Wizard Count

Chapter 751

And seeing Valga hesitating so much, Connor was a little surprised. Without thinking too much, he took the initiative to ask Valga: "Valga, what do you want to say to me? Did you say that?"

Connor's question seemed to make Valga's final determination. She turned to Connor, shook her lips a little entangled, but still said, "Connor, I searched. The detective of the soul still recorded a little information in his mind about your Ferguson family?"

Hearing Valga talk about this, Connor suddenly became interested and focused on Valga without thinking. Asked: "What's the news?"

"Connor, your father Alfredo Ferguson, your physical condition seems very bad, Connor, you'd better be mentally prepared, although the birth of an ordinary person, Aging, sickness and death are inevitable, but as a Potion Master, I think I can still help him!" Valga pondered the words and said:

I heard Valga talk about his own memory The name in the depths, Connor's expression suddenly fell silent, a few seconds later he lifts the head to Valga and said: "Valga thank you for telling me this, I will arrange it as soon as possible!"

"en! I'm leaving!" Telling the secret to Connor, Valga was relieved a lot and responded gently, then opened the door and went to the next room to refine the medicine, leaving this room alone to Connor.

And a Connor who was alone, saw that no one was there and put down all his concealment, slightly sighed, a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, although he is Connor Ferguson, he is not Connor Ferguson, but since he inherited the identity of Connor Ferguson, he naturally took on this cause and effect.

Senior Ferguson is Alfredo Ferguson’s condition. He has always remembered in the heart. Actually, without Valga's reminder, Connor is also going to let Valga show the elder Ferguson. Since the experience After the last treatment of Margaret, Connor’s trust in Valga’s medical skills has undoubtedly reached a new level. Connor believes that with Valga’s help, the old Ferguson dare not say that the medicine will cure the disease, but he will live an extra ten or eight years. The year should be no problem.

Although this is the plan, because he knew that there was Reyes’ undercover in the Ferguson family, Connor originally planned to dig out the undercover and clean it up. After Frosynone's life safety was not threatened, Valga He was treating Old Ferguson, but now, or Old Xu Ferguson’s condition, he can’t wait for him to find out the undercover Reyes arranged with the Ferguson family.

So now even for the sake of old Ferguson, Connor must speed up his actions and find out the undercover!


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At 8:55 the next night, in Frosynone City, the most famous downtown business district, Connor was sitting in the Westcollon Bar in the middle of Everton Avenue. The private room in the hidden corner, quietly watching the men and women coming in and out of the bar.

It’s about five minutes. The time he left for Wang Jue’s gang, but Connor still didn’t observe any suspected people appearing in this bar. It’s a minute. A second later, although Connor looked unemotional and looked indifferent, sipping the whiskey in the glass one sip after sip, but in fact, the situation in front of him also made Connor think about his original idea of ​​cooperating with Wang Jue to deal with Reyes. Slightly shaken.

Judging from the opponent’s current performance, perhaps they are not sincere in cooperating with Reyes, or the Wang Jue faction is still doubting themselves, are they worried about making a game with Reyes? Are you ready to cheat them? ?

Connor's thoughts came to mind one by one. However, at nine o'clock before the agreed time, only a few tens of seconds, Connor was ready to abandon the meeting and leave the Westcoren Bar At that time, the silhouette of a familiar middle-aged beard man appeared in Connor's field of vision and walked slowly towards the private room where Connor was.


At five seconds before nine o’clock, the middle-aged beard man pushed open the door of Connor’s private room, and there was no one sitting beside him. On the sofa opposite Connor.

Sittingly looking at the middle-aged beard man in front of him, the middle-aged beard man who had met him on the train, Connor narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fleeting light flashed in his eyes. Although the appearance of the person in front of him was somewhat unexpected by Connor, after careful consideration, the appearance of this person seemed to be reasonable. After all, the address at 63 Zanetti Avenue was delivered by the person in front of him with a golden puppet. For yourself.

Connor looked at the middle-aged beard man sitting in front of him and did not speak, and this middle-aged beard man also looked at Connor and did not speak. The two actually watched each other for 3 minutes without a word. Said, and after 3 minutes, the middle-aged beard man seemed to have noticed something from Connor, his thick and black eyebrows were raised, a little surprised, and he actively broke the silence and said to Connor in a hoarse voice: "You breakthrough Become a Level 1 wizard?"

Seeing Isabella, who still pretends to be a middle-aged beard man, sees her disguise, Connor is also a little surprised, although it is not clear that Reyes wants to break through and become Level 1 by herself. The wizard wants to do something by himself, but because of his threat, Connor is not ready to publicize the news of his breakthrough success, so at this time only he and Valga know that he is already a Level 1 wizard.

Connor is going to conceal this news as long as he can conceal it, so in front of Isabella, he has already restrained his breath as much as possible, making himself look like a high level wizard apprentice , But did not expect Connor's efforts to be unsuccessful. His real realm was still seen through by Isabella.

"How did you see it?" With his eyes fixed on Isabella, Connor asked immediately, since Isabella has discovered her real realm, if he is in Denial is only a ridicule and will not have any beneficial effect, so Connor did not choose to deny, but asked Isabella.

As for Connor’s question, Isabella did not answer, but gave Connor a complicated look, and then took out a pigeon egg-sized inlaid with Connor in front of Connor. The silver ring with sapphire flicked twice.

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