Wizard Count

Chapter 747

White’s very simple answer made Connor a little bit astonished, but he thought about it carefully and felt that White was an ordinary worker in Frosynone. This answer seemed reasonable. Frosynone said It is an inland city far away from the ocean, where Storm Church is beyond reach, and the teachings of Earth God Church are more gentle, not as radical as Storm Church, and more easily accepted by the general public.

Thinking of this, Connor seemed to think of something again. Connor asked White: "Are there many people who believe in Earth God Church in Frosynone?"

"en! Many people I know are. Pastors who believe in Earth God Church, Earth God Church often donate some food, or give free clinics and medicines for those of us who don’t need money. They are very respected in Frosynone, but it is said that more wealthy people believe in Storm Church. !" Although I don’t know why the rich gentleman in front of me asked about this, White still said without hesitation:

Speaking of this, White seems to have thought of something somewhat sorry looking towards Connor, slightly He said with some apologetics: "By the way, I have one thing I want to tell you. Lukaku is the driver who pulled the cart for your wife yesterday. His daughter has asthma. Today it happens to be the Earth God Church in the Malorne community. The church invited the doctor from Frosynone Third Hospital to do the free clinic, so he took his daughter to see a doctor and did not come. Please forgive me if you still need a coachman. I will find another one for you right away. !" After hearing White's words, Connor's eyes flashed with an undetectable light, but facing White, he waved his hand and said lightly, "It's okay! You can do it alone! I'll go wherever I want you to go in a while, I don't ask you to ask questions too much! Can it be done?"

When Connor said that, the middle-aged man White gave a solemn expression to Connor heavily nodded, indicating that he can fulfill Connor's request.

Seeing that White agreed to his terms, Connor got on White’s rickshaw, then took out six pence coins from his wallet and threw them to White, lightly saying: "I will give you six pence first, The rest of the money will be given to you after the end of the night, and now you are dragging me around Frosynone city!"

Taking six pence from Connor’s hand, White’s eyes are full Surprisingly, according to the rules of Frosynone's rickshaw, the money is paid after arriving at the station, and this gentleman is really outspoken, and even paid half of the car money to himself first.

Although I don’t know why this generous and wealthy gentleman would let himself take him around in the city, but when I thought of this gentleman just now, he asked himself not to talk too much, White is Putting away other thoughts, he pulled up the rickshaw with peace of mind, and ran to the side with Connor.

Sitting on the rickshaw, Connor tilted Erlang's legs and squinted his eyes, looking at ease, but his spirit strength quietly spread out to see if anyone was following him. Originally, he was planning to go to a place today to meet some people. The reason why he chose a rickshaw instead of renting a carriage is that although he can get the carriage, the carriage is in Frosynone. Some are too eye-catching, and the rickshaws are all over the street. Yes, it won't attract anyone's attention unless it is intentional.

But just after White’s words about Earth God Church, Connor decided to slightly modify his itinerary for today. He decided to go to Storm Church and Earth God Church in Frosynone before going to that place. Take a look at the church.

& Take a look at the church of Storm Church!"

White, who was instructed by Connor, kept in mind Connor’s requirements for him. No nonsense, he just pulled Connor towards the church and ran away. It can be seen that White is a rickshaw driver. I am really familiar with the architecture of Frosynone. It only took Connor an hour to see two churches in the Earth God Church and two churches in the Storm Church. When Connor got off the car to observe the church closely, White also got a short break.

Connor, who has observed the conditions of these three churches, feels a little bit emotional. In the church of Frosynone Storm Church, although the number of people visiting is quite large, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Compared with the scene of surging heads, the storm turned back over there and it was much worse!

In Connor’s memory, Frosynone believed in YEarth God Church ten years ago. Although there were more people who believed in YEarth God Church than in YStorm Church, it was not as large as the number of people who believed in Y. The speed of the development of Earth God Church in Frosynone over the past few years is really too fast!

Thinking of Connor shook the head here, I sat on the rickshaw again, and said to the rickshaw driver White who was waiting respectfully for him: "Take me to Zanetti Avenue!"

Getting the order of Connor, White quickly took Connor to Zanetti Avenue where people coming, people going. He scanned the buildings on Zanetti Avenue, and Connor's eyes were immediately locked on A shop called Arshavin glasses shop, the location of this eye shop is exactly the address recorded in the wax pill given to him by Ruen on the thirteenth train to Tunguska-Zanetti Avenue Sixty-three.

Because of the threats of Secret Society and Reyes, Connor has always been by his side. Connor has always had a sense of crisis, and Connor’s response to the sense of crisis is reflected in his habit of keeping a hand on others. Connor yesterday Infiltrating the Ferguson family on the bed and Valga's plan to install a bug and find a detective to investigate the Ferguson family are not all of his plans, but the real plan 2/3/2021 in his heart!

As for the remaining one third, which is the third aspect of Connor’s plan, it was quietly hidden in Connor’s heart, and this secret is what Connor is going to do now. Go to Zanetti Avenue 6. On the thirteenth, the address that Isabella left for him got in touch with Wang Jue!

Connor has decided that he will join forces with Wang Jue to deal with his mentor Reyes. Connor was afraid of Wang Jue not because of resistance to Wang Jue but because at that time, Connor was nothing more than It's just a high level wizard apprentice, caught between Reyes and Wang Jue, can only be swayed at will, without any bargaining power, the final ending can only be reduced to cannon fodder!

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