Wizard Count

Chapter 925

For Connor's "lion's big mouth", he wanted his own cultivation Meditation Method. There is no doubt that Philo instantly became very angry. There was a fierce light in his eyes, and his face was expressionless. Said: "Connor, do you think this is possible?"

"In this world, as long as the benefits are sufficient, nothing is impossible to talk about!" Connor turned a blind eye to Philo's anger, lightly saying:

Connor is not surprised by Philo's performance. In fact, if Philo asks for "Abyss Secret Technique" from him, Connor might perform more intensely than him.

Aware of the deep meaning contained in Connor's words, Philo still had a fierce light in his eyes, but it was obvious that his emotions stabilized. He took a deep look at Connor, and then coldly said: "Connor Ferguson, don’t think that I’m begging you to join forces. For Reyes, you are a fat pig in his captivity, and you are now an official wizard, fat enough for him to kill and eat meat. Yes, so Connor · Ferguson is running out of time for you. Working with me is your only chance!"

Filo said so badly, but Connor was not angry, on the contrary his face A smile appeared on the top, and he said in a tranquil voice: "Filo, what you said in the first half is correct. The time Reyes gave me is really running out, but working with you is not my only choice. Reyes's is My teacher, most of my ability comes from him, how powerful he is, I know better than anyone, you don't really think that Connor Ferguson is not prepared to face his threat?"

Seeing how confident Connor was, Philo, who had conducted investigations on Connor, naturally understood what Connor meant. After a few seconds of silence, Philo warned: "Wang Jue One group is just taking advantage of you! Connor, they don’t really want to help you!"

Filo’s words just fell, and Connor’s angular face showed a smile again, and he sarcastically said to Philo. "Filo, do you want to tell me, do you really want to help me?"

Feeling the ridicule in Connor’s words, I wanted to admit that I really wanted to help Connor. After all, Philo's face wasn't that big, and he kept silent about "Does he really want to help you" or something like that.

After ridiculing Philo, Connor also reduced the smile on his face. Looking at Philo, he said very seriously: "Philo, today is the first time you and I meet. I don’t trust the truth. You, I believe you don’t trust me, if you really want to cooperate with me, it’s better to show your sincerity!"

After listening to Connor’s Black Ao, Philo immediately fell into contemplation for a long time. After that, he seemed to have made a decision and said to Connor: "Connor your cultivation is the "Abyss Secret Technique" Meditation Method. The power of this Meditation Method is not under the "Blood Moon Code", and even hidden above it!"

"And the most important thing is Connor Ferguson. You have innate talent. "Abyss Secret Technique" can be said to be the most suitable Meditation Method for you. It is impossible for you to transfer to the "Blood Moon Code". If this is the case, you What exactly do you want to get the "Blood Moon Code" from my hand?"

Seeing that Philo hit the key to the matter at once, Connor was not surprised. After all, Philo had investigated him. All the information is on the table. As long as Philo is not stupid, he should be able to analyze it. As a spiritual wizard, he does not need a high-level Meditation Method with Blood Attribute energy!

"I can't tell you the purpose. The only thing I can say is that I have no evil to you!" Connor Weiwei shook the head and said to Philo:

Margaret as The priest of Storm Church, her identity is usually a very useful protector for her, but once Storm Church knows that forbidden techniques such as Margaret cultivation blood witchcraft, then the protector of the church priest, It will instantly become a reminder to kill Margaret, so in any case, Connor must ensure that Margaret's identity is absolutely confidential. Once Philo is aware of the existence of Margaret, then all that is placed in front of Connor is to kill Philo. choose!

Although Connor chose not to conceal it, Philo seems to have speculated on Connor’s reasons for wanting the Code of Blood Moon, and after a moment of indulgence, he proposed to Connor: “Since you mentioned sincerity, Well, I will give you the face of Connor Ferguson, Connor. I will tell you my plan to deal with Reyes. How about Connor, you only need to answer me one question?"

For Philo’s proposal, Connor Falling into thinking, although he is very interested in Philo’s plan to deal with Reyes, he is sure that Philo’s question must have something to do with why he needs the Code of Blood Moon, and this is not the question Connor wants to answer. .

Seeing that Connor was plunged into thinking, Philo couldn't help but add a fire again. He firmly said: "Connor if you are unwilling to answer my question, I am impossible to put the "Blood Moon Code" Leave it to you, but if your needs, Connor, are what I think, then we may have other ways to solve this matter!"

Filo’s remarks have become The last straw that overwhelmed the camel in Connor's heart also gave Connor a glimmer of hope. Although Margaret said that the "Blood Moon Code" was the only way she could solve her current physical condition, it was after all her family's words, as a cultivation. The wizard of "Blood Moon Code", Philo may have other ways to solve all this!

After some thoughts, Connor turned to Philo nodded and signaled that he agreed to his proposal. Seeing that Philo's expression became serious, he pulled up a soundproof Formation and separated him and Connor. , All were buckled in it, and then lowered his voice and said to Connor: "I have reliable information to tell me that Reyes and a Level 3 wizard had an irreconcilable conflict of interest. This Level 3 wizard acted very decisively. He was very decisive. There may be a thunder blow to Reyes in the next period of time!"

"When Reyes became a second-level wizard 20 years ago, although there were also Level 3 wizards who had tried Reyes, it was a pity. Lei Reyes escaped by chance, but suffered a very serious injury. After disappearing for a while, he became active again. So although the Level 3 wizard that Reyes shot at this time is stronger than the last time, I still like Reyes. Survive!"

"What is certain is that even if Reyes survives this time, he will inevitably be severely injured. He is bound to die again and heal for a while, Connor, as a student of Reyes, what do you think Where will Reyes go to heal during this period?" At this point, Philo looked towards Connor with scorching eyes.

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