Wizard Count

Chapter 741

But what Kohler absolutely didn’t expect was that he still didn’t get the peace he expected. The distress fireworks blooming over Kevin’s Inn completely disrupted his stability. What Kohler did not expect was that when he was ready to go to the Kevin Hotel, he received an order from his immediate boss, Edel, to tell him at all costs to take back the information that the Kevin Hotel was taken away.

Kohler knows very well that the intelligence team disguised in the Kevin Hotel is just a few Knights. He has never seen a big picture, so he arrogantly thinks that he attacked Kevin. The person in the hotel is nothing but a primary level wizard apprentice or an intermediate wizard apprentice. If the person attacking the Kevin’s Inn is an intermediate wizard apprentice or a wizard above the cultivation base, the people in the Kevin’s Inn should not be able to warn, so they are very strong. Confident Kohler, he agreed to Edel's order and promised to kill the attacker of Kevin's Inn and get back the information again!

But now it is discovered that the person who attacked Kevin's Inn and stole the intelligence was Margaret's, and Kohler's mind, who had spared his life, became active!

Kohler, who knows Margaret well, doesn’t want to fight with Margaret right now. He knows that as soon as the fireworks of Kevin’s hotel for help are lifted off, Kohler is just the first wave of reinforcements. He has stayed along the way. After making the mark, maybe in another twenty minutes, the second wave reinforcements will be killed. Now we will retreat strategically. When the time comes and the second wave reinforcement round, we will beat the wounded Margaret together. Is it more cost-effective to fight Margaret alone?

Anyway, Margaret now has injuries on her body. Just let go and let her run with all her strength, she can't run far at all!

As for why Kohler chose to escape, instead of entangled Margaret on the spot and dragged Margaret to the second wave when the reinforcements arrived, it was because Kohler knew that Margaret was not a fool. If he did that, he intended to delay time. But it was too obvious, Margaret would see through his plan at a glance and immediately fight him desperately.

However, even if Kohler, the Old Guy, is playing abacus very loudly, the sound of Margaret singing in his ear and the blood spilling from the corner of Margaret's mouth make him completely understand that his plan is announced. Bankrupt, Margaret, who is still wounded on his body, is bold enough to kill him here and kill him!

Kohler, who saw through Margaret’s idea, even though he was so underestimated on Margaret and fly into a rage out of humiliation, the speed at his feet was not at all an unstoppable running, and he survived. At his age, he has been underestimated because of facelessness. The more Margaret wants to fight him to the death, the more he has to run!

Just when Kohler, the Old Guy, had already thrown 300 meters away, the spell Margaret had been preparing finally took shape, and her body bloomed with a strong blue and white radiance, and at this moment Margaret ended the singing of incantion in her mouth, and her solemn face slowly opened her hands in front of her, and suddenly the blue and white light turned out in front of her, a giant bow with a gleaming icy breath, following the appearance of this giant bow, It seems that the temperature of the air around Margaret has dropped several degrees in an instant.

Khler, who continued to run, didn’t look back, but he still felt the energy fluctuations caused by the appearance of the giant bow very clearly. He could not help but curse in the heart. This woman Margaret is really a lunatic. In the case of body injury, casting this kind of Zamora's bow huge might spell, Zhentemo will die.

Khler, who knows this move spell formidable power well, after cursing Margaret in his heart, he couldn't help but let out a sigh, knowing that although he ran with all his strength, he still did not escape Margaret's attack range, this Move Zamora’s bow, he couldn’t avoid it. He could only resist it. So he made a decisive decision and stopped his escape. He turned to face Margaret, who was holding the great bow, and he held it very nervously. Staff!

When he saw that Kohler was not running, a sarcastic smile appeared on Margaret's face, then he raised his huge bow and aimed at Kohler three hundred meters away, and then exhausted the entire province's mana to pull up this cause. The string of the giant bow condensed by the transformation of energy.

“weng! ”

The bowstring pulled by Margaret suddenly erupted with a buzzing sound, and then I saw the energy-translated giant bow, which turned into a very fast speed. The body was a half-meter-long energy giant arrow, which was wrapped in terrifying blue and white energy, and went straight to Kohler's throat and killed it.

After shooting this arrow, the light purple pendant that Margaret wore on the neck of the neck was shimmering, but the light dissipated immediately, and all split up and in pieces rose, and Margaret himself also flickered and almost fell. Fell to the ground.

At this time, the giant arrow of energy has already smashed in front of Kohler, and the giant arrow that Kohler had had just left the string was already there. Once again manipulated the staff in his hand, he would The ten slapped ice shields that resisted Margaret's "Meertens Ice Blade Art" once again summoned out, protecting themselves strictly.


However, this time Kohler did not have the luck that he had resisted the "Mertens Ice Blade Technique" last time. The arrow hit the ten ice shields that Kohler was protecting in front of him. There was no suspense. Eight of the ten ice shields that were protecting Kohler were beaten to ice powder on the spot, and so were the remaining two ice shields. It's not what it looks like, all split up and in pieces got up and fell to the ground.

Even the staff inlaid with ice crystal ball that Kohler was holding tightly in his hand was also very seriously affected, not only the staff itself was riddled with scars, but even the top of the staff was inlaid The ice crystal ball also showed many fine cracks, which was severely hit.

As for the Old Guy of Kohler, the agency plot against, it didn’t get any better. In the face of the horrible impact of the energy giant arrow, although the protection of the ice shield did not hang up directly, it was like a broken line. Like a kite, he flew out and hit a big tree behind him. Red and black blood and some internal organ fragments were immediately overflowed in his mouth. On his thin body, he could clearly see that his ribs and chest were slightly deformed. , Was interrupted a few bones!

Although he was beaten like this, Kohler’s consciousness was still very clear. He looked bitterly at Margaret on the verge of collapse in the distance. He knew that this arrow had damaged his vitality. Even if he recovers from the injury, these vitality will not come back. He doesn't have much lifespan, because this arrow will be three years short!

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