Wizard Count

Chapter 951

"Lead the way ahead!"

Martinez Chief Steward, who wanted to understand this, commanded Christensen very majesticly:

For Martinez Chief Steward’s order, although Christensen was a little frightened, he didn’t know what the old steward wanted to see Jack Ferguson doing, but he could only lead the way obediently and honestly. A few minutes later, Christensen took Martinez Chief Steward to an old and dilapidated villa in the northeast corner of a manor. At this time, the door of the villa was closed. Obviously, the owner of the courtyard did not welcome outside visitors.

"old steward, Jack Ferguson's family is inside!" He wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief, and Christensen lived in embarrassment.

When he heard Christensen’s words, Martinez’s old steward frowned again. If he remembers correctly, Jack Ferguson has a very beautiful building in the center of Ferguson Manor. Villa, and now that he lives here, it clearly illustrates some problems.

Although the problem was discovered, Martinez old steward did not intend to solve this problem. He knew that this was the price of failure in the struggle. Nodded Martinez Chief Steward moved towards this building. As he walked to the villa, Christensen, who was extremely embarrassed, followed behind him with his handyman.

"Da! Da! Da!"

Martinez Chief Steward politely knocked on the door of the villa, but after waiting for almost one minute, the inside of the villa was still there. It was very quiet, and it seemed that no one was coming to open the door for Martinez Chief Steward. This immediately made Martinez Chief Steward feel a bit of a bad hunch...

Despite the smell of danger, considering that this is Ferguson Manor, and Jack Ferguson is only one of his own prisoners, Martinez Chief Steward did not make any announcements. His old face had an expression on his face. There was no change, he adjusted his breathing, his right hand held his cane tightly, and then he waved his hand to signal Christensen, who was following him, to smash the door open!

Christensen, who found nothing, got the order of Martinez Chief Steward, and naturally did not hesitate. With his handyman, they immediately started their work. I kicked the door of the dilapidated villa. Ten seconds later, the poor door finally fell to the ground under the ravages of everyone. The old and dirty villa appeared in their sight. , At the same time, a smell like rotten furniture rushed to everyone from the villa!

It seemed to be aware that Martinez Chief Steward, who was holding the cane tightly, flashed a cruel look in his eyes, and then immediately took out a very clean handkerchief from his arms and covered him. His mouth and nose, and then in a low voice, commanded to Christensen: "Take your people in!"

Although breathing the rotten smell is uncomfortable, but at this time Christensen still didn't feel anything. At the order of Martinez Chief Steward, he wrinkled his nose and led his men into the villa.

And when Christensen led his men into the villa, the next second Martinez Chief Steward turned directly and ran wildly with the help of a cane. With the help of his Great Knight's strength, his movements and speed are even faster than that of a young and strong young man, unlike an old man who is nearly a hundred years old.

In Martinez Chief Steward, the next second he turned to escape, Christensen and his men in the villa seemed to have encountered some danger and screamed in pain. After dozens of seconds, The screams gradually disappeared and the massacre ended. A group of black clothed persons who covered their faces with masks, holding revolvers and blood-stained cross swords, stood in the lobby of the villa corpses everywhere across the field, looking for corpses everywhere, seeming to be checking. What's going on.

"General, Martinez is not here!" Ten seconds later, after searching the bodies of Christensen and the handyman, one of the black clothed persons came to Domenech. In front of him, he whispered:

Hearing the report from his subordinates, Domenech was undoubtedly in a very bad mood, but the experience of the soldiers fighting for many years told him that at this time, he must be calm and remember not to panic. Otherwise, it is likely to be consigned to eternal damnation, so he pretended to be calm, and ordered in a deep voice: "Martinez must have not run far, immediately according to the plan, send a signal to block all road exits in Ferguson Manor!"

The black clothed person who got the order immediately walked out of the villa, then took out a special revolver from his arms, moved towards the sky and pulled the trigger, with a gunshot, a touch of green fireworks rushed to the sky , And at this time, the black clothed person who was ambushing all around the exits of Ferguson Manor saw the green fireworks and immediately started to act.

The black clothed person made a premeditated surprise attack and killed the manor handyman guarding the exit, and then prohibited everyone from entering and exiting. Anyone who dared to disobey their orders would be rewarded with a bullet, or a bullet. Remember the cross sword stab... Within a few minutes, there were dozens of tragic killings that took place in the Ferguson Manor.

At this time, in the dense grass near the exit of the northwest corner of Ferguson Manor, Martinez Chief Steward, who was lying on the ground with a walking stick, watched a black clothed person with formal Knight strength shot and killed an attempt. After escaping from the manor, the woman closed her eyes in pain.

Although it is not clear whether these black clothed persons who covered their faces with masks are who, there is no doubt that what is happening in Ferguson Manor now is an organized and premeditated rebellion!

Although it seems that this rebellion is a conspiracy of Jack Ferguson. He attempted suicide and needed recuperation to lead himself to Ferguson Manor, and then waited for an opportunity to launch an armed rebellion to kill himself, but Martinez did not I believe that this rebellion was organized by Jack Ferguson alone. Perhaps Jack Ferguson was a very important participant, but there is definitely a behind-the-scenes man behind this rebellion. These black clothed persons are powerful, agile, tough, and Very disciplined. At first glance, he has a military background and there are so many people. Obviously, Jack Ferguson can't organize it!

Thinking of Domenech’s name here, it immediately came to Martinez Chief Steward’s mind, and only Major General Domenech, who retired from the Imperial Army, had this ability and was able to organize so many The well-trained armed men came to Ferguson Manor to launch a rebellion. Martinez Chief Steward clearly remembers that Domenech helped the Ferguson family solve many ugly troubles with this ability, but now he Become the biggest trouble of the Ferguson family...

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