Wizard Count

Chapter 890

Listening to Zivkovic’s words, Connor suddenly realized what the advantage of the Old Guy’s mouth was, but he hesitated in order to make Zivkovic paralyzed. After a while, then pretending to show a smirk, fiercely said to Zivkovic: "Kill you old bastard, the good for you is not mine!"

"no! You may be wrong about this. The good thing in my mouth is not in my space ring, but in my place!" After speaking with a cane, the batteryd and exhausted Zhivkovic pointed his head to Connor. Motioned, and then he took a deep look at Connor, then looked at Connor in a very sincere manner and said:

"This gentleman, I know that you are a spiritual wizard, and his spirit strength is very strong. I am good at searching for people’s souls, but my head is different. I have a ban in my head. Even if you kill me, it will be difficult to break the ban in my Divine Sea!"

"Sir, although I don’t know who you are, I believe you also know that our Golovin tribe is just a small tribe with more than 20 wizards. What happened in this wooden village, although it seems that we did it. Yes, but there is no Big Boss behind to support us and plan. Do you think our Golovin tribe dare to do this? Are you capable of doing it?"

, Really difficult to deal with, broke the ban in my Divine Sea and learned the secret from my head, but you will definitely regret doing it, because you will be chased by a very terrorist organization To death!"

Speaking of the last four words "chase to kill", Zhivkovic deliberately increased his tone, as if it was like Connor hinted at something!

Zivkovic’s words immediately made Connor alert, but on the surface, the red-haired one-eyed person he played was still pretending to snort disdainfully. , With a hint of sarcasm, said to Zivkovic: "You think I am a three-year-old child, and can be fooled by your few words, don't tell me that your mind is banned, you can still Tell me about the secret!"

See Connor saying that, Zivkovic smiled slightly, and said with some pride: "You’re right. In order to get this opportunity, I did allow the other person to There is a ban in my mind, and this ban does restrict me from telling others this secret."

"But I am not a fool. Let the group of people play around. The reason why I agree with the other person is in my mind. It’s because I have a baby. With the help of this baby, the ban in my mind will be temporarily blocked for 3 minutes, and within these 3 minutes, I can remove me without omission and in detail Knowing that great advantage, tell me to you!"

After finishing talking, under Connor’s gaze, Zhivkovich took out a big black umbrella from the space ring and showed it to Connor. stand up.

Looking at it carefully, this big black umbrella by Zivkovic, Connor said nothing, pointing to the umbrella in Zivkovic’s hand and asking him: "What should I do? "

Seeing Connor gradually taking the bait, Zhivkovic immediately felt happy. Without hesitation, he immediately introduced to Connor and said: "It's very simple, I just need to open the umbrella, and then you and I stand together Under the umbrella, and with the help of this umbrella, I can temporarily block the prohibition in my mind. You know everything about you, sir, and you can say it all!"

It seems to be to Zivkovy Qikou’s plan was very interested. Connor looked at the umbrella in Zivkovic’s hand and continued to ask: "Oh! It’s like this, then if I let you go, Zivkovic, if you lead you What should I do if the Big Boss chased me down?"

Hearing Connor's words, Zhivkovic, who was impatient in his heart, still put on a bitter melon face and said with a sigh, "Sir. , You are the Kaman wizard and leave here to return to the Kaman Empire. Your country is vast and there is also the colony of Hoy continent. Where can I go to find you? Besides, I told you the secret, which is tantamount to betraying me. Boss, let me know about Boss, I only have dead end, I won’t be stupid to this point..."

Zivkovic is talking endlessly So, Connor’s hand was once again condensed with the Spear of Pluto. Before Zhivkovich could react, the Spear of Pluto was already under Connor’s control and passed through his heart, destroying it. Up his heart.

Although his heart was destroyed, Zhivkovic’s life force was still tenacious. He did not die immediately. He was on the verge of death. His eyes were dizzy and he looked at the Spear of Hades that passed through his heart, and his eyes were full. It was an incredible color, but even so, after a few seconds, he fell to the ground and died in Connor’s hands...

Looking at the Japanese husband on the ground Kovic’s corpse, and the big umbrella next to the corpse, Connor reached out and beckoned. The big umbrella that Zivković took out from the space ring immediately fell into Connor’s hand and slowly moved the umbrella. Opening it, Connor looked up and saw that it was exactly the same as he thought. Although the inside of the big black umbrella looks the same as the surface, it is made of black fabric, but it can be vaguely seen that on the inner black fabric, There are many Odin runes engraved, and these runes are black on the surface of the big umbrella.

Seeing this scene, Connor shook the head disdainfully, and then sneered at Zivkovic’s body lying on the ground: “Zivkovic decided to kill even though I at first But your biggest mistake is that you don’t know that I am an alchemist! tsk tsk tsk, like Datro’s mechanism, such an old-fashioned trap, it is estimated that only you gang of Odin barbarians are still using it. If you want to use this thing to shame me, you think everyone is a fool!"

Just now, if Connor followed Zhivkovic’s words and entered under this big black umbrella, then there is no doubt about it. , Zivkovic would definitely without the slightest hesitation activate Connor, the mechanism on this big umbrella. He still wanted it. Connor, who was talking about Zivkovic, realized that this old stuff was talking to himself. He entrusted a virtual snake to try to come back, and did not intend to tell himself the secrets he knew, and naturally he would not keep Zivkovic!

After solving Zivkovic, Connor immediately began his next step, checking Zivkovic’s Divine Sea, even though Zivkovic said himself, he The head was set up for restraint, but what he said was impossible. Connor would believe in what he said. Connor must personally confirm what the situation is like in the Divine Sea of ​​Zivkovic, and see if he has a chance to deal with Japan. Vkovkovic uses the Soul Absorption Technique to search for the soul!

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