Wizard Count

Chapter 916

As the door opened, Connor, disguised as a scar-faced man, began to look at this private room in Handanovic. This room is not only the second bar in terms of area. Four times as much as the other private rooms on the second floor. The private rooms include a lobby and a bathroom. The room area is close to 100 square meters. Not only is it far ahead of the other private rooms on the second floor of the bar in terms of extravagance, this belongs to Handa Norwich’s private rooms also surpass other private rooms by a level.

On the ceiling of the private room, a huge crystal lamp bursts with brilliant orange red light, making the whole room look very warm. Apart from this, every inch of this room is covered with authentic and pure The handmade Persisian Empire Knitted Carpet is soft and strong. Apart from this, the fireplace in the room is slowly burning through special smoke-free charcoal...

It’s Handano Connor conservatively estimated that the furnishings and decorations of the private room of Vichy would also require 1,000 golden pounds, and the entire town of Saspede, the annual tax to the Kaman Empire, is only about 10,000 golden pounds. How powerful is Danovic in Saspede!

Looking at Handanovic with a smile on his face, Connor forcibly restrained him. Now he is using the urge to perform Soul Absorption Technique on him. He is also nodded with a smile at him, and immediately walked into this room belonging to Han Danovic’s private room.

As it became more and more certain that Handanovic had a problem, Connor became more curious about this person, and since this Handanovic was already under his control, Connor also I'm really not afraid. This guy ran away, and Connor wanted to see what tricks this Handanovic was playing with him...

Connor who came to the private room Handanovic and Handanovic sat opposite each other, sitting on the sofa. At this time Handanovic rushed to follow behind them, the red-haired youngster with a dissatisfied face said: "Ano Sa, since Mr. Havertz wants to taste our Sasped wines, as a landlord, we should naturally let Mr. Haverts feel the enthusiasm of the Saspeders of Saspeda. Go and collect the ones in my collection. The wine is taken out of the wine cellar in the bar. I want to have a good drink with Mr. Haverts today!"

This red-haired youngster, called "Anosa" by Desili, heard After Handanovic's order, although his face did not change in any way, Connor noticed that there was a touch of joy in his eyes.

Seeing this joy, Connor probably has a clear comprehension in his heart. Knowing this Handanovic, there is a problem with nine out of ten wines that he has to drink later, it’s in Connor’s heart. When secretly calculating, the red-haired youngster named Anosa had already taken his orders, and soon returned to the private room with five bottles of good wine and two wine glasses.

Looking at the red-haired youngster Anosa, one after another red wine placed on the table, Connor carefully checked these red wines with spirit strength, I have to say this Handanovic , I am really willing to pay for the cost. Each of these five bottles of wine is produced and stored by the famous wineries of the Kaman Empire for more than five years. The market price of each bottle of wine is more than one hundred Gold List. Together, five bottles of good wine are exactly the annual income of a middle-class family in the Kaman Empire.

Although wine is a good wine, it is also very valuable, but Connor, who is familiar with wine, soon discovered that each of these five bottles of red wine had passed the medicine!

Although it is not a dedicated Potion Master, Connor was unable to analyze the medicines used for these five bottles of red wine for a specific analysis of medicine efficacy. But based on so many years of experience in the wizard world and common sense of ear-painting and pharmacy around Valga, Connor can judge that these medicines that have been put in drinks are like drugs.

The main effect of this kind of drug is to make people lose consciousness, and the muscles of the whole body are relaxed, and they can't exert any strength. The thing that interests Connor the most is that he perceives the medicine efficacy of this medicine. It seems very powerful, even if the primary level wizard eats this medicine, he will be recruited...

The wizard has mana, and mana is a very magical energy. He can Resolve many diseases in the human body. This is why the wizard does not easily get sick under normal circumstances. The diseases that mana can resolve include the vertigo in general drugs. Therefore, the drugs that can have an effect on the wizard are very Rarely, more than 90% are potions refined by Potion Master!

Then the question is, how did Handanovic, an ordinary person, get such a powerful drug that is comparable to the medicine efficacy of a potion? This is really a question that interests Connor very much!

After seeing Anosa turn on the wine and pour the wine into two glasses, Handanovic waved his hand and signaled that Anosa could leave, and waited until only the private room was left When he and Connor were two, Handanovic took the lead in raising the glass, smiling at Connor and said:

"Mr. Haverts, although I met you in this situation, I am right You really hit it off at first sight. I believe that in the future, you will become a good friend of my Handanovic. Come, I respect you with this cup!"

Looking at Handanovic’s Action, Connor sneered in his heart, but he was also a powerful cultivation base for his own formal wizard. He was not afraid of being drugged in the wine. He also raised his glass, touched Handanovic heavily, and said boldly. :


After finishing Connor, he raised his head and put all the wine into his mouth before Handanovic, and here Handanovic, Seeing the scarred man Haverts, he believed in himself so easily, and drank the wine he prepared, a look of ridicule immediately appeared to Connor in his eyes, and then he picked up the wine glass and sent it to the mouth to drink. Go down.

Handanovic’s actions seem to have no problem on the surface, but before he picked up the glass for a drink, he quietly added some white powder in his sleeve to the glass, but it was still seen by Connor. Exhaustive.

With a sneer in his heart, Connor didn’t care about Handanovic’s small actions. He continued to fight with Handanovic. In just a few minutes, Connor had already competed with Handanovic. The two of Danovic have already drunk five full glasses of wine.

"Handanovic, let me tell you, this is my first visit to Saspede, but what I didn’t expect was that I was here for the first time... ·I met you...good friends!" Pretending to be drunk and not drinking well, Connor flushed, grabbing Handanovic's arm, and started talking intermittently.

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