Wizard Count

Chapter 762

However, Kurzawa’s informant’s account of how Aveiroa escaped after discovering the attack by De Jong’s Dark Knight regiment is the same as Aveiroa’s own statement. A big difference!

The bandits of the Dark Knight group of Derong are in the Frosynone area. They are considered to be a strong band of bandits, so they have the courage to accept the Ferguson family’s rivals, the Leo consortium’s heavy employment, and attack the Ferguson family’s banner. The Faloth warehouse where the ore distribution company stores ore.

But in the Frosynone territory, although the Ferguson family is considered to be in decline, after all, the various contacts in the city of Frosynone for hundreds of years are intertwined with each other a centipede dies, but never falls. The title of the Empire’s hereditary count, and the family also maintains a Knight team of about ten people, the absolute strength is far superior to De Jong's Dark Knight group.

Therefore, the Dark Knight group of Derong, although lusty accepted the Leo consortium's employment and attacked the Faloth warehouse, but they have not yet been stupid enough to attack with fanfare. They want to do this attack. It has become a headless wrongdoing that I don’t know who did it, to avoid the anger and revenge of the Ferguson family!

When De Jong’s Dark Knight group attacked the Faloth warehouse and discovered that Aveiroa had run away, De Jong’s Dark Knight group immediately dispatched a small group of eight to prevent leakage of information. A robber pursued and killed Aveiroa, and when Aveiroa was overtaken, it took less than one minute to kill the eight bandits with weapons in the De Jong Dark Knight regiment who chased him and then proceeded calmly. Run away.

If Aveiroa is a Knight of cultivated Ferguson Knight's Breathing Technique, such a result may not be surprising, but you must know that when Aveiroa joined the Ferguson family, it was already twenty-five. I’m old, I missed the best age to be Knight, and in Aveiroa’s through childhood resume, there is nothing about Knight!

If the detective report provided by Kurzawa to Connor about Aveiroa and De Jong's Dark Knight group is true, then it is obvious that Aveiroa has a problem. Perhaps it is the undercover Reyes that Connor has been looking for these days and arranged with the Ferguson family!

After reading the information about Aveiroa three times carefully, Connor put the information in his hand back into his pocket, and then took a sip from the Frosynone regional specialty on the dining table. The smell is very fragrant. Hand-ground coffee made from Pauletta coffee beans, and then ready to check out, leave the Agudro Hotel, go to the detective report, the address of Aveiroa "Bruno Community Villa No. 7" and find Aveiroa well While talking, suddenly a plain-looking but very temperament girl in a delicate blue skirt walked into the restaurant and appeared in Connor's field of vision.

For this girl with such a temperament, but with a very average body and appearance, Connor can be sure that he has never seen this person before. If he has seen this person, he will definitely remember it very much. Profound, but for unknown reasons, Connor’s keen inspiration made him feel a little familiar with this girl. It seemed that he was the same as the blue clothed girl who met there... ..... When thinking about what he had to do with this blue clothed girl, something unexpected happened to Connor. The blue dress girl who made him feel familiar, after looking around in the restaurant, she just sat down. It was only three meters away from Connor at the back of the side.

The choice of the girl in the blue skirt immediately made Connor alert. You must know that it is only half past six in the morning. It is not the peak of breakfast for the tourists living in the Agudro Hotel. A luxurious restaurant that can accommodate five hundred people dining at the same time. At this time, only a dozen people were dining.

In fact, before the blue skirt girl sat next to Connor, the people who ate in the restaurant, unless they came together, were very conscious to maintain a distance of at least ten meters, and Connor’s position, It is a remote corner specially selected by Connor. With Connor as the center, there are no other diners within 15 meters.

So the blue clothed girl not only made Connor feel familiar, but also sitting so close to Connor, Connor had already faintly felt that this woman he had never seen before looked at her face. Suddenly came to this restaurant at this time, maybe it was for Connor ·Ferguson...

Just when Connor was secretly alert to the blue clothed girl, this The blue clothed girl didn’t seem to notice Connor’s guard against her, and beckoned to the waiter standing beside him. The waiter shouted and started ordering food beside him and said, “Bring me a cup of Pauletta without sugar. Grind coffee, and a piece of Sneijder whole wheat bread. It's better to be faster, I'm in a hurry!"

"Understand! Miss, I will deliver what you want as soon as possible!" Hearing blue The waiter replied respectfully at the clothed girl's order. After speaking, he gave a salute to the blue clothed girl, and then stepped back.

After ordering the meal, the blue clothed girl showed no rush or rashness, and looked very quietly at the famous Kaman empire painter Bernardeschi's famous painting "Frosynone Rising Sun" on the wall of the restaurant. "It seems that she is very interested in this imitation!"

As for the performance of the blue clothed girl, Connor was sneaked in his heart. Although he still doesn’t know who this blue clothed girl is, the performance of the other party made Connor even more sure that the other party was coming at him. Yes, the reason why she pretended to appreciate the oil painting was just trying to cover it up.

"Are you not a good actor, don’t you be tired to pretend to be so fake?" I took another sip of coffee, feeling the mellow aroma of Pauletta coffee in my mouth, Connor quietly blue clothed girl sound transmission Speaking of it, he is sure that this blue clothed girl is definitely a wizard like him, but he doesn't know what the cultivation base is.

Connor’s sound transmission seemed to make this blue clothed girl a little surprised, but she was still calm, her eyes continued to look at the oil painting on the wall, but her lips were inadvertently opened. Connor felt A very strange voice said to Connor sound transmission: "Don't ask who I am, I know what you are looking for, I am here to provide you with clues!"

Hear the sound transmission, Connor eyes Slightly narrowed, flashing a fleeting light, then sound transmission replied: "Since you are here to provide me with clues, then I will listen!"

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