Wizard Count

Chapter 921

Although the attack of the Abyss Formation sounds similar to the attacker array of the Second Rank Peak enchanted item Castilla wand in Connor’s hand, the difference between the two is that the Abyss Formation’s Although the range is relatively small, but the role of trapped kill is indeed more powerful.

As the Connor cultivation base grows and the enemy becomes stronger, the Castilla array, which was originally used as a killing move, has gradually become useless in Connor’s hands, and has fallen into an embarrassing situation. In the situation of cultivation success, the abyss Formation spell is a very good supplement to Connor's strength, which greatly strengthens his strength!

A few hours ago, although Connor didn’t find anything useful in Cedric Suarez’s memory, he found a sensor in the wall of the courtyard where he lived. , Although according to known information, Cedric Suarez is an alchemist, and it is not uncommon for an induction mechanism to appear in an alchemist’s residence.

But after careful inspection, Connor discovered that this induction mechanism is definitely not something that an intermediate wizard apprentice like Cedric Suarez can arrange. This greatly aroused Connor’s interest. After some research, Connor discovered that this sensing mechanism had been sending messages to the Van der Sar Forest near Saspede, so Connor came here and finally locked the small wood in the depths of the Van der Sar Forest in front of him. House is the end of the transmission of information by the sensing organs!

When I first discovered that the aquiline nose man in the small wood house who was cultivating seemed to be the Philo he was looking for, Connor couldn’t believe it, but he hid behind the oak tree. After observing the aquiline nose man, combining his known information about Filo and comparing them, Connor was basically able to determine that this aquiline nose man was his goal when he came to the small town of Saspede— -Philo!

This result immediately made Connor ecstatic. Although there was always anticipation in his heart, he really found the secret mastermind from Cedric Suarez. Philo was very lucky, but Connor was delighted. After a while, the mood gradually became a little dignified, and he found that Margaret was right. This Philo, known as the Blood Moon Sovereign, was really strong!

After Connor became the official wizard, he came to Frosynone. He has played against five Level 1 wizards including Robery, Adolf, Bispin, Prince Boateng, and Zivkovic. He also killed Robery, Zivkovic, and seriously injured Prince Boateng. This record can be said to be very good, but among the five people is Adolf. This is with Isha all day long. The gray robed old man behind Bella is the strongest!

Although Connor has not played against Filo yet, by observing the situation during his cultivation and the power of the scarlet blade just now, Connor is against Filo’s strength. To get a general understanding, this guy seems to be stronger than Adolf. After discovering such a situation, Connor was hidden behind the oak tree. Not only did his heart sink slightly, but he also subconsciously felt a single thought. Do you want to take advantage of it? Philo is cultivation and hasn't found himself yet, launch a sneak attack on him to kill him?

Sneak attack Philo’s plan, although it sounds tempting, and it seems that Philo is focusing on cultivation, the chance of a sneak attack is very high, but rationally told Connor, from Philo’s Judging from all the actions, this person is definitely a cautious person, and it is not that simple for him to want a sneak attack.

Furthermore, with Philo’s strength, even if he launches a sneak attack, it’s difficult to kill him. Just when Connor reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​sneak attack and prepared to quietly withdraw from the long-term plan. That scene happened...

This guy, Philo, has already discovered him! If this is the case, then he knows he is hiding behind the oak tree, and he is still posing a cultivation posture there. This is obviously to lure himself into a sneak attack! Thinking of this, Connor, who was confronting Philo, couldn't help but secretly thought a fluke in his heart.

Seeing that he couldn’t take advantage of Philo’s place, Connor couldn’t help but retreat in his heart, but before that, he still had one thing to do. Thinking of this, Connor took a deep breath, put away the Abyss Formation, but when he was about to say something, Philo said again:

"Connor, since you came to Frosynone a year ago, my machine I have started to pay attention to you. I originally planned to meet with you for a while, but didn't expect, you actually came to the door. It seems that you should have found it from the idiot of Warren Ferguson. What······"

"But it’s okay, I can see you earlier and see if you are qualified to work with me!" At this point, Philo looked towards In Connor's eyes, there was no emotion.

Filo's voice hasn't completely fallen yet, even if Connor realized that he had been locked by Philo, without hesitation, he activated the black magic robe he was wearing and planned to get rid of him. Without Filo’s lock, the next second after Connor’s action, a bloody bone spur sprang out of the land where Connor had just stood. If Connor took a step late, this bloody bone spur would definitely hit On Connor's body.

The undeclared sneak attack was unsuccessful, and Philo did not have the slightest disappointment. His expressionless ten fingers flicked, and immediately countless bloody blood-red threads shot from his hand to all around. A big scarlet net was formed in the air, and it rushed towards Connor, seeing that Philo had already taken the lead. Connor, who was using the black magic robe to dodge and evade, was naturally not being polite with Philo. A Spiritual Storm was just that. Released towards Philo.

For Connor’s Spirit Attack, Philo seems to be prepared for a long time. A red and black metal bracelet on his wrist bursts out with a red and black light curtain, which offsets the greatness of Spiritual Storm. Part of the formidable power, only two to three percent of the power actually worked on Philo, and it just made Philo feel a headache.

Seeing that Spirit Attack did not play the role that he had expected, and the big scarlet net that Philo displayed was always densely all around him, not only blocking his running, but also preventing himself from attacking Philo, a cold light flashed in the annoying Connor eyes, and immediately a black energy armor burst out of the whole person. This change was nothing else, it was the dark armor technique made by Connor cultivation!

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