Wizard Count

Chapter 902

Now if I can’t give her a reasonable explanation, a result that satisfies her, there is no doubt that Margaret’s blood witchcraft and ice storm will definitely be in her eyes. The heartless man who cheated her feelings, hello!

After greeted old Ferguson, Margaret looked at Connor coldly again, feeling Margaret's anger, Connor whispered helplessly: "Margaret, you should be very clear about the relationship between the two of us. Once it’s made public, what will you and I face?"

Hearing Connor’s words, Margaret took a deep look at Connor, and then a mocking smile appeared on the beautiful face, and then pretended to be a little bit He said to Connor indifferently: "So Connor Ferguson, this is why you told your father that Valga is your future wife?"

Although Connor didn’t make it clear, Margaret was also very Clearly, what Connor wants to express is that she is the pastor of Storm Church, and Connor’s next identity on the surface is Kaman Empire Count Ferguson. If she has a relationship with Connor, let Storm Church know that, for the clergy and the empire The official collusion with Storm Church, which is very sensitive, will definitely control her immediately, and then check her and Connor Ferguson's relationship with As the water recedes, the rocks appear!

At that time, Margaret herself cultivation blood witchcraft, Connor is a dark wizard, she must not be able to hide the storm opportunity possesses great magical power. In the end, she can’t help but Margaret will die, and Connor will face. The irreconcilable pursuit of Storm Church, even the Ferguson family will be in big trouble!

In fact, Connor doesn’t say this truth. Margaret has already understood this truth. In fact, when Connor and Connor first started together, Margaret had already realized that it was not strong enough to make Storm Church jealous. At the time, her relationship with Connor could only be hidden in the dark, so Margaret didn’t mind, Connor couldn’t give her the status. There was only one reason why Margaret lost self-control like now, and that was Connor. In front of the old Ferguson tombstone, he promised that Valga would be his future wife, and Connor couldn't do it to her with the same promise!

Faced with Margaret’s sarcasm, even though Connor had a lot of explanations to say, when he saw Margaret’s eyes, all these explanations blocked Connor’s throat, making Connor unable to say a word. After a long silence, Connor met Margaret’s gaze and said solemnly: "Sorry!"

Hearing Connor’s apology, Margaret smiled sadly, and then turned around to leave, but at this time, Connor was naturally He wouldn't let Margaret leave, so he hugged Margaret, who had turned and left, in his arms from behind.

Connor is very clear that if he really let Margaret leave at this time, then according to Margaret's personality, he and Margaret will only be strangers from now on, and there is no possibility anymore. Now, this is something Connor is unwilling to accept, so at this time must be a bit thicker.

"Let go of me!"

Unprepared, Margaret, who was held in his arms by Connor, tried several times but did not break free from Connor's embrace, but he was cold. Said:

"Margaret, I will compensate you!" Connor buried his head in Margaret's red hair, took a deep breath, and whispered in Margaret's ear:

For Connor's persuasion, Margaret obviously didn't catch a cold. There was a cold look in her eyes, and she warned Connor more coldly: "Connor Ferguson, I'm warning you, let me go!"

"Today, Margaret, you just killed me, I won't let you go!"

Although the warning in Margaret's words was obvious, Connor was not at all afraid. He even hugged Margaret. A little tighter, after hearing Connor's words, a complex color appeared in Margaret's beautiful eyes with her back to Connor, but the next second she suddenly turned around in Connor's arms, flashing cold light in the dark. The purple dagger quietly appeared in her hand. Margaret did not encounter any resistance. The dark purple dagger was shot from the heart of Connor's throat, and then stuck on Connor's shoulder...

Suddenly red blood flowed out from the wound on Connor's shoulder, and the pain flowed to Connor's nerve center like a tide. Although the wound was very painful, Connor didn't hold Margaret's hand. relax.

Looking at Connor, who didn’t call out because she was enduring the pain in front of him, Margaret felt relieved after all. After all, she was only angry for a while and didn’t really want to leave Connor, so she touched it from the space ring. I took out a bottle of hemostatic medicine and applied it evenly to the wound on Connor's shoulder, and then put a bandage around Connor's wound. After finishing these, she sighed faintly, and then said fiercely to Connor pretending to be evil: " Connor Ferguson, you have to figure out how to compensate me!"

I heard Margaret say that. Connor was immediately overjoyed, knowing that Margaret was acquiescing to this fact, and quickly grabbed Margaret Jade's hand, and made a very solemn promise: "Margaret, I swear to Goddess of the storm, I will treat you well and I will never let you down!"

Seeing Connor such a vicious and merciless dark wizard, but swears to Goddess, the storm of his faith, Margaret couldn't help but stared at him slightly when he felt funny, and then said softly: "I'm here Frosynone still has things to do. I will come to you in a while!"

"Then how can I contact you?"

Connor immediately asked Margaret. When he met Margaret, he didn't want to miss it with Margaret.

For Connor’s question, Margaret found something like a jade ring from the space ring, handed it to Connor, and said:

"This thing is called sound Transmission Yuhuan is the first demonized item researched by the alchemist Mbabu of Earth God Church. I asked for a lot of relationships before I got two. If the distance between the two people holding the sound transmission Yuhuan is no more than ten kilometers , You can communicate at any time, I also have this thing in my hand, it has been matched with the jade ring in your hand, Connor, you can contact me within ten kilometers as long as you turn it on!"

Speaking of this, Margaret extend the hand, showing Connor her pure white bowl, the same jade ring she handed Connor.

Receiving this jade ring from Margaret, and hearing the role of this sound transmission jade ring again, Connor, as an alchemist, suddenly committed an occupational disease. He squinted his eyes and looked at the sound carefully. transmission Yuhuan.

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