Wizard Count

Chapter 871

Listening to Adolf’s words verbatim, Isabella’s gaze swept again, Connor listed various materials on the list in her hand, and her young face Her expression suddenly changed, and after a while, under Adolf's gaze, she was nodded, indicating that she had figured it out!

The explanation given by Adolf is very clear. The life energy of cultivation has a lot to do with Connor. Connor is willing to take the risk to find them for resources and meet both points at the same time, except for being a Potion Master. Outside of Valga, Isabella can't think of a second person.

Although I am still very surprised that Valga wants a breakthrough Level 1 wizard in my heart, the evidence is already in front of me, and Isabella has no other choice but to believe it!

Seeing Isabella, I have already figured it out. Adolf lightly said: "Connor Ferguson, since he wants to get 15,000 magic stones from us, he seems to support Valga cultivation recently. The magic stone on the site should be almost consumed!"

"Since he did not get the magic stone from us, it seems that within a week, Frosynone or the surrounding area must have something to suffer. Connor Ferguson’s poisonous hand!"

After thinking about it for a while, Isabella asked Adolf: "Adolf teacher, since Connor wants resources to be used for Valga breakthrough, what do we want? Don’t give it?"

"Yes! Of course!"

Adolf said categorically: "Although Connor · Ferguson of common origins Reyes's cultivation technique, the alchemist, but the two of them There is a lot of sordidness among individuals, and it is almost impossible to rebuild the old and good-looking. This is a great flag for Wang Jue to check and balance Reyes!"

"Since Valga has followed Connor · Ferguson , It is also impossible to go back to Reyes. If she becomes a Level 1 wizard, she will equivalently increase the strength of Connor Ferguson. Although the two Level 1 wizards can’t shake Reyes, they have the support of Lord Wang Jue. , Connor and Valga are enough for Reyes to drink a pot."

"And the most important point, Isabella, don’t forget, Valga is not an ordinary high level woman. Apprentice wizard, in addition to the status of high level wizard apprentice, she is also a Potion Master, and a very good genius Potion Master! According to our observations, during Frosynone's time, Connor Ferguson has always been just I have never bought a bottle of potion when I buy the raw materials of a potion!"

"What does this mean, Isabella, you don’t know?" Adolf’s eyes appeared, a trace of admiration and harmony. Greed mixed together, a very complicated look.

Hearing Adolf’s words, Isabella instantly realized the value of Valga. She thought for a while and confirmed to Adolf: "Adolf teacher, what do you mean, it’s still a high level wizard? Valga, an apprentice, is already able to refine the potions needed for the official wizard?"

"Yes! I have known Reyes for more than 50 years, and I believe in his discovery of genius. , Isabella, think about it, the Valga high level wizard apprentice can refine the potions needed by Level 1 wizard. If she becomes a Level 1 wizard, there is no limit to her own strength, and her potion innate talent can be changed. Good performance, when the time comes, don’t talk about you and me. I am afraid that even Wang Jue may have something to look forward to Valga!" Sabella understands the importance of things.

Although the blueprint drawn by Adolf is very beautiful, Valga is still not confused by this blueprint. She frowned for a while and caught the key to this question, and immediately asked Adolf: "Adolf teacher, you It means that Valga can be used by us?"

"No!" Adolf smiled and shook the head and gave the answer. When Valga was very confused and could not understand, he explained again Said: "Isabella, I told you that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between Connor Ferguson and Reyes. Connor Ferguson will become Lord Wang Jue, a very important chess piece to counter and balance Reyes. "

"From the perspective of Valga's willingness to betray Connor Ferguson and promote her to cultivate her Reyes, we can know that she is very infatuated with Connor Ferguson, even though we and Valga now There is no connection, but we can use Connor Ferguson to let Valga refining medicine for us!"

"As long as Reyes does not die for a day, Connor Ferguson cannot live without us, and Connor himself is too If you know this well, how else would he be separated from us when there is so much sordidness between us?"

Hearing this analysis of Adolf, Isabella was suddenly enlightened. She figured out the twists and turns, blinked with big eyes, and suggested to Adolf: "Since Valga breakthrough has become a Level 1 wizard, it has so many benefits for us, except for Connor · Ferguson. These things, in a week, are we going to give Connor Ferguson the 15,000 magic stones he wants to help Valga break through and become a Level 1 wizard?"

'No! Connor Ferguson, like Reyes, is very cautious and suspicious. If we take the initiative to give him these 5,000 magic stones, he will definitely be suspicious, and it will be too late! "

"We only need to give Connor what we want and give it to him, and leave the rest to Connor Ferguson to do it himself. He is a Level 1 wizard. I can't grab any of the five thousand magic stones, but it's just a rubbish, and I don't deserve to be Wang Jue master, to check and balance Reyes's pawn! 'When he said this, Adolf didn't know where the sense of superiority came from, and he waved his hand with great confidence.



After leaving the Corresia Manor, Connor confirmed that there was no tail behind him, so he walked straight to the train station in the center of Frosynone. He was going out to the several hundred li north of Frosynone. In addition, the border city of Kaman, Flady, bordering the Odin Empire.

At this time, Connor Ferguson, still unaware of his purpose and his strategy of confusing the list of materials, has been completely penetrated by the old fox, Adolf.

Adolf's guess is right. What Connor has to do when he is on a train is to leave Frosynone and go to Frosynone, a city where no one knows him and get a magic stone!

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