can check out the books in the entire library. Books about curses, anti-curse modifications, and parasites, right? The third bookshelf against the wall, That's the purple one." Geller pointed toward the wall.

"Okay, thank you." Li He quickly walked over and started reading carefully.

"Swipe, pull, pull..."

Reading one book after another quickly, absorbing knowledge like crazy.

Time passes unconsciously.

After a moment, the sound of "ding a bell" sounded, and Geller rang the bell, bringing Li He, who was addicted to reading, back to reality.

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