Wizard Count

Chapter 912

'And Connor, you said so politely and used honorifics, which shows that it is not your business that you want me to help, but your personality can make you find I can only help, I'm afraid Margaret is the only woman, right? "

"Connor, you don't have to be like this. Since I have promised you, as long as you don't lead her to me, I won't have any trouble! "After finishing talking, Margaret looked towards Connor very confidently.

Hearing Margaret's such insightful analysis, Connor couldn't help but sigh, women are Sherlock Holmes in love, and he has not had time to explain it. I found everything...

Since the things have been discovered by Valga, there is no point in choosing to hide it. So under Valga’s gaze, Connor is nodded with a smiled and signaled Valga to think that she was right,

Then Connor explained, "I met Margaret today, and she is now a formal wizard like you and me, but because of some problems, This caused Margaret's body to have some conditions, so Valga, look, can you help her refine some potions? "When the voice fell, Connor was looking at Valga eagerly, looking forward to Valga's answer.

Listening to Connor's question, Valga didn't immediately agree without thinking as he always did when refining medicine for Connor. She calmly stroked the hair scattered on her forehead, and then asked, "Connor, did you mean it, or did Margaret want you to come to me for help?" "

Margaret's words suddenly made Connor's face bitter and thicker by three points. According to Margaret's soft outside and strong inside, she would rather die than let Valga diagnose her. How could Connor help her find Valga to refine the medicine?

Allowing Valga to refine the medicine for Margaret was naturally Connor’s self-assertion without Margaret’s consent, although Margaret was very resistant to Valga and would not accept it. The potions refined by Valga.

However, given Margaret’s current physical condition, Connor thought he should prepare some potions after thinking about it. At that time, Connor can cut it first and play it later. As long as Connor insists that the potion is not made by Valga, Margaret is also impossible to tell who is the refiner of the potion.

Seeing Connor with a wry smile on his face, without speaking, Valga asked Connor again; "If I refuse, what will you do Connor? "

lightly sighed, Connor met Valga's gaze, and then said solemnly: "Valga whatever your opinion is, I will respect it, and will not force you!" "

"So I am not the only Potion Master. If I choose to refuse, Connor, you will find someone else to refine the medicine for Margaret, right? "Even though Connor's words sounded very high-sounding and there was nothing wrong with it, but after so many years with Connor, Valga naturally understood Connor's overtones and continued to ask:

Facing Valga's rhetorical question, Connor He didn’t want to deceive Valga, so he didn’t give Valga an answer. He just watched Valga quietly, which was considered as acquiescing to Valga.

For Connor, the safety of Margaret’s life is very important, whether Valga or not Yes, he must do the refining medicine for Margaret. If Valga doesn’t help him, Connor will naturally have other plans. Just like Valga said, although the wizard world Potion Master is rare, there are not many that are only Valga alone. People!

Seeing Connor’s attitude, even though he has predicted that the answer will be like this, Valga still has disappointment in his eyes. She said in a tranquil voice: "Since Connor, you have made a decision. , Then you go find someone else, I'm sorry Connor is so busy, I can't help you! "

After saying that Valga turned and left Connor and returned to her own room. Looking at the locked door of Margaret's room, Connor could understand Valga's choice, but he was inevitably disappointed. ········

Although Connor was able to find a few Potion Master refining agents for Margaret, there is no doubt about the level of refining drugs. It's not a good grade! Even if you are looking for them to refine pharmaceuticals, Connor really has no confidence in the medicines they refine and the medicine efficacy produced by Margaret's body!

Frankly speaking, Connor I wanted to ask Valga for help, not for Valga to help Margaret, but for Valga to accompany him to the small town of Saspede, where he would be the "Blood Moon Sovereign" Philo for a while!

Connor's own plan to deal with Filo is that he is the main attacker, Margaret is to help him, and the two will kill Filo in twos, but now Margaret is naturally unable to fight because of physical reasons, but you must know that it is by Connor's side. Only Margaret is an official wizard. Valga has achieved a breakthrough and has firmly secured the realm. If a fight really occurs, she will be completely possible to fight!

But considering that Valga just broke through and became an official wizard, let’s add Shang itself is the Potion Master, and he must be somewhat unwilling to fight. In the first battle in the official wizard stage, he encountered the stubborn stubbornness of Philo. The risk is really not small.····

Plus Last time I thought that if you let Valga know that she would take the danger for Margaret's sake, she would be very sad, so even if Connor had this idea, after all, he didn't open this mouth to Valga, just wanted Valga to help Margaret refine it. It's just a potion, but unfortunately, Connor still underestimated Valga's prejudice against Margaret!

After a while, Connor said to Valga across the door: "I'll go out for a few days. Something, when I come back, the Aveiroa should have already figured out the situation of our family, when the time comes, I will pick up the Steward clan and take you back! "

After speaking, Connor seemed to have thought of something. He took out a space ring from his body and continued: "Valga, there are ten thousand magic stones in this space ring, and I am going to The blueprint of the demonized item you refined, how about it and which one is suitable for you, I will introduce it to you in detail when I come back from finishing the work! "

After finishing talking, Connor put the space ring on the table. After finishing these, Connor glanced around the room all around, then turned and left the room, but what Connor didn’t expect was that he Ten seconds after leaving the room, Valga opened the door, through the glass window, watching him walk out of the back of the Fati Hotel with complicated eyes...

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