Wizard Count

Chapter 956

Looking at the back of Martinez Chief Steward away, and the approaching footsteps of many black clothed persons in his ears, Aveiroa, who had been prepared for a long time, did not panic at all , He took out several smoke bombs that Connor had handed over him earlier from his arms, and threw them to the all around the garbage station.

As the smoke bombs were thrown out, within a few seconds, the garbage dump in the northeast corner of Ferguson Manor was all covered by the gray smoke released from the smoke bombs.

"What's the matter? Where is the smoke coming from?"

"Where is the sir, why can't we see you?"

"It hurts! That Damn bastard, stepped on my foot!"

"Where is the goal! Find him quickly!"



Although Domenech recruited these black clothed persons, most of them were army soldiers retired from the Empire, apart from The other people of this have also received professional military training and are very disciplined, but the gray smoke released from this smoke bomb is really thick. In this gray smoke, they followed their companions calling for help and came to the garbage station. Many black clothed persons, who can't see each other's existence at all, are in a mess in the gray fog.

Looking at the black clothed persons arguing themselves, Aveiroa saw Martinez Chief Steward, who had entered the secret tunnel under his cover, and he was not with these black clothed persons immediately. Too much entanglement, immediately escaped.

The task that Connor gave to Aveiroa was to support Martinez Chief Steward, to cover him through leaving, not to let him kill these black clothed persons, apart from this Connor also mentioned to him An additional requirement is that it is best not to use wizard energy in this process.

For now, although Aveiroa has temporarily strengthened his body through the potion, he has been upgraded to the level of Great Knight, but unfortunately this is after all the role of potion, and He didn't get it from Aveiroa's own cultivation, so the strength of this Great Knight has a time limit.

And the most important point is that the number of black clothed persons who flooded into the garbage dump is as many as dozens of people, and they all carry weapons. At request, try not to use extraordinary powers to deal with these black clothed persons as much as possible, that is, there is no requirement of Connor, only the intermediate wizard apprentice training base, facing so many black clothed persons with guns and live ammunition, the only thing that can be done is how much. Far, how far to run, after all, before becoming an official wizard, guns are still very lethal to wizard apprentices!

After Aveiroa ran away, the gray fog in the garbage station began to gradually dissipate. The chaotic black clothed persons resumed discipline and order, and restarted the search in the garbage station. ·········

At the same time in Ferguson Manor, in the study of the beautiful villa originally belonging to Jack Ferguson, Jack Ferguson, Eugenia, Domenech , Bernardo's four people, but they are all sitting in the position, and no one is interested in speaking. The expressions of the four people seem to be very nervous, it seems that everyone is waiting for something.

A few minutes later, in the corridor of the villa, there was finally a rapid sound of footsteps. The attention of all four people was attracted by the sound of footsteps. A few seconds later, a strong black clothed person , Walked into the study, and under everyone's gaze, I found Domenech sitting in a chair by the window in the study, attached to his ear, whispering began to talk.

Listening to his subordinates’ account of the latest situation in Ferguson Manor, Domenech’s already dignified and gloomy look suddenly became worse. Obviously, this strong black clothed person brought him and Not good news!

Feeling Bernardo, Eugenia, and Jack Ferguson, looking towards my own gaze, I have learned that Martinez Chief Steward, and Damene who has left the news from the secret road in the manor An unknown fire rose in Ke's heart for no reason, but now is not the time to vent his anger, he still has things to do.

Took a deep breath, Domenech ignored him. Anyone in the study, without any explanation, got up from the chair and walked away, leaving the study.

Domenech’s actions immediately made Jack Ferguson, Eugenia, and Bernardo in the study look at each other in blank dismay. None of them expected Domenech. He would do this, and when the strong black clothed person was about to leave with Domenech, Bernardo, the short and fat Mediterranean old man, couldn't stand his current ignorance of the situation and broke out and grabbed it. The neck of the strong black clothed person roared in a low voice: "You damn bastard! The express tells me what is happening now!" There is a reason why Bernardo is uncomfortable. He is a businessman by nature. Although the businessman pursues profit, he pays more attention to the control of risk. Although he and Domenech are political allies in the Ferguson family, they have always maintained the same position in the family affairs. It does not mean that he agrees to Domenech's plan without principle.

On the contrary, Bernardo was skeptical after learning about Domenech’s armed rebellion plan. He believed that Domenech’s plan risk factor was too high, so he thought Keep a wait-and-see attitude and stay out of the matter, and don't want to participate in this plan.

But, however, Domenech has made up his mind and has already made the first move. After Jack Ferguson entered the Ferguson Manor, he arranged his people into the Ferguson Manor, which allowed him to operate in the Ferguson Manor. For many years, the well-connected Bernardo has fallen into a very embarrassing situation, unable to stay out of the matter as he thought.

In addition, Bernardo and Domenech have been in trouble in the Ferguson family for more than ten years. The two sides are too deeply involved. The defeat of Domenech was defeated by Martinez Chief Steward. Bernardo won't have any good fruits, so after realizing this, coupled with the lure of the various benefits promised by Domenech, Bernardo finally reluctantly agreed to participate in Domenech's plan.

Although he participated in Domenech’s plan to help him successfully transfer the main force of the family Knight team in Ferguson Manor, it is convenient for Domenech to lead the black clothed person he recruited to launch an armed rebellion. Use his own relationship to help these black clothed persons hide in the Ferguson Manor, but Bernardo is still somewhat reluctant to deep in one's heart, so now he realizes that Domenech’s plan is not developing smoothly. , Bernardo’s negative emotions in his heart suddenly emerged...

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