Wizard Count

Chapter 927

The matter of the medium version of blood witchcraft, put it aside for the time being, Connor's thoughts could not help but began to notice. In the words that Philo just said to him, Reyes rose in the wizard world. , The reason for the success is because of the inheritance statement of the Byzantine wizard, which has a lot of similarities with the information Martina left him!

"Anduin Genoa!"

Thinking of the woman Martina, leaving her last message, Connor, who was on the way, showed a little confusion in her eyes!

When Ruen was still a high level wizard apprentice, although Connor and Margaret analyzed from the message "Anduin Genoa", in the Navas forest near Frosynone, an ancient Byzantine period was buried The remains of the city, and this place may be related to Reyes' plot on Connor, but after coming to Frosynone for more than a year, Connor has never had time to go to Navas Forest to find out because of the troubles of various things!

Now I got it from Philo. Reyes’ success may be because somewhere in the ruins, I got news of the Byzantine wizard’s inheritance. Looking at the two together, it’s hard not to happen in Connor’s mind. Some thoughts, maybe he'd better take a moment to go to the Navas Forest to see what secrets are hidden...

Three days later, Connor Returned to Frosynone, and through sound transmission Yuhuan, Margaret was arranged to a park outside Frosynone. The two people sat on the park benches and looked at the colorful flowers in the park in front of them. Of solace.

Leaning on Connor’s shoulder, Margaret looked at the butterflies playing carefree in the sea of ​​flowers, a trace of admiration flashed in the beautiful eyes, and he whispered: "They look good Happy..."

Hearing Margaret's words, I felt that the situation in Margaret's body had worsened a little bit from the last time I met, and Connor couldn't help but be overwhelmed. After a shadow, after considering the language, Connor whispered to Margaret beside him: "I went to Saspede the other day and saw that Philo!"

Margaret hearing this black brows slightly wrinkle. In a few seconds, she also understood Connor's thoughts, and said with some self-blame: "Connor, do you dislike me, it's useless?"

Feeling the complaints in Margaret's words, Connor Grabbing Margaret's small boneless hands, smiling at Margaret shook the head and said: "How is it possible? Margaret, you are my most important combat partner!" He shaved his face softly, Margaret's beautiful and straight nose, and then preached to Margaret very seriously: "Margaret, your first task now is to take care of yourself, and I will do the rest!"

The voice fell to Connor. From the space ring, he found out the dark red crystal ball that Philo had handed him, and then preached to Margaret with some regrets and apologies: "I'm in Sasper After De met Philo, the two of us had a fight, Margaret, you are right, Philo is really strong! After the two of us played against each other, who had nothing to do with each other? In the end, the two of us After some conversation, he gave me this crystal ball. The crystal ball contained a medium version of blood witchcraft!"

"Medium version of blood witchcraft?" Listen Upon Connor's introduction, Margaret glanced at the dark red crystal ball in Connor's hand unexpectedly.

For Margaret’s question, Connor reluctantly nodded and said: "Yes! The medium version of blood witchcraft is higher than the simplified version of your current cultivation, but compared to the Philo cultivation The Blood Moon Code is still a lot worse. Margaret, your situation, the heirs of the "Blood Moon Code" have encountered it before, and this is their solution to this problem"

"Filo and I said that switching to this medium version of blood witchcraft can basically make up for the shortcomings of your current cultivation. I checked it and Philo said nothing wrong. The blood witch of this version of cultivation, Margaret, is your current physical condition. It is indeed possible to get a great relief, but..." At this point, Connor did not say any more, but stopped, looking towards Margaret with apologetic eyes.

Feeling the apology in Connor’s eyes, Margaret took the dark red crystal ball from Connor, played with it for a while, and then kissed Connor lightly on the cheek , And then preached in Connor's ear: "Speak, I can accept any result!"

Seeing Margaret so understanding, Connor's mood is undoubtedly even heavier, he took a deep breath , And then slowly preached: "According to my inspection, although converting to the medium version of blood witchcraft can relieve Margaret your current physical condition, it also has drawbacks. Although it is very hidden, it is still being dug by me. Come out, for Margaret, this Meditation Method is more equivalent to a kind of poisonous thirst quenching, chronic poison. It is not so much relief, it is procrastination! Procrastination of your current physical condition to the future outbreak!"

"According to my calculations, Margaret, if your physical condition is converted to the intermediate version of blood witchcraft, it can probably be delayed for ten to fifteen years. Although this has been temporarily safe, it will help you later. It has buried a lot of hidden dangers. If Margaret you are still unable to convert to complete volume the blood witchcraft "Blood Moon Law Brings You" in the next five years, Margaret you are destined to only go to death, and the remaining time is Waiting for death, no one can save you..." After he said the last words in a deep voice, a killing intent gradually appeared in Connor's eyes.

When he got the analysis report on this intermediate version of blood witchcraft from Assistance Chip, Connor didn’t hesitate to kill Philo with a sudden thrust and returned to the Navas Forest. He wanted to follow Philo stood in a decisive battle, fight to death, and said whatever he wanted to grab the "Blood Moon Code" from Philo's hands!

But it’s a pity that I told Connor solemnly vowed a few hours ago that I will be waiting for Connor here recently. Connor has decided to come to his Philo at any time, but he has disappeared. After disappearing, even the small wood house in the forest was burnt to ashes.

After searching carefully, Connor didn’t find any clues about Filo’s whereabouts in the ashes, but Connor didn’t give up. He went around in the towns around Saspede. , But unfortunately the final result is still disappointing, which is why Connor didn't rush back until now, three days later.

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