Wizard Count

Chapter 869

Standing in front of the door of Corresia Manor, Connor did not wait for too long. The security guard who entered the manor to inform was led by one, blue clothed, and he looked very The capable, blue clothed man with the intermediate wizard apprentice cultivation base returned to the front of the Corresia Manor.

The blue clothed man walked in front of Connor, looked up and down Connor with both eyes, confirmed Connor’s identity, gave him a salute, and said solemnly:

" Hello, Mister Connor, I’m Steward Paco of Corresia Manor, Miss Isabella and Mr. Adolf. I already know your arrival. I am waiting for you at the Manor. Please come with me!"

After talking about Paco, who calls himself a manor, he led Connor into the manor. Although it has been expected that the Corresia manor where Isabella and Adolf are hidden, it is definitely not simple, but true. When he went deep into it, Connor realized that this place was completely a big maze, even if he didn't use some alchemy equipment, it would be difficult for him to get out of it alone.

Walking in this maze-like manor for about one minute, Copa led Connor to a door of the manor, and then left quietly.

Although Copa didn’t say anything, Connor’s powerful spirit strength made him realize that the two people, Isabella and Adolf, were waiting for him in the room behind the door. arrival.

Secretly took a deep breath, Connor immediately pushed the door and walked into the room, only to see that this room was decorated as a study, and the walls around the room were filled with In the middle of the room, in front of Rao Shao's fireplace, Adolf and Isabella, sitting on the soft sofa, are looking at him with scrutiny.

The eyes of the three people met. You looked at me and I looked at him. No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little more subtle.

Perhaps because Isabella’s cultivation base was the lowest among the three, so after about half a minute of silence, she couldn’t help it and broke the silence first, straight to the point He asked Connor Ferguson: "Connor Ferguson, what's your purpose in coming to us this time?"

Hearing Isabella’s question, Connor looked away from Adolf’s old face. , Transferred to Isabella's body.

Although it has only been more than a week since we met in the town of Alyang last time, Connor can clearly feel the huge energy emanating from Isabella. Look It looks like she should be the same as Valga. She has also broken through the cultivation bottleneck, and she will try to break through and become a Level 1 wizard at any time!

Connor can’t help but wonder whether Isabella’s current changes have anything to do with the Alberto ice energy technique she asked herself to find from the crystal ball... ······

Connor remembers clearly, Isabella personally told him that Alberto Ice Energy is very important to him, and it is in the memory of crystal ball miscellaneous theory. , Connor can feel that Alberto’s ice energy is very compatible with Isabella’s own energy when he collects Alberto’s ice energy. So Valga’s current changes are not Alberto’s ice energy. I'm really not sure about the credit!

"I helped you collect the rewards of Alberto's ice energy technique, do you still count?"

Looking at Isabella, Connor lightly saying:


Today, Connor did not hesitate to commit a risk to the Wang Jue faction’s nest in Frosynone, just to find Isabella to fulfill the promise he had made, and to get it from Isabella to help Valga break through. Become a cultivation resource for Level 1 wizard!

When Isabella gave her promise, Connor, who thought she didn’t lack anything at the moment, really didn’t expect that she could use this promise soon.

Connor has to admit that, when the underground black market cannot count on it, if he wants to gather the cultivation resources needed for Valga breakthrough within half a month, the best way is It is obtained from the Wang Jue faction. At Frosynone, only they have this ability. They can gather such a rich variety and an astonishing amount of cultivation resources in half a month, so Connor will take the risk and appear in here.

If you don’t get what you want in the Wang Jue faction, in order for Valga to succeed as a Level 1 wizard, Connor said he must not focus on the two huge monsters, Storm Church and Earth God Church. In that case, the risk can't help but rise sharply, and once his identity is revealed, Connor himself will become a thorn in the eye of the two Major Sects. Stabbed in the flesh, being chased madly, this is what Connor would not do as a last resort, so Connor would only appear in front of Isabella and Adolf now.

Connor’s voice fell. After hearing his purpose, Isabella and Adolf looked at each other. Both of them could see an unexpected expression in each other’s eyes. The two of them just analyzed it. Connor came here today, but absolutely did not expect that Connor suddenly appeared in the Corresia Manor today, it seems to be here to ask for the account...

exchanged his eyes, Isabella turned her gaze back to Connor, pondered her words and said: "Since it is a promise I made to you, it is natural to count. I don't know Connor Ferguson, what do you want?"

Getting Isabella's answer, Connor immediately took out the space ring, the list he had prepared, and handed it to Isabella.

Receiving the list from Connor, Isabella glanced up and down, her brows frowned immediately, ten seconds later, she looked at everything on the list carefully, Isha Bella handed the list that Connor had made to Adolf who was aside, and then took a deep look at Connor, and then coldly said:

"Connor · Ferguson, I did because you helped I collected Alberto Ice Energy Techniques and gave you promises, when you need them and when I want them, but don’t you think, with this promise, you will ask me for the things on your list. Don’t you think you have some lion’s big mouth?"

For Isabella’s attitude, Connor seems to have expected it a long time ago, and there is no surprise. He said slowly: "It was Isabella back then You, go to the small town of Alyang in person, find me and tell me that Alberto Ice Energy is very important to you, and at Frosynone, only I can help you, so I will abandon the previous complaints and help you from Collect Alberto's ice energy technique from the chaotic memory in the crystal ball!"

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