Wizard Count

Chapter 887

Hearing the youngster’s question, the old coachman called Fonte glanced at the young coachman with his old eyes. He didn’t immediately answer the youngster’s question, but from his pocket. He took out a crumpled homemade cigarette and held it in his mouth, then took out a box of matches from his pocket to light the cigarette, took a satisfied sip, and then looked at himself with his eyes, the young coachman slowly Said:

"Little Dias, listen to my advice, don’t have too strong curiosity, you and I have no wizard innate talent, are an ordinary person, for people like you and me, Knowing too many things is not a good thing!"

The old coachman named Fonte, although his voice is slow and long and careless, his tone is very Solemnly!

Font’s words are very sincere, but it is obvious that the young and energetic young carriage husband, Little Dias, did not listen to him at all. Little Dias leaned in front of Fonte and pressed the ground. The voice was somewhat horrified and said: "Fonte Uncle, you know that my nose is as sensitive as my rhubarb. I can smell a bloody smell from this bronze box, and this bloody smell, I can feel it, not a cow Blood, pig blood, it seems to be human blood..."

Speaking of the last young carriage husband, the voice of Little Dias also became a little trembling, and his eyes It can be clearly seen that a hint of fear has emerged.

Little Dias’s recounting immediately caused the old coachman Fonte, who was smoking a cigarette, to startled, and the homemade cigarette in his hand almost fell to the ground.

Seeing Old Fonte like this, Little Diaz panicked even more, and said in a panic: "Font Uncle, what should we do? My mother said that I met in the team. When it comes to the matter, I will find Fonte Uncle you!"

When Little Dias mentioned his mother, Old Fonte’s muddy eyes flashed a touch of gentleness, but in the next second he Fiercely glared at Little Dias, then he drew out the remaining cigarettes in one breath, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stepped on Fiercely's foot.

I scanned the surroundings and saw other people around him. No one noticed. Old Fonte also pressed his voice and said in the ear of Little Dias: "Dias, this matter Apart from me, have you told anyone else?"

Hearing Old Fonte’s question, Little Dias’s head was immediately shaken like a small rattle, and then he said : "Fonte Uncle, I just found out about this, I will come to you immediately!"

Getting the answer from Little Dias, Old Fonte sighed in relief, and then asked Little Dias warned: "Dias, you little bastard, I warn you from now on, don’t say anything, follow behind me obediently and honestly, Master Wizard asked us to send things wherever they are. , Your mother is just your son. Don’t make her worry, do you understand me?"

Although I still don’t understand what the Uncle of Fonte means, but facing Fonte Uncle was serious, even with some fierce gaze, Little Dias was still nodded, indicating that he understood.

At this moment, the new bronze box was taken out of the wooden village and placed on the carriage. It seemed to be alive. Little Dias and Old Fonte, the uncles and nephews, stopped. Talk. They started their work. Under the command of the Golovin tribe wizard, they drove the carriage and pulled the bronze box toward the Kuyt Canyon.

In the grass outside Muzhai, the conversation between Little Dias and the old Fengte’s uncles and nephews was listening to Connor very quiet lurking in the ears. Little Dias said to the bronze box. The discovery of the smell of blood in Connor was even more certain. What he discovered from the Castrovilli space ring, the Golovin tribe must have something like that!

Yes! That’s right. Connor killed a sudden thrust and returned to this Muzhai. It was a crazy decision to tell the truth. It was placed two hours ago. If someone tells Connor, you will return to this Muzhai, Connor. He will certainly snort disdainfully, yelling at this person as Shabi, but now driven by human greed, he has really come back here, and is ready to meet Mr. Zhivkovic again for a while.

Observing quietly for a while, Connor started his action, the black magic robe on his body flashed continuously, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared, a hidden place in the wooden village. in the corner.

Close your eyes, Connor concentrates on the spirit strength of the whole body, searching for the traces of Zhivkovich in the wooden village. This matter is very secretive. Castrovelli, the Second Elder of the Golovin tribe , There are only some clues in the space ring. If it weren't for Connor's extensive knowledge and carefulness during the search, it would really be impossible to find out.

Since Castrovelli knows very little, the only way to gain something is to find this guy Zivkovic, other people from the Golovin tribe, about this It is estimated that Castrovelli does not know as much about it!

Spirit strength searched around in Muzhai, Connor opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of suspiciousness. Although Connor is certain that Zivkovic is not Shabi, this is important now. At that time, he would definitely sit in Muzhai to guarantee and protect the Golovin tribe’s next actions to prevent accidents.

But Connor's search in Muzhai yielded nothing. In Muzhai, even Zivkovic was not found.

After thinking for a while, Connor looked towards the ground, and a question arose in his heart. Could it be that Zhivkovic, this guy is now hiding in the ground again?

Thinking of this, Connor took out the silver light pendant from the space ring, and began to explore the underground of Muzhai with the increase of the spirit strength of the silver light pendant. It was discovered in the Connor spirit strength that Muzhai It was ten meters deep and was about to continue to explore downwards, when Connor's spirit strength suddenly discovered that Zivkovic had appeared outside Muzhai at this time.

Because Connor is a spiritual wizard, spirit strength control and coverage are far stronger than Zivkovic, so now Connor has discovered Zivkovic, but Zivkovic Connor was not spotted, he was still lowering his head and flying towards Muzhai.

Perceiving this scene, Connor immediately put away the spirit strength. Cautilyly watched Zivkovich, but at this moment, Connor found an unimaginable situation. In Zivko Not far behind Vikki, a black shadow was watching Zivkovich’s back, and when Connor was ready to observe who this shadow was, the black shadow turned and left, no more. Can't find him...

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