Wizard Count

Chapter 882

"Who are you?"

After Connor and Zivkovic confronted each other for ten seconds, Zivkovic finally took the initiative to break After silence, he asked the red-haired one-eyed person that Connor pretended to be in front of him in a deep voice:

Although I don’t know who the other party is, but at the feet of this red-haired one-eyed person, it’s clear It was clear that Chu was lying on their Golovin tribe, the three-juvenated wizard corpse, including Second Elder Castrovilli. There is no doubt that several of them were killed by the red-haired one-eyed person in front of them, if not for fear of the other party's Level 1 The wizard’s cultivation base, Zivkovic, has long stopped talking nonsense here, just picked up the cold iron crutches and started doing it!

"It doesn't matter who I am. I am not interested in what your Golovin tribe is going to do. Now I am leaving, Mr. Zhivkovic, do you want to stop it?" In Zivko Watching Vicki’s cold eyes, Connor did not answer his question. Instead, he asked his own question:

Hearing Connor’s words, Zivkovic laughed extremely angry. Pointing to the corpse of Castrovilli and the others on the ground, he said, "Your Excellency killed so many people in our Golovin tribe. If you are not interested, you want to pat your ass and leave. This is what we are in Golovin tribe. NS? '

Giving a deep look at Zivkovic, Connor shook the head and said: "Let me go, Mr. Zivkovic is the best choice for you. You have time to go. Clean up this mess now, Mr. Zhivkovic, please believe me, I want to go, you can't stop you!"

As the leader of the Golovin tribe, Zhivkovic is a bit old. , But it’s by no means a good gentleman who can submit to humiliation casually. When you meet the red-haired one-eyed person in front of you, you can settle your posture, and then look at the corpse of the wizard of the Goro Wen Family family lying on the ground. , The anger in my heart couldn't be suppressed anymore, coldly snorted didn't talk nonsense and smashed the cold iron crutches in his hand heavily on the ground.


When the crutches hit the ground, there was a dull sound, and at the same time, disguised as a red-haired one-eyed person Connor, I just felt that a shock wave came from the ground Kill him!

Seeing that Zivkovic chose to do something good after all, Connor was not surprised. The black magic robe flashed on his body. When he appeared again, it was four or five meters away. Then Connor A brilliant silver light burst out in his hand. With the blessing of the silver crown pendant, Connor held his breath and gave a Spiritual Storm, which was aimed at Zivkovich and released it!

It may be because Odin Empire rarely has a spiritual wizard. In the face of Connor’s powerful Spirit Attack, Zivkovic was slightly at a loss, but in the end it was in Level 1 wizard this Realm, after immersing for decades, Zhivkovic was still very calm to deal with it, and instantly mobilized the whole body's spirit strength, forming a reduced version of the spiritual Formation, guarding himself.

“ka! ”

Although Zivkovic’s reaction is not slow, Connor, as a spiritual wizard, is enhanced by the Silver Crown Pendant, the Second Rank spiritual item Under Spiritual Storm, how terrifying is power?

Zivkovic condensed into a spiritual Formation, which can be said to be collapsed on the first encounter. Spiritual Storm hit him directly. The tall and thin Zivkovic suddenly flickered. , The old face is full of painful expressions, and a trace of blood oozing can be seen in the nostrils...

Although the appearance looks very miserable, but the Japanese husband Kovic, an old man, willpower is really amazing. He forcibly resisted the pain that Spiritual Storm brought him, tightly held the cold iron crutches in his hand, looked at Connor coldly and asked, "Spiritual wizard? "

He didn't answer Zivkovic's question, and Connor didn't continue chasing him. He just gave Zivkovic a warning look, and then walked out of Muzhai.

Looking at the silhouette of Connor leaving, Zivkovic, who had already suffered a loss in Connor’s hands, didn’t make any irrational actions like biting Connor, but looked at the ground. , The corpse of the wizard of the Golovin tribe, Zivkovic’s eyes showed unwillingness. After hesitating for a few seconds, the old man finally settled the game and took out one from the space ring. The brass whistle engraved with Odin rune, put the brass whistle to his mouth and blew it loudly.

"shua! shua! shua! ·······"

I just drove the carriage and walked out of Connor in Muzhai. There was a sharp and piercing copper whistle at the location where Vicki was, and he turned his head to look in the village, his eyes were full of irritation. As expected, Zhivkovich, the Old Guy, still refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, playing tricks with him!

Although he doesn’t know much about Odin’s Wizard World, Connor still knows a little bit about this kind of whistle, knowing that this is Zhivkovic, calling for help.

Forcibly resisting the impulse to kill Zivkovic, Connor fiercely flicked his whip and drove the carriage toward the border between the Kaman Empire and the Odin Empire.

He now carries a huge amount of wealth, and the most urgent thing is to bring the wealth back to Frosynone and help Valga break through and become a Level 1 wizard, the Old Guy, Zhivkovich, although he has never encountered it before. A spiritual wizard like himself has suffered a lot after encountering his Spiritual Storm.

But Zhivkovich is still in his strength, not a persimmon. If Connor really wants to kill him, let’s not say whether he can kill him, but he will definitely waste a lot of time, etc. When the time comes, the helper Zivkovic called with a bronze whistle came, Connor’s situation was dangerous. After all, a good tiger could not stand a pack of wolves, so for Valga, Connor did the most sensible Choose, take a step back and leave the truth in a carriage!

When I first entered Muzhai, Connor’s spirit strength found a corner of Muzhai, and the underground of the wizard carriage that came here from the Kaman Empire had a problem. Alchemy bombs were placed at any time. It may detonate.

But it seems that it may be Connor. This "unaware of the oriole behind" played a role. It killed Castrovili, disrupted the original deployment of the Golovin tribe, and directly caused those Ten carriages were not blown into the sky by alchemy bombs buried in the ground.

So when he found out that his carriage was still there, Connor didn’t hesitate, but immediately found his carriage and drove away. From his current location to the border city of Kaman, Flady, but there was a close one. A hundred miles, such a long distance, as a Level 1 wizard, Connor can fly back, but by doing so, Connor is not only exhausted, but also an overdraft of mana. It is far less comfortable and comfortable than driving a carriage. !

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