Wizard Count

Chapter 914

While cursing loudly, this pudgy middle age person who calls himself the Tiger Kornet pulled out a dangling tiger head dagger from his waist and shook it to show off. One's military strength walked over to Connor.

Looking at this guy who was drunk and full of foul language, and not worthy of being constrained, Connor didn’t have much anger. On the contrary, he still felt a little pity in his heart for this guy. Now, he still doesn’t know who he has offended, and what kind of desperate horror he will encounter next...

It’s in this foul-mouthed Korney, known as the "tiger" When he walked, Connor was three meters in front of him, and when he was about to stabbed Connor while still sitting with a dagger, Connor, disguised as a scar-faced man, stood up abruptly and hit fiercely with a punch in his face. !


After the muffled sound of a fist and meat contact, this Beckenbauer uncle tavern, at that time, it was Kornet who sounded like killing Pig-like screams, this guy who just showed off one's military strength with a dagger just now, clamoring to make Connor dead, has already lost his dagger, a pair of big fat hands, holding his blood flowing. His nose staggered back, and after a few steps back, he finally tripped over a chair and fell heavily to the ground.

Just when Connor was about to make two punches against a short and fat middle age person lying on the ground, fiercely, his spirit strength was a little unexpectedly discovered, seven or eight men wearing black clothed and holding a chopper. The youngster seemed to be rushing out from the back of this Lotito uncle bar after hearing the news, and was about to rush to the lobby of the bar where he is now.

Perceiving this scene, Connor looked at Kornet who was immersed in pain with interest. It seemed that this fat guy seemed to be a real character. After being beaten by himself, Someone could still come to rescue him. It seemed that he had made a mistake. From this guy named Kornet, he found a breakthrough looking for the local H gang in Saspede.

Ten seconds later, these sturdy youngsters rushed to the bar lobby with their weapons, and surrounded Connor and the blood flowing Korné under his feet.

Seeing the appearance of this group of people, Kornet, who was lying on the ground holding his nose, groaning, immediately seemed to have a backbone, holding his nose that couldn’t stop the blood. , Fiercely fiercely continued to yell to Connor frantically: "You dare to hit me Kornet, you bastard, you are dead, I want to one blade after another ··········"

Seeing that this short and fat middle age person is lying on the ground, and he continues to scream, Connor's eyes flashed with impatience, and he kicked heavily on the belly of the short and fat middle age person. When the squat middle-aged man who was clamoring was hit hard by this, he fainted in pain.

Seeing that the pudgy middle age person lying on the ground was knocked out by Connor. The young thugs who were holding sticks around Connor all around seemed to be irritated. Look at me, I See how you exchanged glances, then flicked the clubs and machetes in your hands together, and slapped Connor all at once.

This group of young thugs, although it can be seen, they are strong and well-trained, and their cooperation is very tacit. Not to mention ordinary person, it is difficult for ordinary formal knights to meet It is their opponent, but unfortunately, the opponent they are facing now is Connor Ferguson, the experienced official wizard!

Connor didn't need to use any mana at all, but relying on his Knight skills, three punches and two kicks for a few seconds, they all dropped them to the ground.

Seeing this unfamiliar scar-faced man, he solved the thugs so neatly and neatly. The melon-eaters in the tavern waiting to watch the good show are all startled, everyone looked towards Connor There was a little fear in his eyes.

Under everyone's fearful gaze, Connor wiped away the blood on his palm, and then he was about to drag the fainted middle age person on the ground and leave the tavern, telling rationally Connor, this Connor, since it is so rampant, and after being overthrown by himself, can make a group of well-trained, young and strong thugs in the tavern rush out to rescue him, no doubt he is definitely related to the local H gang. Relationship, and it seems that he is very likely to be a boss, but I don’t know if it is the big boss or the small boss?

Although in the heart, Connor had already executed the pudgy middle age person who dared to scold him, but before his death, Connor felt it was necessary to squeeze out the last trace of the person’s value. Give yourself a helping hand in finding a job with Philo in Saspede!

Just as Connor was dragging this short and fat middle age person all the way out of the bar, a tall and mighty youngster with extraordinary red hair in an imposing manner walked down from the second floor of the bar, coldly He said to Connor, "Put Kornet down, our boss wants to see you!"

Seeing this, it is the appearance of Knight’s red-haired youngster. Spirit strength has long been aware of being in the bar. On the second floor, someone had been observing his Connor secretly, a sneer suddenly appeared in his heart, he slowly turned around, and sneered at the red-haired youngster, "Your boss Temo is something, he wants See me, I’m going to see him?"

Hearing that the scar-faced man in front of him dared to insult his boss, the red-haired youngster suddenly became furious, and immediately pulled out. A short blade on his waist, I have to give Connor fiercely twice, but unfortunately his sword has not been out of the sheath. A man of ordinary build, wearing a blue formal suit, smiling on his face, and decently looking down the stairs. Walking down from the second floor of the bar, and slightly stretched out his hand, it stopped the red-haired youngster's movements.

The melon-eating crowds around Connor and the red-haired youngster in the bar seem to know who this handsome blue clothed man is. There is a look of fear in their eyes, the beginning of involuntarily. Stepped back, trying to stay as far away from the blue clothed man as possible, even some timid people had slipped away from the bar.

This blue clothed man seems to be the boss of the red-haired youngster. As soon as he appeared, he was flustered and exasperated one second before, ready to draw a knife to Connor. The red-haired youngster suddenly looked like a mouse. Like a cat, his emotions calmed down. Fiercely glared at Connor before standing quietly beside the blue clothed man who appeared suddenly.

"My name is Handanovic, I don't know what you call this friend who runs?" He glanced at Connor, who was disguised as a scared man, and also glanced at Connor's hand. He passed out. Chunky middle age person Kornet, the man who appeared suddenly, Desilio, said with a faint smile to Connor:

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