Wizard Count

Chapter 737

Because of this, Kevin Sosa definitely believes that Luke Shaw is a wizard, and as an intelligence chief, Kevin Sosa is very aware of the relationship between Knight and wizard How big is the power gap, even a Great Knight like himself is not an enemy of the wizard, so meeting force with force is obviously not a smart choice...

The crystal vase placed in the corner of the secret room. Although it looks like an ornament, it is actually an emergency rescue agency. As long as the vase is broken, the next second is in the Kevin Hotel. The agency will automatically release fireworks, and Arbitrator, the church of the Michaela Church closest to Kevin, will immediately come to support. The whole process only takes ten minutes.

Although Kevin Sosa looks like a bloated, chubby middle age person, in fact, as a Great Knight, his movements are very fast and swift, but only one Breathing, he had already leaped three meters away, and only two meters away from the vase in the corner was trifling!

However, just as Kevin Sousa was preparing to extend the hand and grabbing the vase, in front of him, it seemed as if an air wall appeared, blocking his footsteps.


Kevin Sossa who hit the air wall suddenly made a heavy muffled sound, and the whole person also popped a few meters away, strong Fell to the ground.

Looking at Kevin Souza's tragic situation, Nightingale, Jenna Moretti, suddenly realized something, and under Margaret's gaze, he raised his hands very bachelor, expressing surrender!

Seeing Jenna Moretti, the noble lady so fascinated, Margaret was slightly nodded, so she didn’t bother this noble lady for the time being, and then turned to Kevin Suo, who fell to the ground and hasn’t gotten up yet. Sa walked over.

Walking to the side of Kevin Sosa, although Kevin Sosa has recovered a little consciousness, he consciously uses his body to protect the alchemy jade box in his pocket, but Margaret is just Looked slightly, and then waved his hand again. The alchemy jade box containing the important information that Jenna Moretti, the Storm Church nightingale, obtained from the Valencia Chamber of Commerce came from Kevin Sosa to Margaret’s. Hands.

Because I have been in contact with the alchemy jade box many times before in the church, Margaret just glanced at the jade box slightly, and confirmed that this is what she wants, disguised as a blond youngster face There was also a faint smile on his face.

"I know you are a wizard, but this thing is not something you can touch. If you take this thing, you will die miserably!" I have to say that as the head of intelligence, Kevin Sosa Bone It's still very hard. Just when Margaret was very happy because of the information, he relied on the backing of Storm Church. Even though he knew that the blond youngster in front of him was a wizard, his life and death were between the people's thoughts, but he still dared to speak. Be crazy and threaten others!

Margaret was obviously surprised that Kevin Sosa was so kind. He looked at Kevin Sosa who was lying at his feet with great interest, and then Margaret shook the head. , And then she was like a fan, with a gentle wave of her palm, Kevin Souza flew out like a broken ball and hit the wall of the secret room with a heavy sound. sound!


The whole chunky body of Kevin Sosa, who hit the wall of the secret room, collapsed on the ground softly, which can be clearly seen By the time Kevin Sosa's body was deformed and deformed, his ribs, arms, and leg bones were obviously broken a few bones.

Kevin Sosa, who was so badly injured, couldn't hold on anymore, and vomited on the ground with a black bruise, and passed out directly.

Glanced at the fainting Kevin Sosa, Margaret was nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to the body of Jenna Moretti, who was standing aside and seemed to be surprised by the scene before him. .

Although she has to leave Storm Church for a while because of Edel, Margaret still has a lot of affection for the Storm Church that grew up since she was a child, so even if Kevin Sosa offended her, But for the sake of the innocence of the unknown, Margaret is still merciful. Kevin Sosa’s condition is just looking miserable, but it is just some superficial wounds, as long as he cultivates for a period of time, he will recover.

Margaret wanted to teach Kevin Sousa a lesson on the one hand, and on the other hand, she wanted Kevin Sousa to be able to do nothing in a short time, so as to leave her with intelligence. Time to leave Ruen! And now is the time for Jenna Moretti, the nightingale, to be quiet for a while?

Seeing Margaret looked towards herself, Jenna Moretti, who was a little nervous because of Kevin Souza’s tragic situation, trembled all over, and under Margaret's gaze, she lowered her head and said softly "I don’t have money, but my family has money. I can ask them to send it to you. As for the others, as long as you don’t hurt me, anything will do."

Regarding Jenna Moretti's statement, Margaret suddenly didn't know whether to cry or laugh. She originally wanted to give this Nightingale a chance to faint by herself, but now it seems that Jenna Moretti is her I didn’t understand what I meant, and even thought of myself as a gangster... He hesitated and tapped his finger at Jenna Moretti. At that time, Jenna Moretti only felt a dizzy sensation in her head, and then her eyes went black and collapsed softly to the ground.

Dealed with Kevin Sosa and Jenna Moretti, Margaret closed the secret room, and then she proceeded to this Kevin hotel and other twelve people including guests, waiters, and chefs. All were stunned, and then along with Anna who was the first to stun in the next room, a total of 13 people were all imprisoned in the kitchen of the Kevin Hotel.

After finishing this, Margaret quietly exited the Kevin Hotel according to his own plan. However, what Margaret absolutely did not expect was that after she left the one minute of the Kevin Hotel, she was in the Kevin Hotel. In the secret room, Jenna Moretti, who was supposed to be stunned by Margaret, watched all around. Seeing that there was no danger, she stood up quietly from the ground, and then took out a glass ball from her mouth with lingering fears.

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