Wizard Count

Chapter 962

Although it’s not clear what the gray smoke that suddenly appeared all around is, it’s obviously not a good thing to encounter such a weird gray smoke, Eugenia and her bodyguards After being shocked, what subconsciously wanted was to run back to the carriage again and drive the carriage to escape from here.

Unfortunately, although their movement speed is not full, the gray fog spreads too fast. The team did not run far out, but was caught up by the gray smoke. , And after inhaling the gray smoke, whether it was a man or a horse, his legs became weak and unconscious, and all fell to the ground without being spared.

After one minute, there was no sound in the convoy, and the disappearance of the gray fog was without warning just like when it appeared, and it dissipated directly into the air, leaving only a mess on the ground... ···

At this moment, Aveiroa, wearing a gray robe, walked out of all around and came into the convoy. None of the horses pulling the cart, Aveiroa, who came under the order of Connor, hadn't let go, and had no emotions and mechanically harvested the lives of the creatures in front of them.

A few minutes later, Aveiroa, who had already killed all the people including Eugenia and Jack Ferguson, walked to the last carriage in the convoy, and then opened the carriage and watched There were a man and two women inside, also inhaling gray smoke, and the three children who fell into a coma, his cold face finally showed a complicated look again.

These three children are the sons and daughters of Jack Ferguson and Eugenia. At the banquet of the Ferguson family, Aveiroa had a fate with them. Among the three children, the biggest Henry's is only five years older than his daughter, and the other two are about the same age as his daughter of Aveiroa. They are both classmates of Ferguson family elementary school.

Averoa is also a father, and he is also an absolutely good father. He can ruthlessly kill dozens of lives, but it is difficult to kill these three children who are similar to his daughter... ····

Looking at the three children in a drowsy state, Aveiroa fell into a deep entanglement. His conscience that has not been completely wiped out, he has thought about it for a long time, but he still has not made a decision. Seeing the day is getting brighter and brighter, all around someone may appear at any time, and Aveiroa knows he can’t delay. , A decision must be made as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome when someone finds out what's here, when the time comes!

After hesitating for one minute, Aveiroa looked at the three children in the carriage still falling asleep, and didn’t know what happened. His face finally showed determination. Lulu, he took a deep breath, took out a small pill bottle from the space ring, then poured out three small red pills from the pill bottle, and then put them into the mouths of three children.

As the small red pill was put into the mouths of the three children, the small red pill began to gradually develop medicine efficacy. The small faces of the three children in a coma gradually became extremely painful, and the whole body was also very painful. He began to tremble, as if he was experiencing some severe pain. Looking at this scene, Aveiroa was not surprised, he was faintly sighed, and his expression looked very helpless.

After one minute, the painful expressions on the small faces of the three children in a coma gradually receded, and their bodies stopped trembling, but they looked very weak at this time.

After finishing these Aveiroa, the three unconscious children in the carriage took the carriage and put them in the surrounding woods. Then Aveiroa took the corpses and carriage in the convoy, He poured the kerosene given to him by Connor, and then he lit a match and threw it into the kerosene. The flames swallowed everything in an instant. Seeing Aveiroa, satisfied and nodded, he took the three children with him. , Disappeared in the wilderness.


················ ····

"Young Master Connor, you are finally back!"

In the chamber of Ferguson Manor, Martinez Chief Steward, looking at Connor with a smile in front of him ·Ferguson said with emotion:

Six hours ago, Martinez Chief Steward returned to Ferguson Manor with Frosynone’s armed forces. With the emergence of these armed forces, Domenech recruited The group of black clothed persons who launched a rebellion in Ferguson Manor suddenly disappeared like birds and beasts. Ferguson Manor returned to the control of Martinez Chief Steward, and Connor Ferguson also appeared in front of everyone at the right time, to the whole Ferguson The family announces the return of his first heir!

"old steward, I have heard about father, I'm sorry! I came back late and didn't see the last side of father!" Connor apologized to the front. This is the Ferguson family. The old man who gave everything said:

Connor knows very well that in the case of his deliberately not showing his face, the clansman of Ferguson’s family has his own selfish calculations, and Martinez Chief Steward can Support up to now, it can be said that it is very difficult!

For Connor’s apology, Martinez Chief Steward comforted him and said: "Connor, although I don’t know where you have been these days, I understand that you must have your reasons for doing this, trust you. Father can also understand you. The most urgent task now is for Connor to accept the family smoothly and become Count Ferguson!"

Listening to Martinez Chief Steward’s words, I have already accepted the Ferguson family in my heart. Connor, who had plans to develop, couldn’t help but move slightly, but he still pretended to be nonchalant and said to Martinez Chief Steward: "old steward, do you have any ideas?"

For Connor’s question, Martin Nath Chief Steward also bluntly preached: "Young Master Connor, after this armed rebellion, people within the family were alarmed, but at this time, it is very suitable for you to inherit the position of patriarch, Young Master Connor, you only It needs to be announced in the family that only Meneck, Bernardo, Jack Ferguson, etc. will be held accountable for the first evil, and no one else will pursue them. Everyone will definitely be deeply grateful to you and support you as the new patriarch!"

See Martinez Chief Steward, let yourself buy people’s hearts without holding others accountable. Although Connor didn’t respond on the surface, he still felt a little regretful in his heart, but he could understand Martinez’s move to Chief Steward. Choice, after all, this old man still doesn't know his current strength. In order to enable him to inherit the family smoothly, he can only choose the safest way, and it is acceptable to sacrifice something for this.

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